Chapter 62 One vs Two [Second Update]

"What should I do? I don't dare to go there!" The joy of the prince's arrival was quickly diluted, and Duoyuan looked distressed. He doesn't have any displacement skills on him now. out of my life.

"I can't help it. I'll share the pawn line experience with you. It's better than if you don't even have the pawn line!" This Raven is too well developed, and his level completely suppresses the two of them, and more importantly, This Ruiwen's QA is too fast, even Yuchen is very guilty.

It is not difficult to see from Ruiwen's first-level solo killing of the stone man in the last part of jumping, slashing and flashing that Mr. Lu's reaction speed is not as fast as usual, and with the E skill on his body, Yuchen can't guarantee his EQ second. You can definitely hit it, and even if you hit it, you can't beat it at all.

Therefore, he put out the idea of ​​killing Raven.

And since his arrival poses no threat to Raven, and he can't beat Raven, he can't just leave like this, otherwise he won't be able to play on the road at all.

Being so suppressed, when and what month did the stone man reach level six.

The prince bypassed the triangular grass and came to the line of soldiers, and followed the stones to approach the line of soldiers. Ruiwen also ignored them, but the arrival of the prince was not without effect, at least both of them could get the experience of the line of soldiers, although still not Dare to step forward to make up for the knife.

"Uh, neither of them dare to go up to replenish soldiers?!"

"If it was you, would you dare to go up? Regardless of equipment, level, or operation, Ruiwen crushed the prince and the stone to death. It would be good if you can gain experience."

"It's better to be steady, and other lanes have great advantages. As long as Ruiwen's development is restricted, Yuchen and the others can also win, but is it really good to target Mr. Lu?"

"That's right, can you still play the game well!"

"Haha, Yuchen also has today. The two diamonds are so overwhelming that Mr. Lu can only eat experience. I really want to know how Yuchen feels now."

"Whoever is in this situation, it won't be much better!"

"... "

Prince and Shitou, two tall and strong men, were pressed by a Raven in a place where they could barely gain experience. This scene made the members of the major school teams who were watching the game amused.

However, no one looked down on them because of this. After all, in the current situation, even if they played, it would not be much better.

Go up and fight?It is estimated to send a double kill!

And Shitou reached the second level after gaining experience from two waves of soldiers, and he couldn't help but feel ready to move, "I learned E, do you want to fight with him?"

Shitou's E skill slows down the attack speed. If he can hit Ruiwen, then Ruiwen's QA will become much slower, and the prince's E also increases the attack speed. Duoyuan feels that he can fight a wave. .

Even if he can't be killed, it can't make Raven feel better.

Raven's QA will indeed be affected by the attack speed. After all, basic attacks are mixed with QA. The faster the attack speed, the faster the basic attack speed. Naturally, the QA speed will also be faster, but the impact is not big, Raven The requirements for attack speed are not high, just the growth of its own attack speed is enough.

"Well, I'll find a chance for you to follow!" Before Ruiwen reached the sixth level, Yuchen also felt that he could fight a wave, so he controlled the prince to walk over, and Shito followed.

As soon as the two stepped forward, Ruiwen seemed to have not seen it, and was still doing what he was supposed to be doing, but seeing that Ruiwen was right in front of his eyes, the two of them didn't even have the courage to step forward and make a general attack.

The stone man couldn't help throwing a Q, Raven E hit his face, the raised shield offset the stone's Q damage, a general attack and then stepped on the ground, shaking the stone's head dizzy and stopped on the spot, The broken sword in Raven's hand frantically tore at the stone's rock-solid flesh at an extremely fast speed.

Just two QA shots, Shitou's blood volume dropped by half immediately, the prince caught up with the general attack and slapped Ruiwen twice, and immediately connected to the EQ second company.

Yuchen was also helpless, he wanted to keep this EQ second company for a while, and then use it when Raven ran away, but Raven's damage was too high, if he didn't provoke Raven, Stone would definitely die.

The angle of his second round of EQ is extremely tricky. If Raven uses the third jump to hit flying stones, he will definitely be picked by him, but if Raven wants to escape, he will definitely not be able to pick him.

His EQ mainly wanted to keep the stone from being beaten to death. Anyway, even if he could fly Raven, they couldn't kill him.

Ruiwen jumped and landed on the stone in the third stage. Seeing that he could kill the stone with another general attack, he was picked up by the prince's swift EQ. He didn't hit it this time, and the stone escaped with dead blood. He didn't chase after him. After two general attacks, the upper prince retreated directly.

Ding Feng played this routine very casually, without showing any expression from the beginning to the end.

After repelling the two of them, he controlled the line of soldiers for a while. After calculating the time, Shishi had probably returned to the city, so he pushed the line of soldiers with a set of skills.

Back to the city!

"It's a pity, no A came out at the end!"

"As expected of Yuchen who can be compared with Captain Huanyuan, this choice is very good. If Yuchen insists on killing Ruiwen, then he will have to collapse on the road!"

"It's broken now, okay?"

"It's also fortunate that the other lanes have great advantages, and they have shared a lot of pressure on the top lane. Otherwise, the prince would have stayed on the top lane like this, and the wild area would have been on the opposite side."

"It's not enough to stay on the road all the time. Ruiwen will go back to do the brutality this time, and the damage will be increased by a level, and he will reach level six soon. Even if the prince appears by then, it will be useless. I'm afraid he won't even be able to gain experience. .”

"Well, Shitou and the prince can go hunting together."

"... "

The members of the major school teams who watched the game were not optimistic about the prince continuing to go on the road, let alone restricting Ruiwen's development, and he had no financial income. To be brought down by oneself.

But they are not worried, they believe that Yuchen has his own way to deal with it!
Although the Jiangling Technology team led by Yuchen is only ranked fourth in the city, Yuchen's personal jungle strength can be compared with Captain Huanyuan. I dare not say the top two, but there must be a top three.

"Duoyuan, follow me to the jungle!" Back at Shuiquan, Yuchen unleashed a jungle spirit and an attacking dagger, and then went straight to the jungle area.

Duoyuan glanced at the large wave of soldiers on the road, quite helpless.

Although he was confident, he also thought that he might not be able to overwhelm Ruiwen, but he never thought that he would be overwhelmed so badly. It took six or seven minutes to reach the second level.

However, he was not discouraged, he took out a piece of cloth armor and two bottles of red, and followed the prince towards his own wild area.

Raven returned to the top road after the water spring was violent, but he didn't see the stone man appearing. The stone can be teleported, so there is no reason why it can't be teleported to collect this wave of troops.

There is only one explanation, Shitou went to the wild with the prince.

"The stone is in the opposite wild area, be careful!" Ding Feng informed in the voice, but he didn't intend to go to support, and followed the soldiers to quickly pull out the top tower.

Unplug the outer tower and continue to clear the soldiers on the inner tower.

(End of this chapter)

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