The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 63 Three Kills [Part 3]

Chapter 63 Triple Kill [Third Update]

At this time, the head ratio of the two sides is one to four, Ding Feng's side is three heads behind, and the only one head is the harvest of Ruiwen's first-level solo kill Stone. Tiao was also solo killed once by the enchantress, and he was solo killed with the help of Brother Yi.

Although this difference in head count is not particularly obvious when Ruiwen's huge advantage makes up for it, but given the overall strength gap between the two sides, this advantage of the school team will become bigger and bigger as time goes by.

Ding Feng was not worried about this, he swung his knife and attacked the upper road inner tower without haste.

At this time, a wave of team battles broke out in the bottom lane. The prince and Shitouhou took turns fighting against the tower, and cooperated with the VN and Snowman in the bottom lane to cleanly take down the policewoman and bull head.

This wave of stones took a head and reached level five.

After the four members of the school team pulled out the road tower, they turned around and took out Xiaolong, and the gap between the two sides further widened.

"Although Raven has a great advantage, he has nothing to do. If this continues, he will lose sooner or later. His teammates are still too bad, even gold ranks!"

"Revan doesn't look like a hero who can save the world!"

"Well, no matter how fast Mr. Lu's Ruiwen QA is, being controlled and focusing fire is still dead. I just don't know what Mr. Lu is thinking now."

"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose. I just want to see how Mr. Lu's Raven fights in a team. Since he has such a fast QA, it must be very exciting to play in a team."

"... "

The two people in the bottom lane were killed, the defensive tower was pulled out, and then the little dragon disappeared. Everyone who watched the battle couldn't help but sighed, thinking that Mr. Lu and the others would lose in this game. After all, Yuchen and the others were really five diamonds Players, let alone strength, are incomparable in terms of coordination.

As for Mr. Lu, there are two golds and two platinums, but not even a single diamond, and even one silver. That is Mr. Lu!
Fortunately, Raven also unplugged the second tower on the road during this period, temporarily leading a defensive tower.

Pushing the pawn line to the high ground, Raven went straight back to the city, walked out of the water spring after replenishing a pickaxe, and rushed to the middle road slowly without using EQ.

Coincidentally, as soon as he appeared in the grass at the bottom of the middle road, Yaoji fought with Clockwork. A set of skills and a big move disabled Clockwork, but failed to kill him. Yaoji's E skill I was dodged by the flash of the clockwork, and the clockwork escaped with a trace of blood.

Seeing that the demon girl has only two-thirds of her health, and there is a vacuum period in her skills, Ruiwen walks from the grass, uses an E to attack the demon girl, and then uses a W to stun the demon girl.

Enchantress' passive is activated and she enters a stealth state.

Raven's movements didn't stop, he swung his sword forward, and the demon girl appeared two clones, running away on two sides, one ran to the defense tower, and the other ran to the grass above.

Without any hesitation, Raven chased after the enchantress with the blue buff who was running towards the bushes. In the last Q, the enchantress was knocked into the air. With a general attack, the enchantress survived.

At this time, a figure in golden armor collided from the darkness, it was the prince, but the prince's EQ was still a step behind, and Raven's ignition had already hung on the enchantress.

Yao Ji knew that she was sure to die, so she stopped and threw a Q on Riven, and then rushed over with a W, but she fell to the ground and died as soon as she was halfway through the attack, and the W's damage was not dealt.

Seeing that the enchantress could not be rescued, the prince hurriedly retreated.

However, Ruiwen didn't intend to let him go. He lifted his right hand upwards, and the broken sword in his hand was instantly filled with rune energy, turning into a terrifying giant sword. Surging rune energy overflowed the blade, endless The sharp edge circulated, as if there was a force capable of destroying everything.

In the previous wave of chasing the enchantress, Ruiwen's small skills have almost improved, and he slashed at the prince with a general attack, and the terrible damage reduced the prince's blood volume by a few squares.

At this point in time, the prince only has a pair of straw sandals, an egg knife, and a piece of armor. The output is sufficient, but the defense is extremely poor. The damage of Raven with a piece of output equipment, a few QA will leave blood.

And just when Raven's ult move, Gale Slash, was about to take away the prince's head, a figure suddenly bumped into him in the grass behind the red buff.

Yes, it is the stone!
'Boom', Stone's big move knocked Riven into the air, interrupting Riven's Gale Slash, and then threw a Q on Raven's body, and the prince was about to get into the grass and leave the range of Gale Slash, and woke up Raven started the third jump and moved forward for a short distance, and the blast swept towards the grass.

The prince was killed!

"It's over, I have to explain here too!" Seeing that the prince is still dead, although Duoyuan immediately tried to escape, he also knew that the end was doomed.

He had already handed over the flash when he crossed the tower and killed them down the road, the policewoman and the bull head, so in this wave, there was no flash on the stone.

He originally wanted to save the prince, and then use the prince's deterrence to retreat together, but the prince still did not escape the fate of death, and once the prince died, although the stones were all armor, his development was not good. With a limited economy, this bit of equipment still couldn't handle Raven's damage.

Three kills!

With the death of the stone, the sound effect of the triple kill resounded throughout the Summoner Canyon, making Ding Feng's teammates excited one by one, Yi Ge and Yi Ge shouted crazily in the voice.

They were not excited because Raven took the triple kill, but because they saw Raven's hearty sword swing during the whole process. The connection between Raven's skills and basic attacks is so perfect, so fast, often Before a skill or basic attack is finished, the next knife has already been shot.

Such Raven is like a peerless swordsman!
This is the art of swords. They have never heard of it, and they have never seen it. Obviously, Ding Feng has made the hero Raven's operation to the extreme.

Not only they were shocked, but all the school team members who were watching the game and saw this scene were shocked, and some members who liked to play Raven were already extremely excited.

This is the real Raven, and this is what Raven should do. Seeing Raven's actions, they no longer dare to say that they have played Raven!
Compared with Nima, their Raven is like a baby who has just learned to walk, while Ding Feng's Raven is already running against top athletes in the world.

How to compare!
"Take it!"

"God-level operation, Mr. Lu, this Raven is amazing!"

"It's too powerful. I remember that many king-level Ravens will become slow when chasing people, but Mr. Lu's Raven chasing people is like someone standing up and hitting him. It's as smooth as art. It’s so beautiful, my titanium alloy eyes have been blinded by the light.”

"I'm not talking anymore!"

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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