Chapter 80 Important news
Shanghai, LXM Club.

In a certain room, a young man crossed his legs, propped his chin with one hand, and stared at the computer screen in front of him boredly. What was shown on the screen was the first-person view of the recently sensational Mr. From time to time, a ray of amazing light burst out.

"One against five, domineering!" At a certain moment, his eyes lit up, and he saw on the screen that Raven had taken away VN, Snowman and Enchantress, followed by the prince and Shitou.

A bang of thunder resounded across the sky, dark clouds circled and gathered over the building, and the whole sky became dark for a while. It seemed that it was another unforgettable rainy day. A gust of cool wind blew on the young man through the window, and the young man couldn't help but panic. Thin clothing on tight body.

Soon, the video ends.

"Qingchen, the meeting is about to start." A gentle girl came from outside, and then the door was opened, and a woman about 23 years old walked in.

"I'll go there now." The young man stretched his waist, turned off the computer casually, stood up, smiled and nodded to the woman.

The woman looked at him with a complicated face, also smiled, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing, turned and walked out of the room, and the young man followed the woman slowly.

About half an hour later, the young man returned to the room with a blank face, but his mental state was a little more clear than before.

Picking up the one-shoulder bag he had prepared from the sofa, he sank his hand, and there were many things in it. The young man took a last look at the room, and walked out of the room without looking back.

Below the club building is a long and tall staircase, and outside is a large football field. The young man stands on the staircase and looks up at the sky.

A flash of lightning pierced the sky, the sky was dark, and dark spots appeared on the ground under his feet, which became denser and more rapid.

The rain is getting heavier!

Just for a moment, the sight was misty and misty, and the rain enveloped the vast world, and the ground, grass and buildings were covered with a layer of water vapor.

He didn't move, looking up at the sky in a daze, letting the rain hit him.

In the rain, a black car came slowly from not far away, and stopped in front of him around the football field. The door slammed open, and a reproachful female voice came from inside the car, "What are you doing? , get in the car quickly."

The young man glanced at the woman in the car, then continued to look up at the sky without moving.

"Hey!" The woman sighed heavily, picked up an umbrella and rushed out, opened the umbrella, and covered his head, she moved closer to him.

In the pouring rain, an umbrella, two people!
"I remember when we first met, it was raining like this." The young man put his arm around the woman's shoulder and murmured softly.

"Well, we got acquainted and fell in love later." The woman was stunned, feeling the haze and mist around her, as if she had returned to the rainy day a few years ago.

"I'm leaving LXM!" the young man said again.

"I told you not to join LXM at the beginning, and you insisted on going in." The woman calmed down her emotions with a resentful face, and said softly, "Let's go back, what if we catch a cold and have a fever!"

"Shanghai hasn't had such a heavy rain for a long time." The young man shook his head.

The woman opened her mouth helplessly, and finally said nothing, quietly accompanying him.

The rain became heavier and heavier, and quickly wet the clothes on the two of them. The two of them snuggled together, staring at the splashing rain, lost in thought, as if they had forgotten everything.

I don't know how long it took, but the rain became smaller and stopped.

"What are your plans next?" The woman came back to her senses, raised her head slightly, looked at him and asked softly.

Intend?The young man withdrew his gaze, and there was a hint of confusion in his gaze. After a while, he said softly, "I'm going to Nanling City!"


Mo Qingchen left the LXM team!

On the night when Mo Qingchen left Shanghai, LXM Club held a press conference to announce the news. As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation in the country.

"Damn LXM, finally released Qingchen."

"Leaving LXM, this is a process of rebirth for Qingchen. I hope he can find his own destination and look forward to the next return of the king."

"Qingchen is still young, and there is still a long way to go in e-sports. We will always be with you, and look forward to your appearing in the international arena with a more dazzling posture next year. Come on!"

"LXM, I hope you don't regret it!"

"... "

Unfortunately, Mo Qingchen did not show up at the press conference, and the LXM club did not disclose his whereabouts, so his whereabouts became a mystery.

The fans did not give up, they were all looking for his footsteps.

Not long after the press conference ended, Mo Qingchen posted a new Weibo on Weibo:

"It made everyone worry, please rest assured, I am only leaving temporarily, I am going to find my destination, one day I will come back, this day will not be too far away, thank you all for your love and support to me all the time! The road is long, and I hope everyone in the world is well!"

This Weibo is not too long, but it can reassure those who support him and love him.

"Take care of your health, we are waiting for you to return to your peak!"

"Qingchen, do you know that since I watched your first game, I have fallen in love with domestic games. I look forward to your appearance every day. Now that you are gone, domestic games are nothing to watch. It's not interesting, I hope you come back soon, I'll wait."

"Hey, leave the LOL stage for now, I'm so bored playing games, I hope you can find your home soon and bring your teammates back to the battlefield."

"Qingchen, what is your so-called home? Is it Mr. Lu?"

"... "

I don't know who came up with the word 'Mr. Lu' first, which made the players who paid attention to this matter think about it, and extensive discussions started on the Internet.

"Qingchen won't really go to Mr. Lu, will he?"

"I support Mr. Lu, although Mr. Lu only released two videos, but from the perspective of the king of Chinese servers, Mr. Lu is enough to rank among the top in the world in terms of operation, awareness, and reaction, and he is also an innovative player. He will definitely be able to carry the great banner of the motherland’s resistance to Japan.”

"I love Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu's Ruiwen is so dazzling and beautiful. I haven't gotten tired of watching it all day, especially the one-on-five. It's exciting to think about it."

"This idea is good. If Qingchen and Mr. Lu can form a team, it will be difficult to find opponents in China. I personally absolutely support it."

"I suggest that everyone pay more attention to Nanling City. Maybe Qingchen has already gone to Nanling City to find Mr. Lu!"

"Why didn't Mr. Lu upload a video today? I've waited for a long time and still haven't got it. Even if there is no new style of play, it's okay to come to a solo show to see!"

"Comrade upstairs, you are not the only one waiting for Mr. Lu's video. There are also a bunch of old men waiting here. They have been waiting for a day."

"... "

(End of this chapter)

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