The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 81 Emotional Progress

Chapter 81 Emotional Progress
Another night!
At the gate of Qiyu University, there were people coming and going under the street lights. Among the crowd, three girls came to sit down in the drink shop next to the gate. Ye Qingxue sat down and turned sideways, looking at the side entrance of Jiangling Technology in the distance.

Behind a wall, she found the familiar figure. He was sitting there looking around, sipping the tea in the cup boredly, but she didn't see him talking, obviously he was alone.

She wanted to go, even if it was just to say hello, but she hesitated, and finally sighed, dismissing the idea of ​​going.

"Qingxue, I noticed that you have come out quite frequently these days, what's the situation?" Li Xiaoxin walked over with a cup of tea in each hand, put one of the cups in front of her, and looked at her in surprise.

She didn't respond when she asked her to come out together before, but in the past few days, when she saw her coming out, she also came out, and even yesterday she went out alone.

This made her very strange. Could it be that Qingxue has changed her sex?

Liu Xiaohua also looked at her strangely.

"It's a combination of work and rest. I found the night view of our school to be quite beautiful. It would be a pity to miss it." Ye Qingxue smiled lightly, picked up the chrysanthemum tea and took a sip.

"Is that so? Don't tell me that you didn't know how to combine work and rest before. Why didn't you say so before?" Li Xiaoxin expressed disbelief, and she was even more sure that she had other purposes for coming out.

As she said that, she seemed to have thought of something, and turned her head to look at the side door of Jiangling Science and Technology in doubt.

Seeing her looking opposite, Ye Qingxue couldn't help but feel guilty, and said coquettishly: "Believe it or not, believe it or not!"

"If I had to guess, our Qingxue must have met a boy she likes and wanted to take a look at him from a distance." Liu Xiaohua laughed.

Li Xiaoxin looked at it for a while, but found nothing, shook his head secretly, looked away, and said with a smile: "How is it possible, our Qingxue is so good, it is difficult for any man to refuse her, why does she need to be sneaky, just go straight to her!" In the past, boys had to kneel when they wrote love letters."

"That's right!" Ye Qingxue looked proud.

"You don't even like a handsome and outstanding boy like Captain Liu Ming, Qingxue, you are Lily, right?" Liu Xiaohua joked, with a hint of envy in her words.

Lily refers to gay girls.

"What you said, my sexual orientation is normal, okay?" Ye Qingxue gave her an angry look, and asked casually, "Mr. Lu hasn't uploaded a video these two days, has he?"

"No, maybe it's Jiang Lang's talent! It's not so easy to develop a new style of play, and for now, it seems that there are only two loopholes that can be exploited." As a fan of Mr. Lu, Liu Xiaohua has to doubt it, but She still hasn't digested the previous two videos.

It's okay for the mid laner to come out with an egg cap, she has already practiced to a satisfactory level, but for Raven's light speed QA, she has practiced hard for the past two days, but she still hasn't made much progress.

It takes so much skill and practice!
"Hey, why do you have to upload a new style of play? Mr. Lu is so good at showing off, and ordinary heroes are also very good in his hands. For example, heroes such as Jie and Yaoji who can show off flying are definitely in the hands of Mr. Lu. It will be dazzling." Li Xiaoxin also sighed and shook his head.

"Mr. Lu won't go to broadcast live, will he?" Liu Xiaohua said hopefully when he suddenly thought of something.

"I haven't heard of it, probably not!" Li Xiaoxin was stunned, but also thought that this idea was good. If Mr. Lu broadcasted the live broadcast, then she would be able to watch Mr. Lu play games every day.

Well, just thinking about it is exciting!
On the opposite side, Ding Feng sat alone for a long time. There was already an empty cup on the table, and he shook his head around for a while. Seeing that the time was almost up, he stood up after drinking the last sip of tea, and casually walked towards the gate of Qiyu University. Taking a look, he was startled, and his eyes fixed on a certain tea shop.

There, three graceful figures were chatting around a round table, because he couldn't see them clearly because of the distance, but he was sure that Ye Qingxue was among them.

Looking back, he stretched, then turned and walked towards the school.

While chatting, Ye Qingxue glanced at his position indiscriminately, only to find that he had already left. She suddenly felt that something was missing in her heart, and her mood became a little depressed.

For a long time after that, Ding Feng would come to Taste 100 to drink tea at a certain time every night, and the location was also the location where he met Ye Qingxue for the first time.

If the seat is occupied, he will also ask the waiter to move a table.

Ye Qingxue didn't show up every day, she would come over to sit with him every now and then. Although the relationship between the two of them didn't make much progress, they got to know each other well.

During the period, Lin Yixue also came over a few times. Every time she came, because she took the initiative, Ding Feng spent most of the time joking with her, while Ye Qingxue listened and rarely interrupted.

But Lin Yixue faintly felt that although Ding Feng was more enthusiastic about herself than Ye Qingxue, Ye Qingxue would always consider some small details first.

For example, shuffling and dealing cards, when he asked for opinions, he would first look at Ye Qingxue, and this was just an instinctive and subconscious action.

For another example, after the chat was over, he would take the initiative to send Ye Qingxue back, but he never thought about sending her back. Even though she knew that she would go to the dormitory after crossing the school gate, she was still very dissatisfied.

In short, there are many similar things!
It's not that she likes Ding Feng very much, it's just that she doesn't want to admit defeat. She admits that Ye Qingxue is prettier than her, but she also has her own advantages.

For example, she can discharge electricity, is more active towards boys, has bigger breasts than Ye Qingxue, dresses sexier than Ye Qingxue, etc.

In terms of attractiveness to men, she thinks she is much stronger than Ye Qingxue. After all, Ye Qingxue is still a little green, but she is already mature in all aspects.

But it's a pity that Ding Feng doesn't seem to see these advantages of hers.

After a few defeats, even if she met Ding Feng drinking tea alone, at most she just said hello, but she didn't go there again. It's one thing not to want to be compared, the most important thing is to want him to have more She spends more time with Ye Qingxue and communicates, she is not a selfish person.

Anyway, after all, she was a classmate with him, and he also washed away the shame for the e-sports major and won a lot of face for the motherland, so she didn't need to ruin his good deeds for a little thing.

Without Lin Yixue by his side, he and Ye Qingxue would get along very casually.

What Ding Feng didn't know was that although Ye Qingxue only came to sit with him every now and then, in fact, Ye Qingxue would appear every night, but not every time she came to chat with him.

There is a bookstore not far from Taste 100, which is the place Ye Qingxue frequents recently. While she is reading books related to her major, she will raise her eyes from time to time to notice him not far away who is alone and bored.

She thought about going there every time, but she felt that the meaning was too obvious. Anyway, she was still with him in the bookstore, but she couldn't have a happy chat with him face to face.

(End of this chapter)

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