The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 82 Mo Qingchen's Invitation

Chapter 82 Mo Qingchen's Invitation

But afterward, Ye Qingxue discovered that more people came to the bookstore to read books, and most of them were boys. She didn't need to think about it to guess that most of them came for her.

And because there were too many people, she couldn't see him anytime and anywhere while sitting in the corner, so she changed places as a last resort, and then she changed places again.

Too many flies!

Now Ye Qingxue is like a girl who just fell in love, her heart is full of fantasies and longings for love, and the prince charming in her heart is the one who is not good at school, likes to mess around, and is neither tall nor handsome nor rich in the eyes of others and girlfriends. Ding Feng is an ordinary boy.

There is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

In her eyes, he is a prince charming that no boy can replace, his every move is enough to pull all her nerves and cells.

In a hurry, more than half a month passed like this.

At noon, Ding Feng had just returned from off-campus. As soon as he came to the dormitory upstairs, he heard Brother Yi and Xiaohui talking and laughing from the dormitory, as if they were looking for him.

"Brother Yi!" Walking into the dormitory, he greeted Brother Yi with a smile, put the half-drunk chrysanthemum tea on the table, and let out a heavy breath.

"Brother Feng, someone is looking for you!" Brother Yi pulled out a big Zhonghua and handed it over, smiling.

"Who is it?" He reached out to take Da Zhonghua in doubt.

"Go to my dormitory and you'll find out, come with me." Brother Yi said mysteriously, looking at his expression, it seemed that the person looking for him was not an ordinary person, otherwise Brother Yi wouldn't be too lazy to play tricks on him.

Saying that, Brother Yi walked out, and Ding Feng followed slowly.

"Fengshen!" When he came to Brother Yi's dormitory, his three roommates were all there. Seeing Ding Feng approaching, they all laughed and waved to greet him.

Ding Feng smiled and nodded.

"Look at this." Brother Yi clicked on the chat box of the LOL game window, and Ding Feng leaned over to take a look. The person chatting with Brother Yi was an unfamiliar ID, but the content was astonishing:
"Hello, you are Mr. Lu's teammate, right? I'm Mo Qingchen. Can you contact Mr. Lu for me? If you have anything to do with him, please keep it secret for me."

After reading the conversation, Ding Feng felt relieved.

No wonder Brother Yi is so cautious, it turned out to be Mo Qingchen!Brother Yi is Mo Qingchen's die-hard fan, so he naturally has no reason to violate the words of an idol, and the request is simple, although he can't be sure that the other party must be Mo Qingchen, but Brother Yi obviously has not thought about this issue.

Since Mo Qingchen left the LXM team half a month ago, he hasn't shown up again. It seems that the world has evaporated. The media and fans are looking for him.

Many people said that he came to Nanling City, but more than half a month has passed, and no one has heard of seeing him in Nanling City. It seems that he deliberately does not let others know his whereabouts.

And now, Mo Qingchen appeared.

Ding Feng pondered for a while, then stretched out his hand and quickly typed a paragraph on the keyboard:

"I have already contacted Mr. Lu, and he said that he will go to the Internet cafe to add you as a friend at two or three o'clock in the afternoon!"

After the input was completed, he paused with his fingers, and then pressed Enter.

This passage was obviously replied from Brother Yi's point of view. Brother Yi, who was watching from the side, smiled and asked, "Are you going to the Internet cafe in the afternoon? I'll go with you!"

"Whatever you want!" Ding Feng smiled and nodded, repeatedly wrote down the other party's ID, and said, "I'll take a shower first, the weather is horrible, it's almost December and it's still so hot."

"The weather in Nanling is like this, but it will be winter in half a month. I have already bought several winter clothes online." Hearing what he said, Brother Yi realized that he was already sweating profusely and feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"It's going to be winter so soon?" Ding Feng was taken aback. The weather is very hot now, no different from summer. According to his judgment, it will take at least two or three months to enter winter!
"That's what the weather forecast said. If Brother Qi hadn't said it was possible, I really wouldn't believe it. Brother Qi has been here for more than a year, so he shouldn't be wrong." Believe this statement, this is simply a double sky of ice and fire, which is unbearable.

"Well, we'll talk about it in the afternoon!" Ding Feng nodded. It seemed that he had to make some preparations. On this scorching day, what he longed for most was to enter winter as soon as possible.

After speaking, he said hello and went back to the dormitory.

After taking a beautiful shower in the bathroom, I felt comfortable and cool all over my body. All the pores were open, and a gust of wind was blowing. Not to mention how refreshing it was. This feeling can only be enjoyed on a hot day.

However, not long after he climbed onto the bed, he felt dry all over again, and the room was stuffy. He turned on the fan to dry his hair, and fell asleep unconsciously in bed.

In the afternoon, Ding Feng and Brother Yi went to the Unlimited Fire Internet Cafe together.

The Unlimited Firepower Internet Cafe was crowded as usual, and there were almost no seats left. The two found two nearby machines and sat down. After Ding Feng turned it on, he directly logged into the game and added Mo Qingchen as a friend.

Soon, the other party agreed.

"I have heard Mr. Lu's name for a long time, it is really not easy to add you!" The other party sent such a sentence, which made Ding Feng flattered.

He knew that this was influenced by Yuan Dingfeng's memory, and Yuan Dingfeng was also a fan of Mo Qingchen, it was normal for him to get emotional when he heard his idol talking to him like this.

"What name can I have, just kidding!"

"Qingchen, what do you want from me?"

Ding Feng was taken aback, and sent two paragraphs in succession.

"Don't be modest, your reputation is not much less than mine now!"

"Speaking of business, we have a challenge match with Japan's No. [-] team RBZ, are you interested in joining?"

"Now?" Mo Qingchen's words made him a little unexpected, it turned out to be an appointment with the Japanese team, and he even pulled himself in, isn't he afraid of being tricked!

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still about twenty minutes."

"Regular game?" Ding Feng asked again. The "regular game" he mentioned did not refer to leagues like LPL and OGN, but a unique mode in the world region.

This mode is different from general customization. Customization does not have functions such as pull selection, live broadcast, record score, game pause, etc., but this mode has all of them, and the screen is generally the same as a regular game. In this mode, 5V5, Let people enjoy the vision and passion of the league.

All domestic leagues, continental championships, international Olympic games and S-series global finals are all conducted in this mode.

Generally speaking, it is equivalent to the competition server of Ding Feng's previous life, but it is not separated from the official server. Unfortunately, this mode is only available in the world area.

"It's a regular game. If you don't have a world account, I can lend you one." Mo Qingchen seemed to have guessed what he wanted to say, and had already prepared a world account.

"Okay, send me the account number!" Ding Feng smiled. Since he came to this world, he has never had contact with real top players, and his understanding of them is limited to the game videos. Now that he has the opportunity to try it, he Naturally, he won't let it go, and he doesn't like the Japanese team either.

(End of this chapter)

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