The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 97 Meeting is just doing it!

Chapter 97 Meeting is just doing it!
The aggressiveness of the crocodile did not scare off the policewoman. With the protection of Fengnv, the policewoman was not in vain. With Fengnv's shield, she walked A crocodile perfectly, and approached her own defense tower, and the crocodile did not suffer from it. Abandoning the pursuit, he has a heart to kill the policewoman.

Seeing that the policewoman entered the defense tower with healing on her body, Feng Nu gave up protecting the policewoman.

Fengnv flashed forward, raised her hands into the void, and propped up a green field of heaven and earth with her as the center. The field was full of vitality, not only pushing away all the enemy heroes it touched, but also making the field The stone and the prince inside were bathed in the green light representing this life, and their health quickly recovered.

Fengnv's ultimate move just happened to touch the crocodile's heel, and the crocodile was caught off guard and almost tripped.

After being pushed by Fengnv's big move, the crocodile rushed forward at an E, and beat the policewoman mercilessly while carrying the damage from the defense tower.

The policewoman's blood volume is just over half, and the missing blood volume was lost by eating the wine barrel's big move just now. The half-meat crocodile can kill her even if she jumps the tower.

Seeing that the blood volume was crippled, the policewoman's body was filled with greenness. She turned on the treatment and recovered nearly one-third of her blood. She continued to attack the crocodile, but she still couldn't avoid the fate of being killed.

After killing the policewoman, the crocodile still has about one-third of its blood volume. The E skill has been improved at this time, and it directly rushes out of the range of the defense tower, and immediately joins the battle circle.

After receiving the big move, the prince and Stone wanted to retreat because of insufficient output, but Bron would not just let them go.

Bron yelled loudly, and slammed his shield on the ground. The strong icy energy in his body pierced into the ground, turned into a glacier and rushed out in a straight line. When he touched the rock that was swaying and retreating, the stone was lightly crushed. It flew up, and the glacial cracks that formed also affected the prince, and the prince slowed down.

Although Fengnv's rescue was timely, OQN's side has a lot of control. Braum's passive stun, wine barrel's E skill slows down, Wei's ult and Q are also controlled, and the stunted stone and prince can't carry it at all. He stopped, and was chased and killed by the four brutal men.

However, *** was still stabbed to death by the prince's sudden poke. It's not that *** didn't count the damage of the prince's Q skill, but that Feng Nu also threw him a slow down at the same time, two damage skills As soon as they overlap, the gun will be killed on the spot.

Now only Fengnv is left on the RBZ side. Before Fengnv can retreat in the future, the crocodile who came over with the E skill after killing the policewoman fainted and was instantly killed.

"Handsome, this wave is too handsome, especially Mr. Lu's big move, which unwinds in seconds, and prevents the policewoman and Fengnv from being able to catch up with the battlefield in the first place."

"The damage of the wine barrel is simply explosive. If you hit someone who is pregnant, just one big move knocked out half of the blood of three crispy skins. Why didn't I find out that the wine barrel is so picky before? Go back and practice more. The wine barrel must be this version I can't wait for the most powerful top scorer!"

"This wine barrel is really nothing to say when it comes to laning. A book of demon codes can take down a wave of soldiers, such as clockwork and brilliance, which have no movement and burst and are not very strong. It is really good to line up with a level [-] wine barrel. It's too dangerous, a ult blows back and it's a beating, and it's not safe to stand under the tower."

"Yeah, the range of the big move of the wine barrel is too large, and the bombardment is too stable, and it has a [-]% spell power damage bonus. The further you go, the more terrifying the damage will be."

"Once this game is posted on the Internet, there will probably be another wave of wine barrels. The spring of wine barrels is coming. In other words, no one will notice that the wine barrels are so fierce!"

"How can no one find out, I just saw a king who specializes in playing wine barrels, but he is not well-known, and some kings also think that wine barrels are powerful, but basically domestic players follow the trend to play games. After watching the professional league , Whichever hero is stronger, whoever will think of the barrel."

"... "

The team battle was over, and the remaining four people pulled out the two defensive towers, the outer tower and the inner tower. Seeing that the opponent was about to be resurrected, and the dragon had not been refreshed, they split into two groups and went to the enemy's wild area. Beijing usually quickly collects all wild monsters in the wild area, and then returns directly to the city.

This wave of one-for-five exchange allowed the five members of the OQN side to get a lot of money, and made all the most critical equipment, and the fleshiness and output were instantly raised to a higher level.

With such a gap in equipment and levels, I believe that if we meet the RBZ five again, we will not have to think about so many things before starting a group like the previous wave.

In a word, meeting is doing!

Once the five OQN members returned to the city, they directly joined together and continued to push.

The few waves of soldiers who were crushed in front could still be taken away, and then Braum yelled 'Stand behind Braum' and jumped onto ***, the icy energy in his body poured into the thick shield in his hand, and the surging cold The ice energy wrapped the shield in groups, and the line of soldiers was pushed down the tower.

With the lessons learned from the previous wave, even with the protection of the defense tower, the clockwork did not dare to lean too far forward, the policewoman's basic attack could not pass through the ice shield raised by Bron, and the most fleshy stone could not withstand it. ** consumption, as for the prince, he is observing the situation behind, ready to cut into the battlefield at any time.

As soon as the line of soldiers came over, Shitou retreated violently, and the five OQN ignored them and frantically attacked the defense tower on the high ground. The blood volume of the defense tower dropped rapidly.

Seeing that the defensive tower was about to be knocked down, the prince couldn't bear it any longer, and cut into the battlefield from the EQ second company on the left under the high ground, and crashed into ***, Bron and Jiu Keg.

The position of *** is a little farther away, and he dashed up and easily dodged the prince's EQ second company. The movement did not stop, and continued to attack the defense tower, while the wine barrel was just a small move, and also avoided the prince In the second company of EQ, only Bron was picked up and flew without reacting.

The EQ second company only picks up one support, which is no different from being empty!
At the same time as the prince cut in, the three retreating RBZ also stepped forward, the stone took two steps forward, hands drooping, and the whole body rushed away in a straight line, with a loud bang, Wei, Bron and the crocodile were thrown Knocked into the air, but did not hit the barrel, and was dodged by the barrel's E skill.

The wine barrel moved forward, and immediately threw a wine barrel towards the clockwork and the policewoman's position. Although the clockwork couldn't be blown up like the previous wave, it still prevented the clockwork from delivering the big move at the first time , the policewoman was only blown crooked a bit, as long as she took two steps, she could join the battlefield.

The three of Shi Dazhong, but found that the clockwork was not connected immediately. When the clockwork was opened, the crocodile had already landed, and it rushed towards the policewoman on the left with the E skill, and escaped dangerously. Clockwork's big move, but Bron and Wei didn't move, and were clocked to Dazhong.

Wei and Bron are a bit small, and the equipment and level of Clockwork obviously can't keep up, so this set didn't kill them much.

Compared with other egg-cap style clockworks, this damage is unimaginably weak, making people wonder if he can play with clockwork!

(End of this chapter)

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