The absolute pinnacle of League of Legends

Chapter 98 The Rage of RBZ Captain

Chapter 98 The Rage of RBZ Captain

During the team battle, the crocodile turned on the tyrant form, and rushed towards the policewoman in two consecutive bursts. When the policewoman was caught, she was beaten violently. The wind girl put a shield on the policewoman, and also gave the crocodile a hit from the basic attack. After slowing down, ignore the crocodile.

As a support, although protecting the adc is the top priority, but seeing that the prince and Shishi cutting into the crowd are in danger, Fengnv also hurried forward, pushing away all the enemy heroes who are entangled with the prince and Shishi with a big move, and all the heroes in the life field The HP of Prince, Stone, and Clockwork recovered rapidly.

However, this blood recovery has little effect under the output of the five well-equipped enemies.

Because the two big Cs on the opposite side are entangled by wine barrels and crocodiles, *** doesn't need to keep outputting, as long as he doesn't die.

With Bron and Wei around, it is very difficult for Stone and Prince to chase or escape. *** only needs normal attack and skills if there is nothing to do.

In just a moment, the prince and the stone were besieged to death, and the wine barrel also killed the clockwork. As for the policewoman, even if she ran to the defense tower on the lower road, she was taken away by the crocodile within a short time.

Just like the previous wave, only Fengnv was left alive in RBZ, who was caught by the turning crocodile, and then was taken away by the three who rushed over.

As soon as the prince died, he immediately called up the battle information window to look at the equipment of ***, and only then did he know why he couldn't be killed by beating *** with stones just now. Baier's armor, with only one egg knife, he can barely impress.

That's right, the [-] armor is just for the purpose of playing one wave for five. He knows that the prince will definitely cut him, and he doesn't need too high output.

Basically, in team battles, the policewoman will be chased and beaten by the crocodile, and the clockwork will be entangled by the wine barrel. The two major C positions of returning to defense to protect the policewoman and clockwork are also powerless.

It can be said that as long as the prince and Shitou do not start the team battle well, then the two C positions in the back will definitely be entangled, and the result will be that the battlefield is completely divided.

This wave of princes did not start a group well, but there is no way to do it. Once the high ground in the middle road is pulled out, it will cause a fatal blow to their morale, and if the middle road is released, once the super soldiers in the middle road come, They are also distracted to defend the super soldiers, and there is no way to defend the two branches.

Instead of waiting for death, it's better to fight a wave, put it to death and survive, in case you regain a little advantage!
But it's a pity that the equipment and level gap between the two sides is indeed a bit big. Even if they drive well, the result may be the same, so this wave of RBZ was exchanged for five.


The passionate female voice resounded through the entire Summoner Canyon, RBZ was wiped out by the group, and the result was naturally a wave. The five people pulled out their front teeth after pushing the middle, and finally the big crystal.


"Haha, yeah, we won, we won, Nima's fight is very satisfying, don't want to torture the little Japan, let's see how he dares to be arrogant with us."

"Mr. Lu will know if there is one. Even if the two great gods from South Korea come, they won't be able to please. This fight is too exciting."

"Mr. Lu is really aggressive. We have another genius in Greater China. It's really exciting. With Qingchen and Mr. Lu here, the three of them are playing soy sauce in this OQN. It's so powerful."

"Hey, Mr. Lu is still a freshman, and he will definitely become stronger when he has more experience in the future. Maybe it won't be long before he can catch up with Qingchen, and it will not be a problem to surpass the two kings of South Korea."

"Yeah, I hope that Mr. Lu won't be treated like Qingchen before. It's like burying a genius. If there is another team like LXM signing Mr. Lu, I will scold him day and night. Damn, what a B thing, money Isn't the honor of an important country important, fuck off!"

"... "

The victory of this game is really satisfying. The e-sports square has turned into a sea of ​​cheers and shouts, and some spectators who have been holding their urine for a long time even forgot to go to the toilet.

Of course, maybe it’s not because I forgot, but because there is no way to go to the toilet at all. There are so many people in the square that there is no place for people to pass through, and once you leave your seat, that seat will become someone else’s when you come back, and In order to continue to watch the next game, the audience held back desperately.


Tokyo, Japan, RBZ team training base.

"Ba Ga!" A roar came from a certain room, followed by the sound of a heavy fist slamming on the table. A tall and thin boy had an angry expression on his face and clenched his fists.

This person is none other than Moto Aoi, the captain of the RBZ team, the tenth ranked king in the world region, who is the jungler in the team, that is, the jungler prince.

He held back his fire from the beginning to the end of this one. The two waves of grabs and grabs that were enough to stabilize the situation were all cracked by the crocodile and the barrel, and they all escaped with dead blood. He was shown off, which made it hard for him. Accepted, the last two waves were beaten completely helpless.

After fighting so many battles with the Chinese team, this one was his most aggrieved one. Even he had to admit that they were abused by the Chinese team this time.

After venting, Moto Aoi stared at the blood-red word 'failure' on the computer screen in front of him, his emotions gradually calmed down, and the twitching veins on his face also disappeared.

"A Yuan, what's the matter?" A middle-aged man with a hooked nose walked in quickly from the outside, and asked with a frown before he arrived.

There was strong dissatisfaction in his words. Just now he was discussing with the club executives about the All-Asian Championships in December in the next room. Aoi Moto’s sudden announcement really shocked all the senior executives present. He, the person in charge, immediately Ushered in the high-level glare.

You must know that not only the club's top executives participated in this meeting, but also some government officials and sponsors, all of whom came for the upcoming All-Asian Championships, and Moto Aoi's sudden anger made some wealthy businessmen who wanted to sponsor Extremely unhappy, the scene is extremely embarrassing.

He remembered that Moto Aoi and the others were currently playing a challenge match with the Chinese OQN team, so they didn't take this matter to heart. After all, in his opinion, the Chinese team would definitely lose, and he really had no interest in watching.

But now it seems that this game is not going well.

Even, being abused!
As one of the top ten players in the world, Moto Aoi's professional quality is naturally not low. It was only once since he entered the club that he was furious because of a game.

Coincidentally, his only dissatisfaction this time was indirectly vented to the government officials and sponsors who were having a meeting next door. How many fans, they only value their own fame and interests.

Obviously, they came here for these two things this time.

 In order to make the next plot more exciting and more realistic, I went to the Internet cafe to verify it today. I came back a little late, so today I only have this chapter, and I have to get up early for work tomorrow. Please forgive me, lovely book friends!

  In addition, after all, the game is simulated based on personal experience, there are still some shortcomings, please bear with me, I will try my best to avoid unnecessary bugs, no cooldown flash, two-level point and two-level Q, skills without cooldown, etc. I guarantee that the mistakes made will not exist, I hope everyone will continue to support me, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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