Di daughter graceful

Chapter 510: Big Wedding

Chapter 510: Big Wedding (1)
After returning from the Earl's Mansion, Gu Qingyuan didn't bother to say a word, returned to the room and threw herself on the bed.

Ling Fei looked distressed and said, "Miss is exhausted!"

Gu Qingyuan buried her head in the quilt and said vaguely: "It's okay."

"Miss, you should rest for a while..."

Before Ling Fei finished speaking, she heard two excited voices, "Miss..."

Hearing these two familiar voices, Ling Fei suddenly turned her head, and saw Mei Xiang and Lan Zhi without any surprise, with a gleam of joy in her eyes.Gu Qingyuan got up, helplessness flashed in his eyes, the two girls came back anyway.

Lan Zhi and Mei Xiang looked at Gu Qingyuan, tears filled their eyes instantly, walked quickly to Gu Qingyuan, knelt down suddenly, choked up and said: "Miss..."

Gu Qingyuan leaned over to look at the two teary-eyed girls, and said with a light smile, "Silly girl, why are you crying?"

"The maidservant is so happy to see Miss... I can't help but..." Lanzhi whimpered.

"Miss, how could you just leave without saying a word! Miss, do you think Lanzhi and I are getting in the way and you don't want us anymore..." Mei Xiang said anxiously.

Mei Xiang's words instantly excited Lanzhi, she looked at Gu Qingyuan and said in horror: "Miss, do you really want us?"

Gu Qingyuan shook his head, "No! How could I not want you guys!"

"Then, why didn't Miss take us with her when she left?"

"At that time there was no other choice, so I kept you in the capital." Gu Qingyuan said softly: "It's you, didn't Grandpa send you to the village? Why? Isn't it good there?"

"No! It's very good there. Master Xiang also let us two take care of the girls and servants in the village, so we won't be wronged at all."

"That's good, why come back! Isn't it good to live peacefully on Zhuangzi?"

"That's good, it's a pity that there is no Miss."

"Oh! What a silly girl." Gu Qingyuan sighed.

"Miss, just let us follow you!" Lanzhi begged.

"Yes, miss, let us serve you by your side!" Mei Xiang also echoed.

"When did I say I wouldn't let you follow me!" Gu Qingyuan laughed.

Hearing this, Lanzhi and Mei Xiang were taken aback for a moment, then they understood, smiled and kowtowed, "Thank you miss, thank you miss."

"Hehe, well, get up quickly! I haven't seen you for half a year, but there are more rules."

Mei Xiang and Lanzhi got up, Lanzhi wiped away her tears and smiled: "Miss still loves to bully slaves so much!"

Ling Fei watched from the side, and said in a timely manner: "Lan Zhi, Mei Xiang, you two are not allowed to cry, tomorrow is the day of the young lady's big day, you are not celebrating like this!"

Hearing this, Mei Xiang and Lan Zhi hurriedly wiped away their tears, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, this servant is really careless, how can I forget such an important event, damn it!"

"Okay, don't talk about those unlucky things. The lady is tired all day. Let the lady have a rest! Since you are back, please help the lady to take a look, and get out of the box to see if there is anything pulled down." Ling Fei said carefully.

"Okay, we'll go right away." Lan Zhi quickly responded, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said, "Miss, take a good rest, you have to get up early tomorrow!"

"Okay, I got it, you guys go to work! I'll sleep for a while." Hearing that he had to get up early tomorrow, and then thinking about the complicated procedures tomorrow, Gu Qingyuan began to feel a headache. It is very important to nourish his energy, so let's sleep first!

After this sleep, she fell asleep for nearly two hours without knowing it. When Gu Qingyuan woke up again, it was already dusk.

"Miss, you're awake!"

As soon as Gu Qingyuan opened his eyes, Lanzhi's voice rang in his ears.Gu Qingyuan turned over, but was too lazy to get up, looked at Lanzhi and said lazily: "Lanzhi, do you have something to eat? I'm hungry!"

"I knew that Miss would be hungry when she woke up, and the meal was already prepared, and the maidservant waited for Miss to get up!"

"it is good!"

After simply freshening up, Gu Qingyuan came to the outside room, saw that the food on the table was all his favorite food, and smiled!Sit down and start!
Seeing that Gu Qingyuan had a good appetite, Ling Fei was relieved, she was really worried that the Earl's House and his party would make the young lady unhappy.

"elder sister……"

Hearing the sound, Gu Qingyuan raised her eyes, looked at the young man who walked into the house, and smiled, "Heng'er, you're here."

"En!" Gu Heng walked up to Gu Qingyuan and sat down beside her, "Sister, haven't you eaten yet?"

"I slept for a while and got up late! Has Heng'er eaten?"

"not yet!"

"That's right, let's have dinner together!"

"it is good!"

Mei Xiang heard this, and said cleverly: "The servants are going to prepare the dishes for the eldest son."

"Okay, let's go!"

Gu Heng looked at the woman in front of him, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. From tomorrow onwards, he would not be able to see her every day.That kind of feeling inexplicably makes people feel empty in their hearts.

Gu Qingyuan looked at the unconcealable loneliness on Gu Heng's face, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and asked, "What's wrong with Heng'er?"

"It's nothing, I just think that my sister is going to get married, and I feel a little bit sad!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan chuckled, "My sister is not far away, I can come back to see you anytime, and you can also visit my sister anytime!"

Hearing this, Gu Heng's eyes lit up, "Can I really visit my sister anytime?"

"Of course!" Gu Qingyuan looked at Gu Heng with a rare childlike joy, his eyes soft.

Gu Heng smiled, but it faded away in an instant, and said with a hint of anxiety in his voice: "My sister will be happy when I go to the Earl's Mansion, but I'm afraid that man will be unhappy!"

"Why are you unhappy?"

"I don't know, but I can feel that he doesn't like my contact with my sister!" Gu Heng lowered his eyes and said calmly.

Seeing this, Gu Qingyuan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he thought of something amused in his heart, but his expression was very indignant: "He dares! If he dares not welcome my brother, I will..." Gu Qingyuan lowered his voice a little, but he was very angry. Firmly said: "I will divorce him!"

Although the voice was low, everyone in the room heard it clearly. Ling Fei's mouth twitched, Lanzhi was dumbfounded, her eyes were full of shock.Gu Heng raised his eyes, glared at Gu Qingyuan, and reprimanded: "Is this a casual remark? If outsiders hear it, they will definitely use it as a trick to trouble you!"

After listening to the argument, Gu Qingyuan retorted: "Isn't there no outsiders here? I said it to my younger brother." As he spoke, he glanced at Gu Heng very aggrieved. "Even if there are no outsiders, you can't talk nonsense, it's unlucky! Do you know?"

Gu Qingyuan nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and said very educated: "Yes, I will definitely follow my younger brother's instruction after I know it, and I will never talk nonsense in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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