Di daughter graceful

Chapter 511: Big Wedding

Chapter 511: Big Wedding (2)
Gu Heng listened, looked at Gu Qingyuan, slowly lowered his head, and said with guilt in his voice: "Sister, I'm sorry! It's because I have some..."

Gu Heng didn't finish his sentence, but Gu Qingyuan understood it very well, stretched out his hand to rub his hair, and said gently: "Sister understands!" Gu Qingyuan sighed in his heart as he spoke, this child was just a little uneasy.Moreover, in the occasional times when he got along with Xiahou Jueyi, thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has a slight hostility towards Xiahou Jueyi. Perhaps in Heng'er's view, Xiahou Jueyi is not a brother-in-law, let alone a relative. The one who wants to snatch his sister away!Totally unpleasant person!
Heng'er is usually very calm, and many times people ignore his age unconsciously. In fact, he is only 12 years old. Looking at the boy's slightly immature cheeks, he is really a child.Gu Qingyuan stroked the young man's hair, and said softly, "Heng'er, I am an elder sister, and this will never change in my life!"

"Sister..." Gu Heng couldn't hold it back, and there was a trace of moisture in his eyes!In the past ten years, he had a mother, but in the eyes of his mother, he could only see that man, and rarely saw his son.He also hopes that his mother will take care of him and pamper him, but most of the time, he is the one who takes care of his frail mother!There is no resentment in my heart, but occasionally I feel wronged!Want to be loved!But his mother couldn't do it, and he couldn't force it either!I can only tell myself that it is good for my mother to live!

He also has a father, but that father exists almost in name, he has no idea what fatherly love is!Over the past ten years, the most common thing his father said to him was, just bear with it, and he will take them back home!However, because of these words, he and his mother were imprisoned for more than ten years, and even went out in secret, living a life that was neither human nor ghost.

At the same time, relatives who are connected by blood, but only the woman in front of him makes him feel warm!But now she is getting married too.He couldn't help feeling a little panic in his heart, he was worried that that man would take all her attention!Let her slowly forget about him as a younger brother!

But now, what she said made him no longer panic, yes, she is his sister, and his sister alone will never change in this lifetime.My sister is not alone with that man.It's his too!He wants to occupy his sister, but he doesn't agree!Absolutely back down!He is a younger brother, and he has absolute reasons to cling to his sister, who can do anything to him!
Thinking of this, the uneasiness in Gu Heng's eyes faded away, and turned into a different kind of firmness, "Sister, when you go to the Earl's Mansion, I will visit you every day! It's the same as now!"

Seeing that the young man no longer panicked, but followed up with confidence, Gu Qingyuan nodded and chuckled, "Okay, remember to come every day. Also, don't forget to bring me candied haws!"

Gu Heng laughed and looked at Gu Qingyuan helplessly and said, "Eat every day, you haven't bothered yet!"

"Eat it every day, but I'm used to it!" Gu Qingyuan also said helplessly: "So, Heng'er, you have to go every day!"

"it is good!"

The two siblings were talking, Mei Xiang had already filled the rice and placed it in front of Gu Heng, "My lord is ready, let's eat!"

Gu Heng nodded, picked up the chopsticks at hand, picked up a piece of fish and put it in Gu Qingyuan's bowl, "Eat quickly, it's going to be cold in a while!"


Gu Qingyuan was eating, but Gu Heng basically didn't touch the rice in the bowl. He just picked up the chopsticks and kept picking up food for Gu Qingyuan, while muttering: "I heard that you have to get up very early on the day of the wedding, and, what? You are not allowed to eat, not even drink water! So, you have to eat something tonight, or you will suffer tomorrow!"

"Okay, I must eat more!" After hearing this, Gu Qingyuan stuffed a big mouthful of rice into his mouth, and at the same time, he couldn't help but think about where to hide some food tomorrow!

Lan Zhi, Mei Xiang was really surprised when she saw the way Gu Qingyuan got along with the child from the outside room.However, watching, slowly understand why!Miss is good to him, and he also thinks about Miss from the bottom of his heart!If you tell the lady to use more, even the old lady didn't think to say it, even if they were only focused on tomorrow's things, they forgot!Only Gu Heng doesn't care about other things, he just thinks about Miss!Perhaps it was this pure heart that made the lady treat him differently!

Gu Qingyuan worked hard to eat the rice in his hand, Gu Heng kept picking up food for Gu Qingyuan, as if preparing for a big battle, seeing Mei Xiang, Lanzhi couldn't help laughing!Ling Fei is not surprised at all!But they sighed in unison in their hearts: It is not bad for a young lady to have such a younger brother!

"Miss Ling Fei..."

At this time, there was a girl's voice at the door.Hearing the sound, Ling Fei raised her foot and walked out.

Turning back after a while, his face was a little condensed.

Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

"Miss, Nanny Qi is here!" Ling Fei paused for a moment, with a chill in his eyes, "I brought the four people that the old lady said last time to be dowry girls for Miss."

Having said that, Lanzhi and Mei Xiang frowned!Gu Heng put down the chopsticks in his hand, his eyes flashed coldly, he looked at Gu Qingyuan and said, "Sister, eat well, I'll send them away!"

Gu Qingyuan heard Gu Heng who was about to get up, "Sit down and eat!"

"But they..."

"Ling Fei let them in."

"Yes, miss!"

Li family
"Qing'er's big wedding tomorrow, you should go to Gu's house to comb Qing'er's hair earlier!" After dinner, Li Jin confessed to Grandma Li.

Hearing this, Grandma Li stopped removing her make-up, turned around to look at Li Jin, frowned and said, "Master, I'm afraid this is against the rules! Combing hair should be done by Jiaoer, I'm just my aunt, I'm afraid it's inappropriate... "

Li Jin sighed after hearing this, "How could I not know what you said! However, my father said that Jiao'er's health has gotten worse recently, and I was worried that something would happen to her if she couldn't bear it that day! That would offend Qing'er." It's an unlucky day! So, Jiao'er may not be able to return to Gu's house tomorrow."

When Grandma Li heard this, her face was full of surprise, her eyes were full of worry, and she said worriedly: "When I was in Zhuangzi, I saw that she was still in good spirits, and her body was fine? Why did it become so serious all of a sudden?" What? You can’t even come to your own daughter’s big day, what the hell is going on here?”

"Father didn't say much, he just said that Jiao'er was unwell to attend, and told you to go there earlier!"

"If sister Jiao'er can't go, my aunt will naturally have to worry more." Grandma Li said, worried: "But, I'm just worried that Jiao'er will be unhappy afterward."

"Jiao'er is not such an unreasonable person, so don't worry about it."

"Yes, master!" The eldest grandma replied, with a flash of sarcasm in her eyes very quickly.Isn't Li Jiao such an unreasonable person?This sentence is really the biggest joke she has ever heard!However, is Li Jiao's illness really that serious?Grandma Li has some doubts!At the same time, I thought to myself, there must be some tricks in it!

(End of this chapter)

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