Di daughter graceful

Chapter 512: Big Wedding

Chapter 512: Big Wedding (3)
Thinking about it, he got up and walked to Li Jin, and said with concern: "Master, Jiao'er is so seriously ill, we will go and see her after Qing'er's big wedding is over!"

"Do you think I don't want to? I've wanted to see Jiaoer a long time ago." Li Jin frowned inadvertently as he said, and said powerlessly: "But, I don't even know where Jiaoer is now."

When these words came out, Grandma Li was really shocked, and said tightly: "Master, you... what do you mean? I don't know where Jiao'er is? This... What is going on here? Jiao'er Isn't it on Zhuangzi?"


"Then where is she? Is something wrong?"

"It's impossible for anything to happen! Father found out an old doctor with excellent medical skills, so he sent Jiao'er there. He went to treat Jiao'er."

"Why didn't father-in-law talk about such things beforehand! Then we can also meet Jiajiaoer when she is leaving."

"You know your father's temper. He doesn't like to talk about many things."

"But even so, father-in-law won't hide where Jiao'er is now!" Grandma Li said with a frown.

"Father didn't hide it on purpose! It's just that the doctor has a weird personality and doesn't like to be disturbed by others, so father didn't say anything! It's justifiable!" Li Jin completely stood on his side.

Grandma Li sneered in her heart when she heard this, Li Jin's son respected Li Yi's father to the point of obeying orders!No matter how you look at it, this is abnormal, why doesn't he even doubt it at all!He is completely stupid.

Grandma Li was annoyed in her heart, but she didn't show the slightest bit on her face, she just said puzzled: "Master, I don't understand, since Jiaoer is going to treat a doctor, why is it getting worse and worse?"

"Father said it was a drug reaction, and it will be fine after a while."

"Really? That's good! That's good!" Grandma Li breathed a sigh of relief, but she felt something was wrong in her heart.

Li Jin sighed, with a dignified look on his face, but he didn't say any more, he just explained: "I'll talk about Jiaoer's affairs later. The most important thing now is Qing'er's big wedding. Tomorrow, you have to be more careful about it, and explain everything that needs to be explained." Tell Qing'er well, you know?"

"Master, don't worry! I will!" Grandma Li responded with a good temper, and couldn't help but sneer in her heart. As for Gu Qingyuan, she made a mistake, and whoever dares to say no to her!
"Ah That's good!"

Gu family
Gu Qingyuan looked at the beautiful women kneeling below, a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth, but disappeared without a trace when he looked up, looked at Nanny Qi, puzzled and said: "Mommy, this is...? "

Nanny Qi looked at Gu Qingyuan with a face full of guilt, and said: "If you go back to Miss, these girls were originally going to be dowry girls for Miss. But I'm afraid they won't be needed now. So, the old lady is going to send her away." Leave them alone and let them leave! However, after the old lady told them this, they were unwilling to leave, saying that they had nowhere to go, and if they left rashly like this, what would happen to them? Threatening, I pray that the old lady wants to stay."

Nanny Qi sighed as she spoke, "But, Miss Gu's family has seen the situation now, so there is no need for so many people at all. The old lady is still thinking about sending some people away after the eldest lady gets married, how can she keep more of them A few! However, they look really pitiful, and the old lady is soft-hearted! Let the old slave bring them over and see if the eldest lady can do anything?"

After Nanny Qi finished speaking, Gu Qingyuan chuckled, looking at the women below, a sneer flashed in her eyes, it seems that the strong personality that the old lady has cultivated for decades is difficult to change overnight!She came out like this now, probably because she strongly rejected her relationship with Gu Changyuan!It's over on the surface, but I can't get over it in my heart!
Let yourself find a way to accommodate these women?Hehe, if she is the daughter of the Gu family, then only the Gu family can secretly!But now she will soon be the eldest concubine of the Earl's Mansion, the real master.Now that the Gu family can't keep these people, then the only place they can settle is the Earl's Mansion.The old lady is embarrassing herself!However, it's a pity that I really don't have much feeling for such a small and innocuous action.

Lanzhi thought more plainly than Gu Qingyuan, but she was a little angry in her heart, and looked at those women unhappily, the old lady is trying to be a good person herself, do you want the young lady to be a villain?
Mei Xiang frowned, looking uncertain.

Ling Fei didn't even look at those people.

"Miss, please take care of me!" Several women leaned over to Gu Qingyuan and kowtowed!

Gu Qingyuan said gently: "Get up!"

"No, just wait and kneel!" A green girl said respectfully.

"Yes, it's fine for the servant to kneel and answer." A girl in blue agreed.

The other two girls thought about it at first, but after hearing what the two said, they looked up at Gu Qingyuan again, hesitated for a while, and finally bowed their heads obediently and knelt down without getting up.

Seeing this, Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, and the four of them divided into two groups.Three girls in one show, now the four of them seem to be divided!Thinking about it, he glanced at the girl in green, and the smile gradually grew on the corner of her mouth.

"If you really have no place to go, I can arrange it for you."

When Gu Qingyuan said this, the two girls who were silent just now looked at each other, and then kowtowed again: "Thank you, miss."

He said thank you, but his face showed no gratitude at all, and his expression was indifferent!

The other two didn't make a sound at all.

Gu Qingyuan didn't care, turned to look at Mei Xiang and said, "Is there still a vacancy in Zhuangzi?"

"If Miss Hui, yes!"

Gu Qingyuan listened and nodded, "Clean up, someone will take you there tomorrow! Although it is Zhuangzi, there is nothing missing." After Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, she got up, looked at Nanny Qi and said, "Mommy, take them down! "

"Yes, miss." Qi Momo's eyes flickered when she heard this, she looked down at the people below and said, "Let's go!"

When Nanny Qi said the words, the four of them didn't move, and the two hesitated.The two of them remained motionless, the girl in green raised her head, looked at Gu Qingyuan, and said seriously: "Miss, I have something to say!"

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan stopped in his tracks, turned around, "Say!"

"Yes, miss! When we came, we said that we came as your dowry girl. But now we can't do it suddenly, and we dare not say anything! But, please don't drive us away, miss, we don't have to be dowry girls, Just let us be the servants next to Miss, and we will definitely serve Miss well!" The girl in green said earnestly.

After saying this, the blue-clothed girl followed suit, "Miss, please let us stay, we will serve Miss with all our heart."

(End of this chapter)

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