Di daughter graceful

Chapter 542 A Trip to the Li Family

Chapter 542 A Trip to the Li Family (2)
"My son will go by himself."

Steward Zhou was taken aback when he heard this, the son of the world doesn't like to move around the most, did he just say to go by himself?This...Thinking about it, it suddenly dawned on me, Master Shi Zi is not worried about Shi Zifei!Thinking about it, Butler Zhou hurriedly said: "Yes, the old slave knows, go prepare right away!"


"Yes!" Housekeeper Zhou responded, and hurriedly went to prepare things, and sighed in his heart as he walked: in so many years, this was the first time he saw Shizi walking at the pace of another person!This is pampering it!
Xiahou Jueyi returned to the courtyard, Mei Xiang hurriedly greeted Lan Zhi who was guarding the door, and leaned over, "My servant has seen the son."

"Get up!"

"Yes!" The two girls got up, and Lanzhi reported: "My lord, my concubine has gone to the prime minister's mansion. When I got there, I left a message saying that she would try to come back before dinner."

"En!" Xiahou Jueyi nodded, stepped into the room, and said without turning his head to the two serving girls who were about to follow behind him: "You don't need to come in."

Xiahou Jueyi said, Lanzhi and Meixiang stopped immediately, "Yes."

The two maids stood outside and guarded, even if they heard any movement in the room, they would know what Xiahou Jueyi was up to.But don't enter the house without authorization.They also figured out Xiahou Jueyi's habit to some extent these days.I know that Shizi really doesn't like being served close by.Not to have any opinion on them.

When they first entered the Earl's Mansion, Ling Fei and the other three were serving in the house, but the prince never called them.At first, they thought it was Shizi who thought they were clumsy and dissatisfied with their service, so they were very disturbed.Worried about embarrassing the lady.

It was later that Ling Fei told them that the Shizi seldom had people close to him to serve him on weekdays.Being able to get close when you need it is Qiyi and Qisi, who never use girls.It's just that now that the young lady has entered the mansion, it's not easy for the two big men, Qiyi and Qisi, to enter the room again, so there will be the three maids in front of them.

After hearing Ling Fei's words, they suddenly realized that there are really very few girls in the Earl's Mansion.For this scene, Mei Xiang and Lanzhi were very surprised, but they were very happy in their hearts, happy for the young lady.

However, Shi Ziye doesn't like people to serve him close to him, but if that person is Shi Zifei, it will be completely different.Thinking of these days, Lanzhi and Mei Xiang couldn't help laughing.

From time to time, the prince said in the ear of the concubine that if the concubine wants to be a virtuous wife, she must do those things!For example, get up early to accompany your husband to eat, send him out, change clothes for him...etc!
But the concubine Shi Zi listened and said very sternly, the son is so old, it's time to learn to be self-reliant!Shizi's face turned dark when he heard it, but he didn't show any anger at all, and he still enjoyed talking a few words every day.However, there were very few times when the wish was fulfilled. The concubine Shi Zi couldn't get up many times in the morning. However, at noon, as long as the son and Lord Hou said that they would come back for dinner, Concubine Shi Zai would definitely cook for lunch and wait for them to come back for dinner.

In such a large Hou's mansion, life is very simple, even simpler than when he was in the Gu family.Lan Zhi and Mei Xiang hoped that this kind of life could continue like this forever, but it was obviously unrealistic. It is impossible for the eldest son not to accept concubines and concubines. By that time, life would definitely not be as peaceful as it is now!

"Two sisters, may I ask if the concubine is here?"

Just when Lanzhi and Mei Xiang were distracted, a timid voice sounded.The two of them quickly regained their senses and raised their eyes. When they saw the speaker, their brows furrowed unconsciously. It was a delicate woman like a flower. She was fourteen or fifteen years old, with big moist eyes and ruddy cherry blossoms. Lips, dressed in green, with a willow-like body, looked at them anxiously with a pair of big eyes, revealing uneasiness, delicate and weak is very cute.

Ke Lanzhi, Mei Xiang frowned even more, Mei Xiang's eyes flashed guard, she took a step forward, but still politely said: "Excuse me, are you...?"

"The maidservant's name is Chunliu, and she helps out in the kitchen."

Is it from the mansion?Mei Xiang's expression was uncertain when she heard this, "The Imperial Concubine is not here at the moment." After she finished speaking, she paused and said, "Is there anything you want to do when you come to see the Imperial Concubine?"

After hearing this, Chunliu hurriedly took out a piece of paper from her sleeve pocket and handed it to Mei Xiang, saying timidly: "This servant is here to give this to Shi Zifei."

Mei Xiang took it and glanced at it. Although she didn't know much about Chinese characters, she knew this. This was the thing that Miss gave Steward Zhou's servants to fill in.Mei Xiang looked at it, and already understood something, a cold look flashed in her eyes, she looked at the beautiful girl, and said coldly: "Just give this to Steward Zhou, you don't need to give it to the Crown Princess."

Chunliu seemed to see Mei Xiang's displeasure, and said nervously: "Sister, don't be angry, the servant was originally going to send it to Steward Zhou, but they said that Steward Zhou came to the concubine, and the servant thought that he might It was brought late. So, in a moment of urgency, I rashly came to Shi Zifei's place. Please don't blame me, sister!" After speaking, he knelt down.

Mei Xiang looked at Lima holding her, her cold eyes grew colder, but her expression softened, she held her arm, and said with a light smile: "Miss Chunliu, I am just a slave like you, you don't need to blame me for anything." " Looking at the paper in her hand, she said: "The housekeeper Zhou hasn't delivered it yet, so you should hurry up and find the housekeeper Zhou and hand it to him directly, there is no need to send it to the imperial concubine."

"Yes, the servant has lost her appearance." After finishing speaking, she did not leave immediately, but looked at Mei Xiang and said nervously: "Sister, the servant did something wrong this time, please ask the eldest sister to ask the concubine for mercy, please don't blame the concubine. "

"Miss Chunliu, you think too much. The concubine Shizi has a gentle temper, and she has never been a master who will punish her servants at will." He paused, his voice was tinged with coldness, and he looked at Chunliu closely, and said: "Of course, I don't like those who are restless and play tricks."

When Mei Xiang spoke, something flashed in Chunliu's eyes, but her face was full of fear and fear: "Yes, yes... I must be careful..."

Chun Liu didn't finish her words, she suddenly stopped, her eyes fixed on the front, when Mei Xiang realized something, she saw Chun Liu had passed her and walked behind her with small steps.

Mei Xiang turned her head and saw that Xiahou Jueyi had come out of the house, Chunliu Yingying walked up to Xiahou Jueyi and leaned over, her posture was graceful, the green skirt was swinging with a beautiful water pattern, it was really beautiful, and her voice was even sweeter Very greasy, "The servant has seen the son of the world."

Seeing Chunliu like that, Mei Xiang clenched her hands tightly, and Lanzhi's face was not very good-looking.

Xiahou Jueyi frowned, glanced at Mei Xiang, Mei Xiang quickly stepped forward, and briefly reported the matter to Xiahou Jueyi.

After Xiahou Jueyi listened, his expression didn't change. He looked up at Steward Zhou, who happened to listen to the whole process, and said coldly, "Let's tidy up the house."

(End of this chapter)

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