Di daughter graceful

Chapter 543 A Trip to the Li Family

Chapter 543 A Trip to the Li Family (3)
"Yes, Shi Ziye." Steward Zhou responded quickly, knowing that Shi Ziye was angry, raised his eyes to look at the delicately dressed girl, and shook his head!

"Shadow One." Xiahou Jueyi said.

"Master!" A tall black shadow flashed.

"throw it out!"


Xiahou Jueyi and Yingyi answered the question, Lanzhi, Meixiang and Chunliu didn't understand what it meant.They saw Ying Yi raise his hand suddenly, the speed was too fast, they didn't see what he did at all, they only heard a cry of surprise, and saw Chun Liu flew out all of a sudden, landed outside the yard, they were all in a panic Lie on the ground, curled up in a ball, moaning in pain.

This fierce action caused Lanzhi and Mei Xiang to change their expressions slightly, staring blankly at the woman who was just scratching her head and posing, but now she can only howl!I don't know whether to be surprised or happy!At the same time, for the first time, I really understood why the people in the capital said that Xiahou Shizi was moody and temperamental, and he also understood what it meant to have a face like a fairy and a heart like a devil!

Steward Zhou didn't react too much. After that incident, this girl was just thrown out by the crown prince. Such a punishment is really light for her.

Thinking about it, Steward Zhou couldn't help thinking about the past. A few years ago, when Shizi was not yet an adult, his handsome face was already amazing.Afterwards, the girls in the mansion restlessly used various methods to get close to the son.The heir was very annoying, that year many people were dismissed, most of the maids left, and only a few who looked honest and dutiful stayed.

But, looking honest, sometimes the duty is not as good as it appears on the surface. At that time, a girl worked in the mansion for several years and never followed to make trouble. People looked timid, even a little dull!But she is very well-behaved, and at that time, the old Hou Ye and he just valued this and sent her to the son to take care of the son's room and clothes.

That girl did really well in the first few months, and she would never come to her unless asked by Shizi.However, there are no absolutes in the world, and people's hearts are too unpredictable.Just such an honest girl, one day when the prince was taking a bath, she passed the hidden guard and entered the house on the grounds that her clothes were not ready.

After entering the house, not long after, there was a scream from the house, and then the girl was seen rushing out of the room.Naked body, disheveled hair, and virgin blood on her legs, in the eyes of anyone who saw such a scene, without analyzing or probing, it was immediately concluded that the son of the world must have done something to her.

When this incident happened, it caused a great uproar in the mansion.But that girl didn't cry or make trouble, she was very calm: she didn't blame the prince.If the prince is willing to accept her, she will be a housekeeper.If the son is unwilling, she can remain an ordinary girl, or let her go!

When those words were spoken at the time, they won a lot of sympathy. Even the old Hou Ye said at the time that the girl is not bad, and it is no problem for the Shizi to accept her and let her serve by his side!
At that time, Shi Ziye just listened and watched, his expression was flat, but the coldness on his body was terrifying, but he didn't say anything!It's just that someone called an experienced nanny in the palace to have a body check on that girl.

The three nuns looked at each of them one by one, and concluded that the girl was broken, but it was not done by a man, but by some sharp weapon, because there were scratches in her body, and they hadn't healed yet!If it is broken normally, there will be bleeding but there will be no wounds, let alone any scars!
When this conclusion came out, everyone was shocked.Old Hou Ye knew very well the nature of the son, if the son really did it, there would never be such a thing.Knowing something in his heart, he was furious and questioned the girl, but the girl gritted her teeth and refused to say anything. Later, Hou Ye got annoyed and handed her over to those mothers.

The nanny who came out of the palace really had extraordinary methods, and soon the girl cried and told the truth.It turned out that after entering the house, she took off her clothes and messed up her hair, but she never thought of going into the bathroom to seduce and seduce the prince, because she knew in her heart that the prince would never fall for it, She cannot succeed.

Then, she pierced her body with her own hands. However, she didn't know much about sex, she only knew that blood would come out, but because her nails were too long, she scratched her body.She thought there was no problem, but that turned out to be the biggest flaw.

Everything is clear, the girl will be executed immediately by Lord Hou!Afterwards, Shizi's clothes, hair, and even Shizi's underwear were found in her room.He found out that Shizi didn't even look at it, so he ordered people to burn it.It's just that since then, he has had a serious addiction to cleanliness, and he no longer allows maidservants to enter his room, and for those restless, dissident women who enter his room without authorization, the result is death!

After coming down several times, a few people died, and the maidservants in the mansion settled down. In the past few years, no one dared to die easily.Steward Zhou thought about it and sighed, thinking that they would all have a long memory, but now they are becoming restless again!Or, when they saw the way Shi Ziye treated Shi Zifei, they thought in their hearts that Shi Ziye had changed and could accept them?If they dare to think so, they are courting death!

Looking at Steward Zhou's dazed look at Chunliu, Xiahou Jueyi frowned, and his voice became cold, "Is everything ready?"

Hearing Xiahou Jueyi's voice, Steward Zhou quickly calmed down and replied, "Everything is ready."

After Xiahou Jueyi heard this, he turned his head to Lanzhi and said, "Go and get the cloak of Shizifei."

"Yes!" Lanzhi obeyed and hurried to the house.

After a while, he came out, holding a cloak of Gu Qingyuan, "Master."

Xiahou Jueyi took it and walked out!
Steward Zhou followed behind, reaching out to touch the cold sweat on his forehead!The son of the world is becoming more and more quiet, but his aura is becoming more and more frightening.

Li House.

After arriving at Li's Mansion, Gu Qingyuan originally planned to go to Grandma Li's first, and then to Grandpa's.However, Grandpa directly asked Li Hu to take her to the study.

Seeing Li Yi's frowning and heavy face, Gu Qingyuan sighed and walked into the study, "Grandpa!"

Hearing the voice, Li Yi raised his head, "Qing'er is here, come and sit!"

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan sat down beside Li Yi.

Li Yi looked at Gu Qingyuan and said directly: "You know everything about Xue'er, right?"

"Well! I know everything."

"What do you think?"

"Just like my grandfather, Wei's house is not a good place to go."

After hearing this, Li Yi looked at Gu Qingyuan's eyes with a trace of regret, and sighed: "It would be great if Xue'er can be half as transparent as you."

(End of this chapter)

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