Di daughter graceful

Chapter 552: Between Life and Death

Chapter 552: Between Life and Death (2)
Before Gu Yun'er could finish her sentence, Madam Gao's face turned pale, and she couldn't stop angrily saying, "Gu Yun'er, you...you are not human..."

"Gao Momo is right, I am not human. From the day I followed Nangong Yu to Lingcheng, I have become a ghost." Gu Yun'er said extremely, sharply, and coldly: "You think Don’t I want to be a person? But where, no one treats me as a person. I’m nothing, not even a beast. Any slave can bully me, and anyone who has made contributions to Nangong Yu can play with her Me. That man treats me as an object, hahahaha... Do people live such a life? Do people live?..."

He said and looked at Gu Qingyuan, "If you, Gu Qingyuan, could have said a word when Nangong Yu wanted me from the Gu family, I wouldn't be in this situation today. Everything I suffered was because you were too cruel and cold-blooded Caused. So, today I represent God to punish a ruthless, cold-blooded person like you. Gu Qingyuan, your retribution has come, you..."

"You're looking for death..." Ling Fei shot out suddenly, and a silver needle was pressed against Gu Yun'er's throat, her expression was cold and her eyes were full of murderous intent!
Gu Yun'er looked at it, but she didn't have any fear at all, she just looked at Gu Qingyuan coldly and said confidently: "Do you want to kill me? Hmph! Then do it! Do it!"

Ling Fei's eyes were full of hostility, and she turned to look at Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Gu Yun'er quietly.She didn't hide her intentions, and she didn't hide her heart. Maybe, she had already thought of the result when she chose to face her face to face, and she didn't care about her own life at all!It's just that she hated herself for the reason that Gu Qingyuan didn't know what to say!

"Third sister is so fearless, it seems that she has already thought of everything and is ready!"

"Yes, for a cold-blooded person like you, when I came, I thought that you would not follow me. I also expected that you would kill me mercilessly. So, before I came, I explained those things People, as long as I don't go back for an hour, they can do anything. However, I also explained that in order to prevent the eldest sister from recognizing my mother, I told them not to play too much. Leave Li Jiao a whole body Big sister don't need to be too grateful to me...hahaha..." Gu Yuner smiled wildly as she said...

"Gu Yun'er, you lunatic..." Gao Nanny said angrily.

"Haha, I'm crazy, so before I go crazy, I really want to drag someone to go crazy with me, and go to hell with me..."

Gu Qingyuan lowered his eyes, raised them for a moment, and said with a faint smile: "Since the third sister is so kind, then how can I not let the third sister down..."

"Elder Concubine..."


After Gu Qingyuan's words came out, the expressions of Qi Yi, Ling Fei, and Nanny Gao changed drastically.

"Hahaha, Gu Qingyuan, you are really good! Then let's go!..." Gu Yuner excitedly said.

"Okay!" Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly, and stepped into the carriage!
Grandma Wei walked to the study in a hurry, looked at Wei Xuanguang who was sipping tea, and said anxiously, "Master, something happened."

Seeing Grandma Wei's nervous and anxious look, Wei Xuanguang frowned, put down the cup in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

"My lord, Li Yi is going to resign from his post and return home. Now he is talking to the emperor in the palace..."

Before Grandma Li finished speaking, Wei Xunguang stood up suddenly, his eyes widened and he dared not answer: "You... what did you just say? Who told you?"

"The nanny next to the concubine's grandma came over in a hurry to tell the concubine just now. Li Yi didn't know why he was crazy, but he suddenly ran in front of the emperor this morning, saying that he was old and his health was failing. I can no longer take on the post of prime minister, so I just..."

Before Grandma Wei finished speaking, Wei Xuanguang asked eagerly: "What does the emperor say?"

"The emperor hasn't said anything yet, he said to let Li Yi go back and think about it. But Li Yi didn't know which one was wrong, and his attitude was very firm. He has already presented the prime minister's seal to the emperor..."

"It was too sudden... Li Yi, how could he..." Wei Xuanguang frowned.

"Master, do you think he saw something and didn't want to marry my Wei family, so he suddenly proposed to resign." Grandma Wei frowned.

"What it means to be married to the Wei family, Li Yi can naturally think about it. But even if he doesn't want to get married, he just needs to destroy her granddaughter. Why did he have to be so decisive that he resigned from office! Doesn't he know that the Li family will be ruined like this! Li Yi, what is he thinking..." Wei Xuanguang was very confused, and even more confused, how could he just give up and give up in a position like the prime minister.If he didn't make a U-turn, he would never give up his official position.

"That's right! I really don't understand it. What's more, when Li Xianglai makes such a move, our plan will come to naught again!" Grandma Li was annoyed, and she was very aggrieved, annoyed, and paid tribute. His daughter went to the Earl's Mansion, but Xiahou Jueyi looked down upon her, and even disdained to give his daughter the position of side concubine.Now, tribute his son to marry that Li Xue, and the result!She doesn't even want the high position of the prime minister, and she doesn't want to be married to her Wei family.

damn it!Is her son and daughter that bad?So disgusting?Let them avoid it to such an extent?
Wei Xuanguang also felt very uncomfortable, but his thoughts were completely different from Grandma Wei's.Li Yi is so taboo about marrying the Wei family, does it also mean that he looks down on the second prince?In other words, he had already determined that the second prince would never achieve anything.And there is absolutely no chance for that high position, so...he would rather not be the prime minister than stand on the side of the second prince?Li Yi thought so, then, what about the others?

Thinking about it, Wei Xuanguang's face darkened. If other people had the same thoughts as Li Yi, then... Wei Xuanguang suddenly didn't dare to think about it.

Li Yi's sudden resignation not only caused the Li family to panic, but also caught the Wei family, Concubine Wei, and the second prince by surprise!Everyone is caught in all kinds of suspicion, anger and other emotions.It's just that the incident has just happened, and no one has taken any action for the time being, in order not to attract the emperor's attention.A surface of calm is still maintained.

However, the outside of the city was still completely caught in a tense confrontation.

(End of this chapter)

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