Chapter 553
Gu Qingyuan got off the carriage and looked around, but there was no one there.Surrounded by lush forests and overgrown weeds, a dilapidated yard buried them.This place is desolate enough, gloomy enough, a typical place for crime.

"Big sister's way of detecting the scenery can't help but remind her of the time when we were hijacked more than a year ago. Big sister is the same as now, first look at the route and prepare to escape! Hehehe, more than a year has passed, it seems that the big sister My sister hasn't changed at all! She still looks confident and calm." Gu Yun'er looked at Gu Qingyuan with a sneer and said, "I just don't know if big sister has the same luck as last time?"

"If the third sister is willing to raise her hand, I think my luck this time will not be bad." Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly.

"Hold your hand high? Gu Qingyuan, are you begging me?" Gu Yun'er laughed loudly.

"Of course! I sincerely beg Third Sister." Gu Qingyuan smiled and said sincerely.

"Sincerely? Gu Qingyuan begs for help in a begging manner." Gu Yun'er said gloomyly: "I think I knelt down to beg you back then, but I didn't see any softness in you. Now you think that if you say something like this, I will Do you let me go?"

"Then what does the third sister want me to do?"

"How to do it? You'll know in a while." Gu Yun'er was cold and unpredictable, with inexplicable excitement in her eyes.

Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly after hearing this, but said nothing.It seems that what Gu Yun'er wants to see is not only her begging, she also wants to see her frightened, fearful, and helpless begging for mercy!I want her to face the despair, humiliation, unbearable and resentment she has experienced!Then let her die.

Qi Yi and Ling Fei followed closely behind, watching Gu Yun'er burning with anger, the sword in her hand was about to move, she gritted her teeth!I really want to cut her with a sword.

At the beginning, Gu Yun'er and her aunt plotted against the princess concubine in order to please the third prince and to please the third prince.Later, the plan failed, and he was rejected by the third prince, tortured, and vented his anger, and ended up harming others and himself.Now he actually has the face to blame the young lady for not saving her back then.It is really shameless to speak outrightly about punishing the princess.

Looking at Qi Yi, Ling Fei's eyes were cold and murderous, Gu Yun'er smiled coldly, and gave them a provocative look.With a smug smile on her face, she now likes to see people angry, aggrieved, annoyed but helpless!That made her feel extremely happy.

That made her feel that in the past year, she was not the most useless and incompetent one.There are many people like her in this world.Like her, they all have things they dare not do, and there are times when they need to endure.So, the more annoyed they were, the happier she was.Now everything is in her hands, and they have nothing to do with her, hahaha... It's such a pleasure to think about it!

"Oh! Beauty, you are finally back. If you don't come back, we can't help but prepare to do something..."

As soon as Gu Qingyuan stepped into the dilapidated courtyard, he heard a rough voice, raised his head, and saw a tall, rough man, in his 30s, with a dark complexion, and a reckless, barbaric look all over his body. .When he saw Gu Qingyuan, his eyes brightened, and he stared blankly, even blinking.

Gu Yun'er looked at the man's eyes, sarcasm flashed in her eyes, but her face was full of charming smiles, "How is it? My big sister is beautiful!"

"Beautiful, beautiful, really his grandma's good-looking, as if out of a painting." The big man laughed excitedly: "I thought you were already the most beautiful beauty in the world, but I didn't expect there to be more beautiful than you." Beautiful...hahahaha...Lao Tzu Yanfu is really not shallow!"

"Liu Man, you say that, but you think I'm not as beautiful as big sister?" Gu Yun'er sneered with displeasure on her face.

Hearing Gu Yuner's words, Liu Man was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly, reached out and hugged Gu Yuner vigorously, and laughed loudly: "Yo! Is the beauty angry? Hahaha, don't be angry, don't be angry, even if I can't speak, I will Admit your mistake to the beauty." As he spoke, he kissed Gu Yuner's face without any scruples, and moved up the big hand around Gu Yuner's waist, and said in a low voice: "Tonight, I will make it up to the beauty..."

The unruly and obscene scene made Ling Fei and Qi's eyes more wary.

Gu Qingyuan frowned, then lowered his eyes.

Humiliation flashed across Gu Yun'er's eyes, but it was more numb.Stretching out his hand and pushing Liu Man away, he said expressionlessly, "Let's get down to business first."

"Okay, listen to the beauty and do business." Liu Manzi put his arms around Gu Yun'er, couldn't help turning his head to look at Gu Qingyuan again as he walked, licked his lips, his eyes overflowed with lust, looked at Gu Yuner and said: "Beauty wait until Now that the matter is done, will this little lady..."

"When the matter is done, of course this little lady will be yours." Gu Yun'er laughed.

"Okay, okay...the beauty is really kind to me."

Seeing Liu Man's excited look, Gu Yun'er sneered in her heart, she was willing to give it to him, but she just didn't know if he would get that life.

This kind of dialogue made Qi Yi and Ling Fei's eyes turn red, and the veins in the hand holding the sword were bruised.Gu Qingyuan's expression was indifferent.

Walking into the courtyard, Gu Qingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly at the scene in front of him.

More than 20 tall men in black clothes stood in a circle, and in the middle there were four people besieging the city in a small circle, surrounding Li Jiao in the center.Li Jiao was tied to a chair and her mouth was gagged!When he saw Gu Qingyuan, his eyes widened, tears were left behind, his eyes were red, full of anxiety, worry, remorse, grief and indignation, he began to struggle excitedly, hesitating to say something...

When Gu Qingyuan looked into Li Jiao's eyes, there was worry, remorse, grief, and sadness, but there was no fear, no cry for help, and no joy!What does this look represent, what does it mean? No need to think about it, no need to analyze, Gu Qingyuan knows it in his heart, but his heart feels even more depressed.

Gu Yun'er looked at Gu Qingyuan's dissipated smile, and said with a smile: "Big sister, are you satisfied with what you see?"

Gu Qingyuan turned to look at Gu Yun'er, and said lightly: "Tell me what you want."

"Hahaha, big sister, you are really impatient, why? Don't you want to see Li Jiao suffer?" Gu Yun'er sneered and said, "I really didn't expect that there is still friendship between your mother and daughter."

After Gu Yun'er finished speaking, she stopped laughing, looked closely at Gu Qingyuan, and said coldly: "Okay, since the big sister is so impatient, let me see the sincerity of the big sister first." She said and looked at Liu Man, "My eldest sister is in a hurry, you should go and taste the sweetness first!"

"Now? This is not good!" Liu Man said it was not good, but he had already started to prepare his fists, his eyes were full of eagerness.

"What? Don't you want to? If you don't want to, then..."

"No, no, I listen to the beauty, I always listen to the beauty, if the beauty asks me to go, I will naturally not disobey the beauty's order." Liu Man said and walked towards Gu Qingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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