Chapter 561
The queen nodded after listening, tried her best to suppress the depression in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Is there any movement at the Earl's Mansion?"

"No! Xiahou Jueyi and Gu Qingyuan are not in the Earl's Mansion, presumably they went to his Zhuangzi outside."

"Based on what you know about Xiahou Jueyi, what do you think he will do this time?"

"My son can't tell. Xiahou Jueyi is a person. You can only guess the approximate result of something he wants to do, but you can never guess the process. But one thing is certain, it will never be so silent It disappeared without a breath."

The queen can naturally think of it, but at the same time she is a little puzzled, "However, if he wants to investigate to the end, shouldn't he keep Gu Yun'er? Why did he send her back to Mausoleum?"

"Sending it back doesn't mean that he will expose the matter generously. It's just because he knows Nangong Yu and knows that sending Gu Yun'er back to Nangong Yu's side is a good punishment for her!" Nangong Ling said coldly: "And, The presence or absence of Gu Yun'er will definitely not affect what Xiahou Jueyi wants to do."

Nangong Ling narrowed his eyes slightly as he said, "However, since he didn't send the authentication and physical evidence to the emperor like the previous two times this time, it can be seen that the emperor came to judge. I have a feeling." Nangong Ling paused for a moment, looked at the queen and said inaudibly: "He is going to abolish Nangong Yu."

After saying this, the queen's heart was shocked, and her eyes narrowed slightly.

Nangong Ling looked at the Queen's expression, and it took a long time before he opened his mouth and said: "More importantly, we know what happened this time. Of course, the father and those people in the palace who are eyeing the tiger can't hide it, and they will know it soon. Then Time is a catastrophe for us, so if you want to pass this matter, Queen Mother please think carefully about it."

The queen raised her eyes after hearing this, and looked at Nangong Ling who was unsure, "What do you mean?"

"Queen, Nangongyu is your son and the younger brother of my compatriots. He is the closest person to us and the person we can trust the most. We don't want anything to happen to him unless it is absolutely necessary. But right now, the third brother is one Again and again they attack Gu Qingyuan, once this matter spreads, those old ministers in the court will probably have something to say about the empress raising their children, and the voices they make will definitely be worse than last time. "

"There is also the father, he was displeased last time, and he warned the mother. So, what will happen this time? Perhaps in the eyes of the father, the third brother's actions are not only Xiahou Jueyi's provocation , is a kind of disrespect to him!"

"Since this is the case, maybe we should also try to adjust it. This time, we should stop passively waiting for Father's sentence and speak first. First, we should admit our mistakes to Father and give Father an explanation."

When Nangong Ling spoke, the Queen's expression changed several times. She understood the hidden meaning of Nangong Ling's words very well.Now that Nangong Yu's ending is almost set.Then, why not push Nangong Yu out first, so that only Nangong Yu will be punished, and she and Nangong Ling will not be affected or implicated!

The queen understood, and also knew that it might be the best way to deal with it, but there was still an indelible sadness deep in her heart.Even if Nangong Yu didn't become a talent, she was still pregnant and gave birth to her in October, so she just gave up on him, and the queen was really unwilling to do so.

Seeing the queen's hesitation, Nangong Ling said lightly: "Mother, I know that you will feel sorry for the third brother in your heart for doing this. The son also feels guilty for the third brother. But thinking deeply, this is also for the good of the third brother. If Waiting for Concubine Wei and Nangong Ye to speak first, I'm afraid it will be even more detrimental to the third younger brother. They will take advantage of this matter to fan the flames, but not only the queen mother, but also the sons and officials may be disliked by the emperor."

After saying this, the slight hesitation in the queen's eyes dissipated in an instant. If Nangong Ling would be disliked by the emperor, then Nangong Ling's safety would really be nothing.After all, her biggest reliance is Nangong Ling, not the Nangong Ling who is about to be abolished. The pros and cons are immediately clear. The queen nodded and said lightly: "I know how to do it."

Hearing this, Nangong Ling's eyes flashed an extremely fast light, which seemed to be mocking, cold, and smiling.But when the queen looked over, it disappeared without a trace, only full of heavy colors.

The queen and Nangong Ling agreed on the follow-up matters, but before they could do anything, someone already spoke to the emperor quickly.This is probably something the queen and Nangong Ling didn't expect!They didn't expect someone to get the news sooner than they did.

Nangong Yin looked at Nangong Ling who was standing below who was hesitating to speak, and frowned, "Speak up if you have something to say, why are you hesitating?"

"Yes." Nangong Ye responded quickly, looking at Nangong Yin with an uncertain expression, "It's just that I really don't know what to say about this matter?"

"Then don't talk about it!" Seeing Nangong Ye's coy look, Nangong Yin said impatiently.

Hearing the displeasure in Nangong Yin's words, Nangong Ye hurriedly knelt down and said in a panic, "Father is calm, it's not because my son is not decisive, but because this matter involves the third brother, the son of Xiahou, and the princess of the Earl's Mansion. I really don't know whether to speak or not."

Nangong Yin frowned when he heard the names of those people, and said in a deep voice, "What happened? Tell me!"

"Yes!" Nangong Ye responded, and hurriedly said: "Return to Father, the matter is like this. At noon yesterday, shortly after lunch, a servant in Erchen's Mansion was out to do errands, and it was a coincidence that he saw it on the street. Qi Yi next to Xiahou Shizi, and Ling Fei next to Shizi Concubine. Seeing them, the servant hurried over to say hello, however, Guard Qi and the girl didn't even look at the servant, but their faces were very ugly. Follow the carriage ahead."

"The little servant looked at Guard Qi's ugly expression, and he couldn't help thinking about something wrong! Thinking of him, he took another look at the carriage." Nangongye said, paused for a while. To Nangong Yindao: "At that time, the wind blew up the corner of the car curtain, and the boy was horrified to see a woman holding a dagger, facing the princess of the Earl's Mansion..."

"Dagger? Woman? Who is it?" Nangong Yin frowned.

"The young man doesn't know him, but according to the young man's description, I can basically confirm that the woman I took is Gu Yun'er, the third miss of the Gu family, that is, the woman that the third brother asked for from the Gu family when he was going to Lingcheng."

After saying this, Nangong Yin had already thought of something, but his expression did not move at all, "What happened next?"

"Later, the young man chased after him with a little bit of martial arts skills, and then he saw an astonishing scene."

"What did he see?"

"Gu Yun'er hijacked the concubine with a dagger and went outside the city. At the same time, dozens of guards appeared, guarding Gu Yun'er's side and obeying her command. When the servant saw this scene, he was worried that his martial arts was too low to be discovered. , I didn’t dare to go forward, and I didn’t dare to turn back the report, so I watched secretly from a distance. Then, they didn’t hear the whole conversation clearly, they just vaguely heard that she was being abused... Gu Qingyuan was ruthless, and Gu Changyuan abandoned her, she wants revenge, revenge or something."

(End of this chapter)

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