Chapter 562
"While speaking, he put a knife on the throat of the concubine Shizi, and yelled at Qi Yi who he wanted to see, and asked him to bring him here immediately. Then, Qi Yi left for a while, but came back with Gu Changyuan. Later, that Gu Yun'er didn't know what they were arguing with Gu Changyuan, so she acted in a fit of anger... Gu Changyuan was stabbed, and the imperial concubine was injured, but fortunately, Xiahou Shizi and a dozen secret guards Arrived in time, Shi Zifei seems to be fine, but suffered some minor injuries. It is Gu Changyuan who died."

After Nangong Ye finished speaking, Nangong Yin narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at him fixedly, with a look of surprise and uncertainty, but he didn't panic, he didn't panic, and he said after a long time: "Well! I got it, you go down first! "

"Yes, Royal Father!" Nangong Ye stepped back respectfully, turned around, with an excited smile in his eyes.

After Nangong Ye left, Nangong Yin raised his hand, and a masked man in black flashed in front of his eyes.Looking at him, Nangong Yin said in a deep voice: "What the Second Prince said just now is the same as what you saw?"

"Returning to the master, because the subordinate was intercepted halfway, he didn't see the process of the matter, but only the result. The result was almost the same as what the second prince said just now. Gu Changyuan was stabbed to death with a dagger. When I left, my subordinates vaguely saw blood on her body. When I came back, my subordinates also secretly inquired around the Earl's Mansion. There was indeed a carriage parked at the gate of the Earl's Mansion yesterday, and the Crown Princess did go out to meet her. The people in the carriage, and then got into the carriage." The dark guard reported truthfully with a blank face.

"Who is the person who intercepted you can see clearly?"

"Looking at the clothes and attire, it's the same as those people who were beheaded by Xiahou Shizi outside the city."

After Nangong Yin listened, he recalled Xiahou Jueyi's sudden departure in the imperial study yesterday, his complexion sank, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were full of hostility, gloomy, Nangong Yu was so uneducated!It seems that he doesn't even want the position of the prince anymore!And Nangong Ye, is it really a coincidence that this whole thing is known so clearly?
The shadow guards in front of him were intercepted halfway.But his little boy with low martial arts actually saw the whole process?snort!That so-called servant, wouldn't it be the eyeliner who had been planted in the Earl's Mansion long ago?Nangong Yu once again confronted the Earl's Mansion, did he, the second prince, want to make a profit again?

"Go down and investigate again. Send people to pay attention to the movements of the queen and the second prince. If you find anything, report it immediately."

"Yes." The shadow guard took the order and disappeared instantly.

"Eunuch Xi!" Nangong Yin called out looking at the door.

"The old slave is here." Eunuch Xi walked quickly from outside.

"Go and summon Liu Xuezhou and let him enter the palace immediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Eunuch Xi took the order, and hurried away, feeling uncertain in his heart. Looking at the Emperor's expression, he could feel that something important had happened again.

Inside the carriage, Xiahou Jueyi looked at Gu Qingyuan with frowned eyes and said, "Aren't you really going to stay in the village for a few more days?"

"Well! Grandpa will be worried if we don't go back to the house for a few days." Gu Qingyuan said with a light smile: "Besides, it will be Grandpa's birthday in a few days, and some things should be resolved earlier."

Gu Qingyuan's words were heard in Xiahou Jueyi's ears, the first thing he felt was not Gu Qingyuan's filial piety and respect for the old Hou Ye, but a reflexive feeling of sourness in his heart, looking at Gu Qingyuan pretending to be casual: "Well! It would be great if you cared so much about your birthday."

"Your birthday? When is it?" Gu Qingyuan asked directly without thinking too much.With these words, Gu Qingyuan suddenly realized something was wrong.Sure enough, when he looked up, he saw the man's mouth pursed.Seeing this, Gu Qingyuan hurriedly lowered her eyes and sighed. After getting married, she felt relaxed when facing Xiahou Jueyi, she made a mistake!It seems that we should pay attention to it in the future!Because men are not easy to coax, and she has already experienced the consequences of coaxing people. After weighing it, it's better to pretend to be confused!

Thinking of this, Gu Qingyuan turned his eyes and stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car, coughed lightly, looked up at the sky, and sighed: "Today's sunset is so beautiful!"


"Husband, do you think that cloud looks like a horse?"

"Gu Qingyuan..."

Hearing the man's change of address, Gu Qingyuan already understood the man's attitude, put down the car curtain, sighed again, carelessness made a mistake!


"As a virtuous wife, she doesn't even know her husband's birthday, isn't that a bit inappropriate!"

"It shouldn't be, absolutely not." Gu Qingyuan was filled with righteous indignation, and chose to fight against the enemy, even though he was the one to attack.

"Then, how does the virtuous wife plan to make up for it?" Xiahou Jueyi said indifferently.

"How can I just make up for it? I think we must punish and reflect on ourselves. I don't even know my husband's birthday. This is an unforgivable mistake." Gu Qingyuan said with a righteous face: "So, I decided to punish myself and ground myself. Absolutely do not appear in front of your husband during the day, to offend your husband. At night, you will be locked up in the study room so as not to disturb your husband’s cleanliness until your anger subsides.”

Xiahou Jueyi's face darkened when Gu Qingyuan said that.Sleeping in the study?Confinement?This bad girl, is she punishing herself?Or punish him?

Seeing Xiahou Jueyi's ugly face, Gu Qingyuan frowned, and said with a strong man's decision: "Is your husband not satisfied? Then, increase the punishment and punish me..."

"Punish your flesh!"

Before Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, Xiahou Jueyi answered with a blank expression.When these words came out, Gu Qingyuan's mouth twitched.this man...

(End of this chapter)

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