Di daughter graceful

Chapter 568 No Meaning

Chapter 568 No Meaning (1)
He is really ruthless and dare to speak.But these queens didn't care, what made her afraid was the emperor's favor and trust in Xiahou Jueyi.Also, she once heard rumors by chance... Every time the Queen analyzed those rumors, she felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

"What do you say, Queen, about this incident?"

Hearing this, the queen quickly restrained her expression, her face was full of pain, "If this matter was really done by the third prince, my concubine...the concubine has nothing to say."

The emperor nodded after hearing this, and said lightly: "I have already sent people to the mausoleum to find out what happened, and I will definitely not wrong Yu'er." He paused, looked at the queen and said in a deep voice: "However, I will never do it again. Protect him! He is Haoyue's prince, and the royal family gave him a noble status, allowing him to live a life of glory and wealth. But he never thought of repaying, and made efforts for Haoyue's prosperity, but repeatedly discredited the royal family's reputation This makes me unable to tolerate him any longer."

Hearing this, the queen slowly closed her eyes, and said solemnly: "I understand." The ending of Nangong Yu can almost be imagined by those present.

earls court

Xiahou Jueyi sent Gu Qingyuan back, had lunch with her, and left again.

Gu Qingyuan sat quietly on the soft couch, thinking about this trip to the palace, the Queen's abandonment of Nangong Yu, and the emperor's intolerance of Nangong Yu, she was not surprised.What surprised her was the last words the emperor told the queen that could not accommodate Nangong Yu.It was only because Nangong Yu discredited the royal family's reputation, not because she targeted herself again.

In this way, he obtusely erased his sense of existence, and indirectly downplayed the embarrassing situation between the Earl's Mansion and the Queen.In doing so, what Gu Qingyuan first felt was not that the emperor didn't want the empress and the earl's house to have more conflicts, but that the emperor didn't seem to want some kind of struggle to start in advance.

"Concubine Shizi, the Eldest Prince is here." Lanzhi walked in and reported.

"Let him in." After Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, the boy had already appeared in front of his eyes.

Seeing Gu Qingyuan, Gu Heng did the same thing as Xiahou Jueyi, looked up and down to make sure everything was fine, with a smile on his face, he said cheerfully: "Sister..."

"Heng'er!" Gu Qingyuan chuckled lightly, "No class today?"

"Well! We have something to do in school and politics this afternoon, so let's take a break for the afternoon." Gu Heng said and sat down beside Gu Qingyuan.

Gu Qingyuan nodded after listening, rubbed his hair habitually, and said softly: "Have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten." Gu Heng let Gu Qingyuan ruffle his hair, the smile on his face widened, but disappeared for a moment, looked at Gu Qingyuan and said with frowned, "Sister, I'm afraid the Gu family is going to have another moth."

When these words came out, Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, "Who is it?"

"The people in the second room."

"Gu Tingyuan is back?" Gu Qingyuan frowned, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. Ever since the old lady delivered a letter to Gu Tingyuan, Gu Qingyuan had asked people to secretly inquire about Gu Tingyuan's movements.However, what surprised her was that after Gu Tingyuan left the capital, he disappeared. Where did he suddenly come back now?

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's surprise and understanding the doubts in her heart, Gu Heng said, "It's not Gu Tingyuan."

"not him?"

"Well! It's his two aunts and three concubines. They took a letter from Gu Tingyuan and returned to Gu's house two days ago. They also said that Gu Tingyuan has been very busy with business recently, and he is not in Licheng now. And it will probably not be able to come back for a long time. But he can't worry about the old lady, and he can't be filial to the old lady, so he feels very guilty, so let them come back to take care of the old lady first."

Gu Heng said with a sneer: "The old lady was actually very moved and very happy when she heard it. She also said that in the past two days, let her come to see my sister and say hello to her."

Gu Qingyuan sighed after hearing this, it seems that Gu Tingyuan really hated her to the extreme!He didn't hesitate to bet the lives of his concubine and concubine's daughter to make things difficult for her!

"Leave them alone for now." Gu Qingyuan's expression was indifferent, and his heart overflowed with coldness.For the Gu family, she really doesn't have the energy to play those little tricks with them.If the old lady encourages her to have trouble in life again, she doesn't mind taking them away once again.

"How's the business going?"

Gu Heng frowned when he heard this, and said in a cold voice: "Sister, although I haven't done anything in the business field, I have lived in teahouses for the past few years. Therefore, I am not completely familiar with business matters. I don’t know anything about it. And in my contact with those shopkeepers these days, I can clearly feel that they are perfunctory, and more importantly, they haven’t recognized who their master is.”

"What's even more irritating is that in the name of their elder sister and concubine, they aggressively and domineeringly solicit business, but they secretly hand over the money they get to the old lady. This is intolerable."

Hearing this, the corners of Gu Qingyuan's eyes overflowed with coldness, it seemed that it was time to meet those shopkeepers and give them lessons.Thinking about it, Gu Qingyuan raised an unpredictable smile, looked at Gu Heng and said, "Heng'er, when you go back, go see Qi Yi and tell him to go to a place tonight..."

After Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, Gu Heng's mouth twitched, but his eyes were bright. My sister is still so bad!

earls court

Gu Heng talked to Gu Qingyuan for a while, seeing that Gu Qingyuan seemed a little tired, got up, and thoughtfully said: "Sister, take a rest! I'll go back first."

"Okay, remember to say hello to the shopkeeper, I'm going to visit the shop tomorrow." Gu Qingyuan smiled.

Hearing this, Gu Heng had a helpless smile in his eyes, and said, "Yes! I know, I will definitely tell them well, and let them make various preparations." It's really funny that my sister sometimes has a bad taste of a child's heart. , My sister actually came up with such a way, it is really bad enough, bad enough.However, it is undeniable that this approach works.

Gu Qingyuan stared at Gu Heng looking at him like a child.

Gu Heng giggled, "Sister, rest, I'm leaving." After speaking, he left quickly.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Gu Heng's back and murmured: Precocious little old-fashioned.After saying that, Gu Qingyuan smiled when he saw that Gu Heng's footsteps were messed up when he walked to the door.

Lanzhi at the door, Mei Xiang was taken aback when she saw Gu Heng's sudden staggering footsteps and the twitching corners of her mouth, but when she saw the helpless expression on Gu Heng's face, the two looked at each other, pursed their lips and smiled, and were caught by the lady again. teased?

"Miss, do you want to take a rest?" Ling Fei said softly.

Gu Qingyuan nodded.

"The servant will make the bed for you."

"No, I'll just lie down on the soft couch."

"Miss, the soft couch is uncomfortable, let's go to bed and rest!"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to rest for too long..."

As soon as Gu Qingyuan finished speaking, Mei Xiang walked in quickly, "Concubine Shizi, Prince Biao is here."

(End of this chapter)

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