Di daughter graceful

Chapter 569 No Meaning

Chapter 569 No Meaning (2)
Hearing this, Ling Fei was slightly taken aback, did Miss guess that he would come?

"Please cousin go to the outer room."

"Yes, Shi Zifei." Mei Xiang led the order to go out, Gu Qingyuan got up, tidied up her appearance a little, and went out.

Outside, Li Zhi sat quietly and frowned. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head and looked at the elegant, casually dressed woman with a slight twinkle in his eyes.Even though she is the crown prince now, she is still the same as before, lazy and indifferent.It seems that identity is just a name for her, and she will never change because of the change of identity.Calm and composed, not surprised by honor or disgrace, she is just Gu Qingyuan!
Li Zhi looked steady and refined as usual, as if nothing had happened, but the look of haggardness in his brows and eyes could be seen to some extent, the Li family should still be very restless now!

Gu Qingyuan smiled and called out, "Big cousin."

"Concubine Shizi!" Li Zhi bowed slightly.

"Big cousin, you don't need to be polite, just call me Qing'er."

"Qing'er." Li Zhishun replied.

Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly, "Big cousin, sit down!"

"it is good."

"Mei Xiang, pour tea for big cousin."

"Yes." Mei Xiang quickly served tea, poured water, and put it in front of Li Zhi, "Please use it, my cousin."

"Okay." Li Zhi nodded slightly, then looked up at Gu Qingyuan, "How is Qing'er recently?"

"I'm fine." Gu Qingyuan also said like gossiping: "Is Grandpa okay?"

"Grandfather..." Li Zhi thought of the situation at home, paused and said, "He has already submitted his resignation to the emperor, and he may leave the capital in a few days." After Li Zhi finished speaking, he unconsciously looked closely at Gu Qingyuan Reaction.However, Gu Qingyuan was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then returned to normal.Compared with his reaction when he heard his grandfather say he was going to resign, Qing'er's reaction was really calm.

Thinking of this, a trace of inquiry flashed in Li Zhi's eyes, "Qing'er, I don't seem to be very surprised by my grandfather's resignation."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan chuckled, "Grandpa is old, but the duties of the prime minister are very heavy. Grandpa feels that he can't bear the load. It's normal to propose resignation. There is nothing to be surprised about."

Hearing this, Li Zhi sighed, Qing'er and grandfather said exactly the same thing!Thinking of Li Zhi's wry smile, did he react too much?Or grandfather and Qing'er are too indifferent and casual!If you want to give up the official career you have earned in your life, you will give up. This... requires more than courage!It's just that the matter of resignation is a foregone conclusion, and it's no different to say more now.Now he just wants to know one thing.

"Qing'er, I came here today to ask you something?"

"Big cousin, please tell me."

Li Zhi didn't speak, just glanced at Mei Xiang and Ling Fei in the room.

Mei Xiang understood, leaned over, and retreated cleverly.However, Ling Fei didn't move, looked at Li Zhi expressionlessly and said: "The mission of the servant is to protect the safety of the princess, and everything else has nothing to do with the servant."

After saying this, Li Zhiming understood that Ling Fei's so-called "other" meant that she didn't care what he had to say at all!This is a kind of indifference, and it is also a kind of cryptic expression that will say more.And the sentence to protect the safety of the crown prince couldn't help but make Li Zhi's face overflow with bitterness.

Looking up at Gu Qingyuan, she said apologetically, "Qing'er, I'm sorry for what Xue'er did."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan looked indifferent, "It's over."

Li Zhi shook his head, how could he pass by?Sighing: "Xue'er did something wrong, my grandfather has already ordered that she be taken away when he leaves Beijing."

Gu Qingyuan frowned inadvertently, but didn't say much.

"In addition, my mother was not well educated. My grandfather has already ordered my father..." Li Zhi paused before saying, "Let my father abandon her."

When these words came out, something flashed in Gu Qingyuan's eyes.

Li Zhi said, seeing that Gu Qingyuan didn't have much reaction to these news.Is it because you already know it?Still don't care?Maybe both!Li Zhi couldn't tell what was feeling in his heart.However, does this also prove that Qing'er really knows something!Thinking of this, Li Zhi spoke again, and said with a solemn expression: "Qing'er, there is another reason why my mother will be divorced and abandoned besides poor education. And this is what I want to ask Qing'er."

"Ask me?"

"Yes! I want to know if my mother has done...to my aunt...what intolerable things?" Li Zhi said in a heavy tone.

After hearing Li Zhi's question, Gu Qingyuan lowered his eyes slowly, raised them for a moment, and said indifferently: "Big cousin, you should ask your mother this question, she can give you the answer better."

"I asked, but my mother didn't say anything."

"Really? If you don't say anything, you didn't do anything!" Gu Qingyuan said flatly.

"No, I know my mother. If she really didn't do something, she would definitely not be silent. But now she doesn't say anything, and indirectly acquiesces in what she has really done." Li Zhi said with a tense expression: " Moreover, grandfather was never a person who would slander others casually, since grandfather said it, there must be a reason, and there must be some kind of fact."

"Since the eldest cousin has confirmed it, why bother to ask me?"

"I want to know what kind of past is there that makes grandfather no longer tolerate the existence of mother?"

"What if you know?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi said seriously: "Qing'er, I don't ask grandfather, aunt and you to forgive mother, I just want to make it up."

"Make up?" Hearing these two words, Gu Qingyuan thought of Li Jiao's passing away, his eyes flashed coldly, and he looked at Li Zhi coldly, "Big cousin, not all mistakes have a chance to be corrected. Similarly, once There will not always be a chance to make up for the mistakes made by others. The special party has never felt that she has missed it, let alone regretted it. Such an unintentional and unwilling to make up for it is even more unnecessary. It will never be needed again."

Gu Qingyuan's sudden harsh words made Li Zhi even more sure that his mother must have done something.Thinking of this, she got up and said eagerly: "Qing'er, I sincerely want to make up for it, please tell me."

"Does the eldest cousin want to be a surrogate mother?"

"If possible, I..."

"If I say that your mother was one of the culprits who murdered my mother, how will the eldest cousin make up for it?"

When Gu Qingyuan said the words, Li Zhi's expression changed instantly, "Qing'er..."

"Which one of you will pay for his life, is it you? Or his mother?" Gu Qingyuan looked at Li Zhi quietly, with a flat expression and extreme coldness in his eyes.

Looking into those eyes, Li Zhi couldn't help sending out chills from the bottom of his heart, as if as long as you dare to say it, she will definitely do it and take your life.


Seeing how Li Zhi was being impacted, Gu Qingyuan got up and said calmly: "There is no absolute fairness in the world, and it is also impossible to absolutely distinguish between black and white, right and wrong. Therefore, even if some things are clear, they cannot be investigated deeply. And, your mother Whether you have done something or not has no meaning for me and my mother. As for you, even if you know, it is also meaningless. You can't do anything. The past is gone, it can't be erased, and it can't be undone. Let it go!"

(End of this chapter)

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