Di daughter graceful

Chapter 574 Shop

Chapter 574 Shop (3)
Hearing this, Xiahou Jueyi looked sideways, "Where are you going?"

Finally opened his mouth, Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly and said, "Go to the shop for a walk."

"What shop?"

"It's the three shops Mrs. Gu gave me."

Xiahou Jueyi nodded after hearing this, and then asked, "Is there something wrong?"

"Husband is really amazing. Before I even said it, I knew something was wrong. Husband, you are indeed unparalleled in wisdom, wise and powerful..." Gu Qingyuan took the opportunity to flatter her.

Hearing Gu Qingyuan's unintentional compliment, Xiahou Jueyi cast a mocking glance at her and said, "This book is not wise or martial, it's just that I know someone! According to someone's temperament, if there is nothing wrong, absolutely Too lazy to go out. She should be more willing to lie at home and read a book, thinking about how to tease her husband." He said in a low voice: "Lady, is this son right?"

"Hehe... half, half." Gu Qingyuan smiled obsequiously.

Xiahou Jueyi snorted coldly, but confessed: "Remember to bring a few more people with you."

"Yes, my husband." Gu Qingyuan said in awe, with an obedient attitude on his face, he almost stood at attention and saluted.

Xiahou Jueyi stared at her, got up, "Let's go! I'll take you there."

"No, no..." Gu Qingyuan hurriedly evaded.

Xiahou Jueyi raised his eyebrows, Gu Qingyuan stood up, and told Xiahou Jueyi some things, after finishing speaking, Xiahou Jueyi's mouth twitched, and Gu Qingyuan chuckled lightly: "Hehe, I won't do it when my husband is too famous. It was fun."

Madam Gu gave Gu Qingyuan three shops, two tea shops, and a calligraphy and painting shop, all suggested by Madam Gu when Gu Changyuan was there.For one thing, Gu Changyuan runs a tea house, so the supply of tea and the sale of the old lady are much more convenient.Furthermore, Gu Changyuan is a civil servant, and most of his friends are civil servants, so the sale of calligraphy and painting is not a problem.

Then, under the care of Gu Changyuan, the business of the three shops was good, but after Gu Changyuan was imprisoned, the business declined a lot. The old lady gave it to Gu Qingyuan because she didn't make much money.

At this time, in the tea shop, three middle-aged men over forty years old were sitting together, their expressions uncertain.

"Zhang You, Wang Tao, are you all ready?" one of them asked while looking at the two people on the opposite side.

"We are all ready, how are you doing here?" The two nodded in unison.

"I've settled everything here, and I'll just wait for the concubine Shizi to check."

"Yan Gang, is it really okay for us to do this?" Zhang asked with some concern.

"What's the problem?" Yan Gang asked back.

"Since Mrs. Gu gave the shop to Shi Zifei, I have inquired outside, but many people outside are saying that Shi Zifei is very powerful. Especially with her current status, if we do this, if we are caught by her I can see it, then... the consequences are unimaginable!" Zhang You said anxiously.

"Yes! I'm also a little worried. If we see something tricky, we might go to jail!" Wang Tao said anxiously.

Yan Gang looked at the two of them and said sarcastically, "Look at how cowardly you two are. You weren't afraid when you first started doing it, but now you're scared."

When these words came out, the faces of the two people were a little ugly. Didn't they see Qian Qian's eyes open at that time, and they had a wrong idea for a while!

"However, if you are really scared, then take out the money that went into your own pockets to make up for it, so that you don't have to worry about going to jail, and you don't have to worry about being held accountable by the Crown Princess." Yan Gang said blankly.

After hearing these words, the faces of the two of them became even more unsightly. The money has long been gone, so what can I use to make up for it.

"Forget it, it's all over, it's useless to worry about it, let's find a way to pass a test!" Wang Tao's heart thumped, his eyes became firm, and he said in a deep voice: "If this test can be passed, we can still go through it again in the future." Get some money out."

Yan Gang listened and nodded, patted Wang Tao on the shoulder, and agreed: "My brother is absolutely right. We can't be slaves for a lifetime, and besides, we don't ask for more, as long as we can turn our juniors over Just do it."

"Yes, we can't just think about ourselves, but also think about our children. If we don't try to get some money, the next generation will still be slaves. For the sake of the next generation, we have to take risks." When it comes to children, Zhang You His expression also became firm.

"Yes, you are right to think so." Yan Gang looked at his face with a smile, and said seriously: "Besides, we are not talking nonsense. A few days ago, the business in this shop was not very good. Everyone in the neighborhood can see it, and if Shi Zifei has any doubts, she can ask around! Everyone can see it."

"But these days, our business has improved a lot, and they can all see it! I'm afraid it's inappropriate for you to let Shi Zifei ask them!" Zhang You frowned.

Yan Gang stared at him, "You are such a piece of wood! You lost money a while ago, but now you made money, how much did you lose, and how do they know how much you earned? The last money is not as much as we say."

"Yes, yes... I'm confused." Zhang You suddenly smiled wryly.

"Zhang You, don't be nervous. Didn't the old lady say that earlier! The concubine Shizi has never been involved in business, so she is a great one, but what's the use of being good in business, you have to understand, no If you understand, it's no different from a fool, so we don't have to be nervous, we have to be natural, calm, and steady ourselves so that we won't make mistakes." Yan Gang enlightened.

"Hold on, hold on..."

"The Crown Princess doesn't understand, maybe she's fooling around, but what I'm worried about is what kind of experts she will bring from the Earl's Mansion, then..."

Before Wang Tao finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yan Gang: "You are also a fool, don't say that the Earl's family's great fortune is not a rare property, it is an ordinary husband's family that has a few people who intervene in the wife's dowry , It is useless to look at something that makes people feel that they are spying on a woman. Do you think the Earl's Mansion will take care of it?"


"Okay, okay, you can scare yourself. Now that you have made your decision, don't hesitate any longer." He said and got up, "Shi Zifei is coming soon, let's hurry to greet her!"

The two listened and stabilized their minds, "Let's go!"

When the three of them went out, they saw that Gu Qingyuan had already arrived in front of them. Seeing this, they rushed to meet him, knelt down to salute, and said hello: "My servant greets the concubine."

Gu Qingyuan looked at the three people below with respectful expressions, and said with a light smile: "The three shopkeepers, please stand up."

"Thank you concubine." The three stood up and said respectfully: "Concubine Shi, please come inside."

"it is good."

Gu Qingyuan stepped into the room, looked at the neatly arranged calligraphy and paintings, smelled the faint fragrance of ink, and smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, the long-lost smell.

(End of this chapter)

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