Di daughter graceful

Chapter 575 Shop

Chapter 575 Shop (4)
The three of them followed behind and saw that Gu Qingyuan had only brought a girl and a guard, and they were unconsciously relieved. It seemed that the concubine Shi Zi didn't bring any experts.

"Sir, please sit down."

"No need, I'll just take a look." Gu Qingyuan looked at the paintings and calligraphy, and said casually, "How's the business in the store recently?"

"If you come back to the princess, thanks to the blessing of the princess, the business can be done recently."

"Really? The business is good, so the profit should be good, but why didn't I see you hand in the money?" Gu Qingyuan flipped through the book in his hand and said calmly.

When Gu Qingyuan said the words, the faces of the three of them suddenly became very heavy. Yan Gang is the shopkeeper of this calligraphy and painting building, stepped forward, and said solemnly: "Shi Zifei, it's not that the slaves refuse to hand it in, it's because they really don't have the money to hand it in."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyuan closed the book in his hand, raised his eyebrows, "Oh! Why?"

"The concubine Shizi also knows that there is no steady profit in business. When the business is good, it makes money, and when the business is not good, it loses money. Some of them can't even keep food and clothing. However, we have good fortune in building calligraphy and painting buildings. Although we didn't Big money, but also small money every month."

Yan Gang changed the subject and sighed: "But since the uncle's accident, the business of this calligraphy and painting building has plummeted, and it has been compensated every month. In those days, if the old lady didn't use her own money to subsidize here, the calligraphy and painting building I'm afraid the building has been closed long ago."

"Until the time of the concubine's wedding, the old lady said: The concubine is a blessed person. It is impossible to say that this shop will be better if it is contaminated by the concubine's blessing, so she gave the concubine this shop to try. Said that if this shop really fails, she will give another one to the concubine." Yan Gang said, feeling emotionally: "The old lady is wise, and the concubine is really blessed. Since this shop was owned by the concubine, it has returned It's really getting better gradually. It's starting to make money."

"But, I really lost too much in the past few days, and it was all the old lady's self-subsidized money. The slave wanted to make up for the old lady's subsidized money first. Therefore, I arbitrarily advocated that these days The money from the profit was sent to the old lady, and please don't blame the princess."

"The old lady's personal money is naturally for her. You have done a good job." Gu Qingyuan nodded and agreed.

When Yan Gang heard this, his face was full of flattery, and he hurriedly said: "It's good that the concubine is not to blame, but a slave can't be praised by the concubine."

"In this way, the money in the account has made up for the previous deficit."

"Yes, it's all made up, but it's still a bit worse. However, judging from the current situation, this business will definitely pick up. I think it will take a few months to get money in the account. At that time, the slave will definitely give it to the crown prince immediately. Concubine hand it over." Yan Gang said with a straight face.

When Gu Qingyuan heard the word "several months", the corner of his mouth became more and more smiling, but he said with a calm expression on his face: "You are the old shopkeeper of this painting and calligraphy building. If you say that, there must be nothing wrong. Then This concubine will wait for you to hand over the money."

"Yes, don't worry, my concubine, I will work hard to do a good job, and hand over the money to my concubine as soon as possible." After hearing Gu Qingyuan's words, Yan Gang replied loyally.

"Thanks a lot."

"Don't dare."

Gu Qingyuan looked at the other two people and asked, "How is the business of the other two shops?"

Seeing that Yan Gang passed the level so easily, Wang Tao and Zhang You became very calm, looked at Gu Qingyuan and sighed, and said something similar to Yan Gang.

After listening, Gu Qingyuan nodded, and thoughtfully said: "It seems that this business is really profitable!"

The three of them heard Gu Qingyuan's words, sarcasm flashed in their eyes, and they were relaxed, but their faces were full of approval, agreement, and sighed: "This is how business is done!"

Seeing their expressions, Gu Qingyuan's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, he was silent for a moment, as if thinking of something, he said: "By the way, can you show me the account book!" He said with a slight smile: "I'm not a business owner. I understand, I am still curious about the account book.”

Seeing Gu Qingyuan's curious expression, something flashed in Yan Gang's eyes, and he sneered in his heart, what curiosity was there, he just wanted to read the account book!However, he has already dealt with the account book, so he doesn't believe that she can see what?
"Shopkeeper Yan, can't you watch it?" Seeing Yan Gang's dazed look, Gu Qingyuan asked doubtfully.

"No, no, of course I can see it. The servant will go and get it." After finishing speaking, he walked quickly to the counter, and Gu Qingyuan walked slowly, casually following behind.

Yan Gang walked into the counter, took out the key, opened the drawer, picked up the account book, his eyes suddenly widened, full of horror, panic flashed across his face, and then he closed the drawer suddenly.Although Yan Gang's strangeness only lasted for a moment, several people in the room still saw it.

Wang Tao and Zhang You looked at each other in surprise, Ling Fei looked at the innocent princess with curiosity and puzzlement, and slowly lowered her eyes.Qi Yi stood quietly behind Gu Qingyuan, looked down at his toes, knew what kind of expression the shopkeeper had without looking, and hoped his eyeballs didn't fall out.

"What's wrong with shopkeeper Yan? I was so frightened when I saw something." Gu Qingyuan chuckled lightly.

"No... nothing."

"But you look like you saw something terrible!" Gu Qingyuan smiled softer.

"No...no, the servant didn't see anything, hehe, didn't see anything." Yan Gang began to sweat on his forehead.

Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, "Qi Yi."

"Subordinates are here."

"Go to the counter to see if there is any danger, it actually turned shopkeeper Yan's face pale from fright." Gu Qingyuan frowned.

"Yes, Shi Zifei." Qi Yi raised his foot and strode to the counter.

Yan Gang hurriedly stopped him, and said eagerly: "No need, I dare not trouble the guard Qi."

"No trouble, shopkeeper Yan's safety is important." Qi Yi replied stiffly, then pushed Yan Gang away, and suddenly opened the drawer.Yan Gang closed his eyes.

Qi Yi looked uncertain, looked at Gu Qingyuan, and then lowered his head.

Gu Qingyuan stepped forward, Wang Tao and Zhang Youye stepped forward quickly, and when they saw the things inside, their faces changed drastically.

Gu Qingyuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Yan Gang and said, "Master Yan, can you explain this?"

(End of this chapter)

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