Di daughter graceful

Chapter 581 The man who ran away from home

Chapter 581 The man who ran away from home (1)
Liu Lin'er stood quietly in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, her face was a little pale, and she looked much thinner than before.But her expression was very dull. If she only looked at her expression, she couldn't tell what happened in the restaurant a few days ago had any effect on her.

However, the gloomy hostility in the eyes, as well as the dark hatred in the eyes, made people feel shocked when they saw it, and even more trembling because a woman had such a cold aura.At the same time, it also made people explore Liu Liner's attitude towards what happened in the restaurant.

At this time, a girl came in, saw something flashing in the eyes of Liu Liner's weak back, then raised her feet and walked in lightly, and said softly: "Miss..." Hearing the voice, Liu Liner didn't turn her head back. He just opened his mouth, and his voice was hoarse: "What did you hear today?" ..."

"What has become?"

When the girl heard the words, her eyes overflowed with apprehension, and her expression was a little apprehensive. She took a deep breath to stabilize her mind, and then said, "Now people outside are saying that it is... It is the young lady who seduced the second prince... and the two The reason why the prince made such an indecent move is because the young lady put medicine in the tea that the second prince drank. She said that the young lady can give up everything for the sake of the second prince, for the sake of glory and wealth, All despicable means were used..." After the girl finished speaking, she lowered her head, and did not dare to make a sound, lest the lady be angry, and her fate would be the same as those talkative girls. The beating was bloody.Not even a dead body.

After hearing what the girl said, Liu Lin'er had a distorted smile on her face.She seduced the second prince?Was it all done by her shamelessly?Is it caused by her greed for vanity and greed?Hehehe....Maybe there are even more ugly things, the girl hasn't dared to say all of them yet!In this way, the ugly incident in the restaurant was all her fault, and the second prince only made mistakes when he was temporarily confused.In this way, it would be easy for a shameless person like her to be soaked in a pig cage!It's better to be dead, and you deserve it.The people of the royal family are really ruthless. It is obvious that everything was caused by the second prince's lust and ruined her, but now everything is pushed on her head.Completely disregarding her life and death!Perhaps, they wished that she would die now!That way, the second prince's scandal can be slowly resolved.

Even though they knew that those rumors were the tricks of Concubine Wei Gui and Nan Gongye, they didn't dare to fight back in the same way.At this moment, she didn't even dare to say a word.This is the power of power, but also her tragedy...However, if they thought they could kill her by doing so, they were planning wrong.She will not die, absolutely will not die.Since they ruined her life, she will use the rest of her life to take revenge, so, she will never die, she must live well...Live well. "Lin'er, Lin'er...," a high-pitched voice suddenly broke the oppression and dullness in the room.The girl was startled by the sudden voice, and when she looked up, she saw that Grandma Liu's expression of bitter melon face, which was sad and crying a few days ago, changed to one of joy and joy.Looking at the girl in doubt, what kind of great good thing is there that makes the grandma so happy.Liu Lin'er turned around and looked at Grandma Liu with an indifferent expression, "What's the matter?" "Lin'er, you have been named the second concubine, not a concubine, not a side concubine, but a main concubine, a main concubine..." Liu Lin'er Grandma pulled Liu Lin'er and said excitedly.Hearing this, Liu Lin'er's eyes overflowed with surprise, and then she frowned. She turned out to be the concubine?
The girl was also very surprised, she was conferred the title of concubine with such a reputation as the eldest lady?What a surprise. "Lin'er, this is really great. Mom is right, you are destined to be a lucky person, and now you have really turned a disaster into a happy event..." Grandma Liu said happily.Liu Lin'er was very calm, "Who did you listen to?" "It's a message delivered by Madam Qian who is next to Concubine Wei. She said that we should prepare to visit the noble lady in two days."

Liu Lin'er's expression was unpredictable?Grandma Liu saw that her daughter was not happy at all, and the smile on her face was slightly restrained, and she asked puzzledly, "Lin'er, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

"Happy? I'm a person whose reputation is nearly ruined. Is there anything else to be happy about?" Liu Lin'er sneered. "Lin'er, how can you say such a thing! You are the second prince's person, the future second prince's concubine, a member of the royal family, and a noble person. Although there are some voices slandering you now, mother believes that, When your identity is established, those people outside will never dare to say a word, they will only think about how to curry favor with you, envy you, and envy you."

Grandma Liu said sternly: "Lin'er, these people are powerful, and when you gain momentum, you will change your face immediately. So, don't say things that belittle yourself like that, do you understand?" Liu Lin My son sneered, honorable?yes!The status of the princess sounds very noble.And although those people no longer dare to say anything more, they must not think highly of themselves in their hearts.More importantly, is the identity of the princess concubine really willing to be given to her by Concubine Wei Gui and Nan Gongye?For a person whose reputation has been ruined and who has a family status, it would be good for them to let her live. How could they give her the position of the main wife?

But, if it is not voluntary, but has to be given.Then, Liu Lin'er could already predict what her future would be like.

Isn't Murong Yue from the past a ready-made example?Thinking about it, Liu Liner looked at her mother who was full of joy, her eyes were gloomy and cold...

earls court

Xiahou Jueyi had been playing and disappearing since half an hour, and Gu Qingyuan waited until noon for the man who lost his temper to come back.Until the evening, Qisi appeared in front of Gu Qingyuan.It's just that the iconic fox smile on his face is gone, his expression is mournful, and his face is full of bitterness, which makes people feel that he is bitter!Very bitter!

"Shizifei!" Qi Si's voice was bitter.

Gu Qingyuan looked at Qi Si who was about to cry and raised his eyebrows, something flashed in his eyes, and then said lightly: "Mmm."

"Master Shizi asked the servant to come back and tell Concubine Shizi that he is very busy these days and probably won't be able to come back. Let Concubine Shizi not have to wait for him to rest earlier."

Qi Si spoke, looking at Gu Qingyuan with some expectation in his eyes.

After hearing this, Gu Qingyuan sighed inwardly, remained silent for a moment, and said, "Okay, I see."

Gu Qingyuan's answer made Qisi's face wrinkle, but he didn't dare to say more, he looked at Gu Qingyuan anxiously, "Then, this subordinate will leave first."

"it is good."

Qi Si turned around slowly, and left dejectedly.


Gu Qingyuan's voice sounded.Qisi blinked and came to the front, compared with the speed of leaving just now, it was an extreme contrast, Qisi looked at Gu Qingyuan with bright eyes, "Shi Zifei, what orders do you have?"

(End of this chapter)

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