Di daughter graceful

Chapter 582 The man who ran away from home

Chapter 582 The man who ran away from home (2)
Seeing Qisi's reaction, Gu Qingyuan smiled lightly, and said: "Let the son rest carefully, and pay attention not to get tired. Take good care of the son."

When Gu Qingyuan said the words, the light in Qisi's eyes disappeared, and he was unable to lower his head, "Yes, my subordinates must take good care of the eldest son."

"Well! Go!"

"Yes!" Qi Si turned around, feeling timid in his heart, if he brought these words to the Shizi.I don't know if the subsequent training will be doubled again.Huh...he felt sorry for himself, but seeing so many people in the barracks were also affected by the anger of the master, and they were worse than him, he felt very excited.He is so tangled...

Qisi left, Gu Qingyuan looked at the empty room, and sighed, most of the time when someone was there, he was silent and didn't say much.The room is also quiet, but it never makes people feel lonely.He seems to be everywhere in the room, and he seems to be by her side all the time...

A faint smile rose from the corner of Gu Qingyuan's mouth, and she sighed, it turned out that something had penetrated into her heart unconsciously, before she was aware of it, trust, dependence, and for the first time understood missing, and the sweet and sour beautiful.Perhaps, there is also the ignorant liking and love she feels for him that she thinks she understands, but in fact, she only feels now...There is no doubt about it….

Ling Fei looked at Gu Qingyuan quietly, and after hearing Qi Si's words, she was sure that something must have happened between the master and the concubine.Otherwise, the master would definitely not not come back suddenly.But, looking at the expression of the crown prince now...Ling Fei didn't know how to describe it, it seemed to be haunted by a faint longing, and also like the heartbeat of the first love, beautiful...Hazy and warm beauty...

Xiahou Jueyi listened to Qisi's reply, his mouth was tightly pursed, and his body was emitting a cold air.However, there was deep frustration in his eyes. He endured for a day and didn't go back, just hoping to see that girl show a little miss or reluctance for him when he was not around!But...but that cruel girl didn't even have a word to tell him to go back...Does that girl really believe that he is busy?

Thinking of this, Xiahou Jueyi looked even more frustrated, should he be happy about Gu Qingyuan's complete trust?But, he wasn't happy at all.Now, he even has a feeling of being trapped again. At the beginning, he doesn't know whether he did something wrong again this time, whether he cares too much, is too narrow-minded?Shouldn't he have been defeated by Murong Ye's few words, and began to suspect that Gu Qingyuan would leave him?Is he distrustful?Or do you care too much about the past?

Maybe it's really careful!However, he just doesn't like anyone or anything that can distract Gu Qingyuan's mind, except him of course!At the same time, he also hates those people who have the same thoughts as him towards Gu Qingyuan, so if you want to ask who he dislikes the most right now, it is definitely Murong Ye and Qi Yichen!And Gu Heng!
But Gu Qingyuan seemed to be different from him, she knew that Nangong Yan was interested in him, so she started to avoid him.However, this is because he knew she didn't like him before getting married, so forget it!But when she followed him back to Haoyue and expressed her willingness to spend the rest of her life with him, when she heard Gu Qingsu's words, she didn't react at all.Not even the slightest bit of dislike or annoyance.In comparison, if someone said something like that to him, even if he knew it was not true, he would still want to kill that person.

And that girl in the house, she must know too!And what kind of thoughts that girl was shaking in front of him, she must know with her intelligence, but she didn't say a word, not to mention punishing that girl, she didn't even ask him a word.

Every time I think about these things, I feel that he is nothing in Gu Qingyuan's heart. Even if she married him, that sense of uncertainty never disappeared.I wondered many times whether that girl never trusted him, whether she still kept her heart as she said before?
Qisi looked at Xiahou Jueyi's unpredictable expression, and couldn't help taking a slight step back.

Royal Palace
There was a cold smile on the corner of the queen's mouth, although the matter of Nangong Yu made her very depressed.But what happened with Nangongye this time, especially the emperor's holy will, made her very happy.Nangongye's embarrassment may be temporary, but the emperor's attitude determines many things.Concubine Wei, no matter how much she fights, no matter how favored she is, no matter how strong she is.But her son was useless, and the emperor disliked him.Then, all her efforts are in vain.

Although I don't want to admit it, Nangong Ye's performance is really not the same as Nangong Yu's. In this regard, as a mother, she really has the same fate as Concubine Wei Gui.However, she has a better life than Concubine Wei Gui, and she also has Nangong Ling, who is a legitimate heir to the reserve.So, what does Concubine Wei Gui compare with herself? Can she compare?snort!In the end, it was just a temporary clown.


Hearing the voice, the queen raised her eyes, saw Zhang Momo, got up slightly, and said in a low voice: "Who did the emperor send to the mausoleum, the eldest prince can find out?"

"Yes, the eldest prince has been confirmed." Madam Zhang paused and said, "It's Liu Xuezhou."

When Liu Xuezhou uttered the words, the queen's complexion suddenly sank, the light joy in her eyes just now faded away, and turned to a piercing coldness.Letting that stubborn, ruthless Shitou investigate Nangongye, obviously completely abandoned him!

The most ruthless emperor's family, even she has been completely corrupted, the relationship between husband and wife, mother and child, seems to have forgotten the feeling of intimacy and blood connection!Thinking about it, she smiled desolately, so how could she expect that the emperor would care about the relationship between father and son and tolerate Nangongye!Now the result depends on Nangong Ye's own good luck.

Li family
"I thought you were just talking about letting mother go, but I didn't expect you to actually do it." Li Hong looked at Li Zhi with a hint of resentment and unacceptable eyes, "Are you really my big brother? Is it really mother's son? How can you be so cruel. "

After Li Zhi heard Li Hong's words, bitterness overflowed in his eyes, but he disappeared in an instant, and just said lightly: "This is just cause and effect. If my mother had done nothing wrong before, there would be no result like today."

When Li Zhi said that, Li Hong opened his eyes wide and said angrily, "Li Zhi, do you also believe that mother did something wrong to aunt? Is that how you treat our mother?"

"If mother didn't do it, why didn't she justify one or two things, why didn't she just tell grandpa that she didn't do anything? Li Hong, I think you should know what mother's temperament is like." Li Zhi said lightly.

Hearing this, Li Hong choked and was speechless for a while, of course he understood what happened to his mother.Mother seems to have a gentle temperament, but she can't tolerate a little sand in her eyes. If her grandfather really wronged her, she would definitely not keep silent.Thinking about it, Li Hong gritted his teeth, "But even so, you can't send mother so far away! And... you don't allow her to go back to Li's house, you've gone too far."

(End of this chapter)

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