Chapter 589
Xia Houxu's expression was uncertain.

The eldest princess whispered, if Gu Yun'er can enter the Earl's Mansion, it will really be a good show!It's really exciting.

earls court

After the eldest princess and Mrs. Gu left one after another.Gu Qingyuan ordered Mei Xiang to arrange a place for Gu Xiner and the three of them, and asked Mei Xiang to take them to rest first.

The ears finally became quiet, Gu Qingyuan rubbed the center of his brows, and glanced at the hour (it was probably past two o'clock), Xiahou Jueyi didn't know what he was doing at this time?
Ling Fei saw that Gu Qingyuan looked a little tired, her eyes were full of distress, and she said with concern: "Concubine Shizi, please take a rest!"

"No, it's just that I have a headache because of the noise." He stood up and stretched his waist, "I'm going to freshen up, you help me get my things ready, and then I set off."

"Okay, servant girl, get ready now."

Xiahou Jueyi sat on the main seat, and a group of officials stood below, but there were no voices from more than 20 people in the room, silent, depressed, heavy, and even breathing felt extremely difficult!The atmosphere was solemn, and the hearts of all the officials were even more tense. It has been three days, exactly three days. These three days are unimaginably long, because they are too long, and they have even forgotten what the previous days were like.What is a woman, do not remember!What are delicacies from mountains and seas, I don’t know anymore!Perhaps it should be said that they can't taste the taste of rice anymore!

In the past three days, what they experienced the most and understood most thoroughly was that the past days were heaven, but they never knew how to cherish them.It also let them know in advance what life is worse than death and what hell is!

It has been three days, and they are no longer amazed by Xiahou Jueyi's handsome face like a fairy!Only panic.It is also the first time that I understand that a handsome person is not necessarily a fairy, maybe a demon!The noble, king-like aura on his body is still astonishing and convincing.But it is even more frightening, so frightening that you want to die!

For three days, nothing but extreme training!No, it should be said that there is also the demonstration of the guard Qi attacking the dead.An order from Xiahou Shizi, and a move from the Qi guards, they hit the soldiers who they were proud of and thought they did a good job until they were ashamed to see others, even living in this world was a kind of superfluity, that absolute frustration, Can drive people crazy.

"This is the result you want to show my son? This is the soldier you said can do everything well? These are the assurances you keep saying to this son that no matter what changes happen, you will definitely be able to deal with all kinds of crises. , the training result that is sure to win? If it is, then this prince really admires you." Xiahou Jueyi looked indifferent, but his words were like a knife.

The man's cold voice sounded, and all the officials quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty in unison, "My son atones for my sin, and I know my mistake."

Qi Si watched and sighed. In the past three days, he could say he had seen such a scene countless times. If this continues, calluses must have grown on the knees of the adults below.However, he didn't have much thought to sympathize with them, he'd better keep his knees first!If the master asked him to demonstrate something to the soldiers below, then he would really have to risk his life to win.

"Apart from pleading guilty, is there anything else I can say to my son?" Xiahou Jueyi said nonchalantly.

However, this sentence made the foreheads of the people below sweat quickly, and the back of the spine suddenly felt cold.His face is wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, his stomach has been hollowed out in the past few days, and he feels that his brain has become smaller due to excessive thinking, but none of the countermeasures he proposed satisfy the man in front of him.

After a lot of thinking and no results, they have already started to think in the wrong direction.I can't help but guess whether Xiahou Shizi's behavior is due to dissatisfaction with his desires, and he is so angry that he can't help venting his anger on them!Or, was there any conflict with that imperial concubine?I even wondered if the intercourse did not go well and Xiahou Shizi's glory was damaged.It hurt the man's self-esteem, so he needs to get it back in front of them.Ahem...Although they don't want to think about it all the time, shouldn't people who have just been married have a happy face?However, the man in front of him was terrifyingly sinister.

Xiahou Jueyi saw that no one spoke, his long and narrow eyes were dark, and his mood became more gloomy.The already depressing atmosphere, because the man's mood has added a layer of chill.Everyone in the room really wanted to cry...

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came suddenly, and everyone felt uneasy. Is it the brave and short-sighted person who came here at this time?However, this might transfer the anger of Prince Xiahou to him.Thinking of this, everyone was full of anticipation.I hope I can escape today's catastrophe by doing this.

When Qi Si saw the person coming, his eyes shone brightly, and his heart was pounding with excitement.The turning point is here, the turning point is finally here!


Seeing Qi Yi, Xiahou Jueyi's expression was uncertain, with various emotions in his eyes.After a moment of silence, he said, "What's the matter?"

"The imperial concubine ordered her subordinates to bring something to the elder son."

With these words, Qi Si became even more excited.

Xiahou Jueyi took a deep look at Qi Yi, "What is it?"

"Master, wait a moment." After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out quickly.

After a while, he walked in again, but this time there was an extra person behind him, a slender, small and exquisite man, followed behind Qi Yi with his head down, holding a food box in his hand.

Seeing that person, Qi Si's mouth split open.

Xiahou Jueyi pursed his lips.

The little man walked up to Xiahou Jueyi, bowed respectfully and saluted, and said in a low voice, "The villain has seen the son of Xiahou."

Looking at the person who greeted him, Xiahou Jueyi's mouth tightened even more, he glanced at him, then looked away, and said in a deep voice, "Get up!"

"Yes, thank you, Prince Xia." The man got up, walked to Xiahou Jueyi spontaneously, and put the food box in his hand in front of him, "The concubine said, the prince has worked hard these days. Therefore, I specially ordered the villain Come here and send some things to replenish the body of Xiahou Shizi."

The serious look of the man made Xiahou Jueyi's hands tense, and he glanced at him again, and said with confusion: "Your concubine has worked hard."

"No hard work, no hard work. It should be done."


Looking at Xiahou Jueyi's cold face, the man had a slight smile on his face, and said with anxiety in his words: "Well, son Xiahou! The imperial concubine has something to tell the villain to the elder son."


"Please allow the villain to take a step closer."

Hearing this, Xiahou Jueyi took a look at the distance between them, it seemed that there was only one step between them!He still wants to take a step closer?
"Thank you, Prince Xiahou, for your permission."

Xiahou Jueyi didn't speak, but the man already thanked him spontaneously, and took a quick step forward with a smile.The officials below couldn't see this rogue-like move because they lowered their heads, so they thought Xiahou Jueyi had already nodded in response.

But Qi Si, Qi Yi saw it very clearly, grinned even wider, seeing that this crisis was about to pass.

The man approached, covered it with his hands, bent down, and approached Xiahou Jueyi's ear.

The warm and fragrant breath instantly entered Xiahou Jueyi's nostrils, and his body tensed reflexively.Then, with a move of the man, Xiahou Jueyi's back suddenly straightened, and various colors flashed across his face very quickly.The expression was too complicated, and people couldn't find out what kind of reaction he was, whether it was happiness or anger.

Turning to look at the little man, however, the man has already backed away, standing respectfully aside, his honest appearance makes it even more difficult to find out what he did just now?
Qisi and Qiyi glanced at each other, looking at each other, but couldn't help sighing in their hearts: Master finally had a second expression.

The officials below also felt sensitively that the atmosphere in the room began to become weird, as if it was no longer so depressing, and it was no longer full of chills.There was a kind of... an indescribable, unexplainable feeling of entanglement... It was felt that all the officials shook their heads quickly and shook their heads away, and they began to lose their minds.

Xiahou Jueyi glared fiercely, the woman who was standing on the side pretending to be honest, turned her eyes to look at the crowd below, and said expressionlessly: "Everyone get down."

When the order came out, everyone looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief, this... is this the past?so unexpected...

Qi Si watched their reactions, shook his head, and sighed: What a group of fast-spirited people who have been tortured!

"What? Didn't you hear what my son said?"

Xiahou Jueyi's cold voice came out, and everyone quickly came back to their senses, and said anxiously: "I will take my leave..." As he spoke, he blinked and disappeared in front of his eyes.

Qi Si, Qi Yi also quickly disappeared.

There were only two people left in the room, Xiahou Jueyi raised his eyes, before he could speak, there was already a person in his arms, lowering his eyes!It is the face of a woman smiling like a flower.


(End of this chapter)

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