Di daughter graceful

Chapter 590 Just because of you

Chapter 590 Just because of you (1)
Xiahou Jueyi looked at the person in his arms, and said with a cold expression: "You are a man, it is not proper to call your husband to my son, it is too presumptuous! Go down."

Gu Qingyuan looked at the man's anger with bright eyes, and when he heard his stern reprimand, her heart was instantly filled with a smile, warmth, and a sense of satisfaction, which made her heart swell involuntarily.Because he is in front of her eyes, she feels happy; because of his departure, she feels missing; because of him, she feels satisfied; and she is also from her own joy, but now there is one more him, and her joy is dragged by him.

Xiahou Jueyi stared blankly at the person in his arms, he had seen too many emotions in those ancient well-free eyes, cold; harsh; warm; sad; joyful; cunning; sophisticated However, it was the first time to see missing in her eyes.Looking at the nostalgia, I am happy.Xiahou Jueyi's heart tightened, was it because of him?
Seeing the man's dazed expression, Gu Qingyuan raised a smile on his face, lying on the man's body comfortably, bowed his head and arched his heart.That coquettish look like a cat made Xiahou Jueyi's sulky and dull heart for several days disappear instantly, turning into a touch of spring water.The haze between the brows faded away, and the corners of the eyes overflowed with tenderness and charming amorous feelings.

My heart is full of joy.However, his face was pretending to be cold, and he said indifferently: "Aren't you going down? Do you want this son to punish you to be satisfied?"

The words came out, but what came into my ears was the woman's suppressed chuckle.Xiahou Jueyi gritted his teeth!Annoyed in my heart, the feeling of having nowhere to focus makes me feel aggrieved!

Gu Qingyuan raised his head, his cheeks were stained with rouge because of a muffled laugh.His eyes are as bright as glass, his hair is a little disheveled due to the action just now, and he is dressed in men's clothes, but he wears a different style, a different kind of temptation.People can't help but think...As soon as the idea came up, Xiahou Jueyi quickly turned his eyes away. If he really did that, he would be really crazy...

Gu Qingyuan looked at Xiahou Jueyi's tense expression, and pursed his lips into a smile. It seems that the man's temper has not gone down, or is the man not reconciled or satisfied with going down this step? (Xiahou Jueyi's anger has not subsided yet, but this fire is no longer that fire!)
Gu Qingyuan hid the smile on his face, looked at Xiahou Jueyi with admiration and expectation in his eyes, was very sad, and struggled: "Xiahou Shizi, I know that you find it difficult to accept me as a man. It is only natural for you to resist .” Said lonely and lowered his head.

Xiahou Jueyi lowered his eyes, the expression in his long and narrow eyes was unpredictable, what kind of tricks did this girl want to play again.

"However, my heart for Xiahou Shizi is true. I really like Xiahou Shizi." Gu Qingyuan raised his head again, his face full of determination.

"I fell in love with Xia Houzi the first time I saw it. Although I also know that the love between a man and a man is shocking, and it is difficult for the world to accept. However, love is love. I can't deceive myself. I can't suppress my longing to be with Xiahou Shizi for the rest of my life."

As he spoke, he caressed Xiahou Jueyi's handsome face, his eyes full of love, "I can see your unparalleled beauty every day, hear your voice every day, hug you and feel your warmth every day, there is nothing better in the world than this It makes me feel happier." After speaking, he looked at Xiahou Jueyi solemnly, "Jueyi, if you can please let me stay by your side."

Such an affectionate confession made Xiahou Jueyi's face even more ugly.This wicked girl, the yearning in her eyes just now was not because she simply missed him!It's just because he's not around, she has no one to tease and she has less fun, that's why she's so happy when she sees him!However, now she couldn't wait to tease him.

Thinking about it, Xiahou Jueyi's face became even more ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Get down!"

Seeing that Xiahou Jueyi seemed to be getting more and more angry, Gu Qingyuan stepped forward and quickly kissed Xiahou Jueyi hard on the lips.Then he backed away, and while Xiahou Jueyi was stunned, he solemnly said: "Xiahou Shizi, I will definitely do well. At least I will do better than your concubine. Except for the difference in gender, I am a little taller. My son is no worse than her, but I am gentler, more considerate than her, and more considerate than her! More importantly, I am more frank than her. If I like Prince Xiahou, I will tell the truth, not like you Like that concubine, she obviously cares a lot, but she never speaks out a lot of the time."

"When I obviously can't see you, I miss you and miss you, but I don't say anything."

"Obviously, the escape and avoidance in the past were never because I didn't like you, but because I wanted to leave because of fear, timidity, and fear of losing, but I never said it."

"Maybe you started to like it when you tolerated it many times, but because of resistance and because she didn't know how to continue, she deliberately ignored a lot. She just wanted to be alone and not be tied down. In fact, she is a coward, but she But never say it."

"And when she followed you back to Haoyue, when she married you, you were already in her heart. Although, she may have really thought about keeping that heart, but she had forgotten that sentence very early on. My heart has been lost!"

"She knows this herself. She also thinks that you can feel it, and you understand it too! I understand that she became husband and wife with you because she simply likes you. But she has forgotten the most important thing! Once she If you want you to say it, then you must want her to say it."

"Your imperial concubine, I forgot to say a word to you. We became husband and wife just because we love each other; we stay together for a lifetime because of you; I feel happy and at ease because of you!"

"I haven't seen you for three days. She misses you very much."

When Gu Qingyuan spoke, Xiahou Jueyi's heart surged, his long and narrow eyes were hot, deep and bright, and he stretched out his hand to hold Gu Qingyuan's small face, his voice was subdued, "Girl, repeat what you just said."

When these words came out, Gu Qingyuan's mouth twitched. Based on the development of the romance drama, Gu Qingyuan once imagined the man's reaction.I thought that he would hug her, I thought that he might say a few nice words in response, and I thought that he would be happy, but he would pretend to be indifferent due to his awkward temper.But, I just didn't expect the man to let me repeat it again!
Seeing Gu Qingyuan's astonished eyes, Xiahou Jueyi lowered his head, his eyes were seductive, his voice was charming, and he said in a low voice: "Girl, say it again!"

"Do not say."


"The more pleasant things are said, the less pleasant they become."


"Do not say."

"Girl, you can't make me happy! Say it again." Xiahou Jueyi said with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Gu Qingyuan gave him a blank look, "It's useless to act like a baby." She looked at him warningly and said, "Also, if you run away from home in the future, you will be served with sticks."

(End of this chapter)

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