After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1003 How did you get into the community

Chapter 1003 How did you get into the community
"She fainted because of hypoglycemia. If you don't believe me, ask Song Qinger yourself."

Qin Shuangshuang really felt that it was strange to see her, and finally knew why Song Qing'er didn't want her aunt to come over. This person was simply sick.

"That's because my niece is kind and doesn't want to argue with you. Let me tell you, since she fainted in front of your house, you will be responsible. You must pay for all the checks that should be done, medical expenses, and health loss expenses." Bring them all to me."

After working for a long time, I just want to extort money!


Song Qing'er pulled her aunt aside again in embarrassment, trying to get her to stop talking.

However, at this time, Han Zhiyi suddenly asked Song Qing'er, "How did you get into our community?"

The security of the Han family community has always been very strict. It is impossible to enter without an access card. Even if outsiders visit, they must be brought by the residents of the community to enter.

"I came in after the residents in the community." Song Qing'er did not expect that Han Zhiyi would actually want to ask her this question at this moment, and a panicked look flashed across her eyes.

"is it?"

But this explanation doesn't seem very reasonable, Han Zhiyi obviously doesn't believe it!

Song Qing'er nodded quickly: "Yes, at that time someone was about to go in, so I ran over and lied to that person that I lived in that community, and asked her to pretend to know me and take me in. If you don't believe me, you can check your community The surveillance inside, it was indeed someone who took me in."

"There are still a lot of good people now." After listening to Song Qing'er's explanation, Han Zhiyi suddenly chuckled.

"He's a pretty good guy." Song Qing'er smiled, not knowing what she was hiding.

"I said, how are you going to solve my niece's fainting? Don't make excuses. Let me tell you, if you don't give me a satisfactory compensation today, none of you will leave."

However, at this moment, Song Qing'er's aunt spoke fiercely!

I don't know if it's because Song Qing'er's aunt is so presumptuous because she looks like Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi are students.

At this time, Han Zhiyi suddenly looked at Song Qing'er's aunt coldly: "She fainted by herself, what's our business? She has already had an inspection just now, and the inspection report will be brought over in a while. If you think we are bullying If you miss her, at worst we can go for an injury test to see if she has any obvious trauma on her body. If you want us to compensate, you should need a reasonable evidence, don't you? It's not because you are older than us, If you are an elder, you can scare us casually."

In fact, since Song Qing'er's aunt came in for such a long time, Han Zhiyi never looked at her directly. This moment of indifference in his eyes made Aunt Song Qing'er's heart tremble violently.

She looked down at Song Qing'er, as if she wanted to ask Song Qing'er something puzzled, but Song Qing'er calmly pinched her, and her aunt quickly raised her head and looked at Han Zhiyi again.

"Boy, you can talk quite well, and what you say is clear and logical. What evidence do you give me? My niece is lying on the hospital bed. Isn't this evidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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