After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1004 Chapter 104 Strange Aunt

Chapter 1004 The One Thousand and Fourth Wonderful Aunt

Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi sneered: "That's fine, let's do the injury check."

Han Zhiyi's attitude was that he would rather spend money on inspection than compensate Song Qing'er!

Unexpectedly, Han Zhiyi's attitude directly angered Song Qing'er's aunt, who suddenly picked up a box on the table next to the hospital bed, and threw it at Song Qing'er.

It directly hit Song Qing'er's forehead. Although no blood came from the impact, Song Qing'er's forehead was instantly red and swollen.

And Song Qing'er screamed in pain: "Ah, aunt..."

Qin Shuangshuang was stunned, okay, this aunt Song Qing'er is really not an ordinary person, she can even kill her own niece?

"Isn't it necessary to have an injury test? This is an injury. You go and have an examination."

But Song Qing'er's aunt didn't seem to feel sorry for Song Qing'er at all, but felt as if she was angry with Han Zhiyi, pointing directly at Song Qing'er's forehead, with an attitude of what can you do to me.

Qin Shuangshuang really couldn't stand it anymore: "You smashed it yourself, we all saw it. Even if you want to blackmail people, you have to be smart about it. Besides, Song Qing'er is your own nephew, you are really It's smashed down."

"I smashed it myself. Who saw it, did you guys? Do you think anyone will believe us if we go out and say it now?"

Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er's aunt didn't panic at all, on the contrary, she seemed to be very righteous and distorted the facts.

Qin Shuangshuang was really going to be pissed off: "Then do you think Song Qing'er is a fool?"

"Hmph, don't talk so much nonsense to me. If you need an injury test, go for it quickly. After the test, just give me the compensation, or I will sue you. The Han family is well-known in the capital, so rich. Family, it shouldn’t be a big deal to give us small citizens some compensation, if the reputation is ruined by then, it can be solved with a little compensation money.”

"If the Han family has money, it belongs to the Han family. Does it have anything to do with you? Besides, you are clearly a thief calling for a thief. Do you think everyone is a fool, and Song Qinger is a fool?"

Qin Shuangshuang didn't know if Song Qing'er's aunt was crazy about money. Not only did she throw things at Song Qing'er, but she also wanted to make a fortune out of it.

Does she think that Song Qing'er won't tell the truth about the matter?
"Hmph, I'm the guarantor for Song Qing'er to come here to study, you know, do you think she's stupid?" But Song Qing'er's aunt didn't seem to care at all.

Having said that, Qin Shuangshuang was stunned. What do you mean?
Song Qinger came to study, why would the guarantor be her aunt, shouldn't it be her parents?

"When I was 16 years old, my adoptive parents didn't want me anymore, and they canceled the adoption relationship with me." Song Qing'er suddenly said weakly.

Qin Shuangshuang:
That is to say, the adoptive parents don't want Song Qing'er anymore, so Song Qing'er came back to study, and then her aunt was the guarantor.

But this aunt doesn't seem to be very kind to Song Qing'er!
Why does it feel like there is a sour feeling, she never thought that Song Qing'er's life experience would be so miserable!
Since she was not with her biological parents since she was a child, she was adopted, and then her adoptive parents didn't want her anymore. Isn't this equivalent to being abandoned twice?

Song Qing'er had to have a lot of psychological endurance to pretend that nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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