After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1005 Strange Aunt

Chapter 1005 Strange Aunt
Song Qing'er's aunt laughed proudly: "You also know that when you come to study, the guarantor is not allowed except for relatives. Whether Song Qing'er can continue to study here is all up to me talk."

Song Qing'er suddenly burst into tears with excitement: "Auntie, can you stop talking, I won't read this book, is that okay?"

"You have no conscience, do you stop reading if you don't want to read it?" Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er's aunt stared at her sideways: "But if you don't want to read it, then go to work to earn money and owe me money." Give me all the money back.”

"You have to know that you borrowed your tuition and living expenses from me."

"I'll give it back to you." Song Qing'er suddenly lowered her head, clutching the quilt tightly with her hands, her voice seemed to be a little choked up.

"Hmph, I advise you to pay it back quickly. No one's money came from the wind. I lent you the money with interest. Don't pay the interest by then."

"Qing'er, how much do you owe your aunt?" Qin Shuangshuang's temperament is relatively straightforward, and seeing Song Qing'er's aunt bullying people like this, she can't stand it anymore.

Song Qing'er lowered her head and did not speak.

"I don't owe much. If you give me her compensation, it's almost settled." Song Qing'er's aunt spoke up.

"Don't you just want compensation? Song Qing'er is your own nephew, how could you treat her like this?" Qin Shuangshuang gave Aunt Song Qing'er an angry look.

Who knows that Aunt Song Qing'er didn't care at all: "What's wrong with my nephew, my brother is still clear about it, besides, don't I need to support my family?"

"Okay, Shuang Shuang, you go first, I can settle the matter here myself." Song Qing'er spoke at this moment.

Song Qing'er's aunt said, "Why are you going? I haven't figured out what's going on here yet."

"Isn't it just for compensation, we'll give it to you."

Qin Shuangshuang was really angry.

"Give me the bank card number, and I'll pass it on to you."

"Yo, she's still a little girl, not like some people."

When Song Qing'er's aunt heard that Qin Shuangshuang wanted to give her money, she laughed happily and even her tone of voice changed.

Then he took out a bank card from his bag, and handed it to Qin Shuangshuang: "Just put it into this card."

Qin Shuangshuang took the card, then took out the phone, and was about to give money to Aunt Song Qinger, but Han Zhiyi, who didn't want to stand by and hadn't spoken, suddenly took the bank and threw it to Aunt Song Qinger.

"what are you doing?"

Before Qin Shuangshuang could react, she heard Aunt Song Qing'er yell in displeasure.

"I'll take care of it."

It's just that Han Zhiyi didn't pay attention to her at all, but turned his head to Qin Shuangshuang and said softly suddenly.

"You come to deal with it, why don't you want to give me money." Song Qing'er's aunt was afraid that she would not get her money.

Han Zhiyi cast her a cold look, then took out his phone, dialed and said indifferently: "Take [-] to the hospital."

"It doesn't need that much, I don't owe her that much money." Song Qing'er was afraid that Han Zhiyi would suffer, so she suddenly yelled out.

"Shut up, you, what's the matter with you, people are willing to give me so much, 5 yuan is nothing to the Han family, it's not even the tip of the iceberg."

(End of this chapter)

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