After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1006 Strange Aunt

Chapter 1006 Strange Aunt
Song Qing'er's aunt saw Song Qing'er suddenly speak up for Han Zhiyi, fearing that the money she got would fly away, so she pushed her directly.

When Song Qing'er was pushed, she immediately leaned back, and the back of her head was directly hit against the back of the hospital bed.

With the sound of "Boom...", Qin Shuangshuang was terrified when he heard it.

"Hey, don't go too far."

Qin Shuangshuang glared at Aunt Song Qing'er, then hurried over to support Song Qing'er.

"Are you OK."

Qin Shuangshuang asked with concern.

Song Qing'er frowned, got up and sat down, and quickly shook her head: "I really caused trouble for you today, if I knew I shouldn't have come."

Seeing Song Qing'er's pitiful appearance, Qin Shuangshuang couldn't say anything particularly unpleasant, so she could only comfort her: "If anyone can predict what will happen in the future, then there won't be so many in this world. It's something to regret. Don't always blame yourself, just sit here first, don't talk, and let Han Zhiyi take care of other things."

Qin Shuangshuang also probably knew why Song Qing'er was so timid in front of her aunt, so small that she didn't even dare to speak aloud.

Because her aunt is her guarantor, if she is not careful, she may not be able to stay here to study.

That's why Song Qing'er was so cautious.

And Qin Shuangshuang finally understood why Song Qing'er didn't want to call her aunt here just now.

It is simply a wonderful work!

The money was sent over quickly. It was said to be fifty thousand, but it was really fifty thousand.

The person who brought the money was carrying a bag, and Song Qing'er's aunt's eyes lit up when she saw the bag carrying the money, she wanted to come over and take that bag without thinking about anything else.

"You can take the money, but you must write a guarantee that after you take the money, you will not continue to come to us, and you will not continue to embarrass Song Qing'er."

Han Zhiyi didn't want to talk to Song Qinger and Song Qinger's aunt at first, but he just looked at Qin Shuangshuang as if he wanted to take care of this matter. In order not to make her feel regretful or feel sorry for Song Qinger, Han Zhiyi said It's the intention to take care of this matter.

5 yuan is really not much, if it can save Qin Shuangshuang from trouble, it will be worth it.

"Write, I will write."

Song Qing'er's aunt immediately readily agreed.

Taking the pen and paper from Song Qinger's schoolbag, Song Qinger's aunt quickly wrote a letter of guarantee and gave it to Han Zhiyi.

Han Zhiyi took the letter of guarantee and took a look at it. This is how he gave the letter of guarantee to Qin Shuangshuang, and then said: "Look at it, how is it?"

Qin Shuangshuang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Han Zhiyi to show her something, but he took it quickly, and then glanced at the guarantee letter.

It's nothing more than writing that I received the compensation today and repaid the money I borrowed from Song Qing'er, so I won't cause trouble because of these things in the future.

"pretty good."

Qin Shuangshuang held the letter of guarantee and handed it back to Han Zhiyi.

"You keep this, just in case."

It's useless for Han Zhiyi to ask for a guarantee, the purpose is just to get a guarantee for Qin Shuangshuang.

It doesn't matter if the money is out, but because of this, Qin Shuangshuang is still in trouble, which Han Zhiyi doesn't want to see.

(End of this chapter)

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