After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1007 Song Yiran in Youth

Chapter 1007 Song Yiran in Youth

It's just that what Han Zhiyi never expected was that Song Qing'er's wonderful aunt would not come to make trouble, but Song Qing'er did find Qin Shuangshuang's trouble!
It was around Sunday afternoon, Qin Shuangshuang was about to pack up and go to school, when suddenly he received a call from Song Qing'er.

Qin Shuangshuang was still very surprised, because after Song Qinger's wonderful aunt left that day, Song Qinger was also discharged from the hospital under Song Qinger's insistence. Qin Shuangshuang originally thought that this matter had passed like this, but she didn't think that it would never pass at all. , just the beginning!


As soon as Qin Shuangshuang got through the phone, she heard Song Qinger's voice that was about to cry.

"What's wrong?" Qin Shuangshuang was puzzled.

"Can I put things in your house first, I was kicked out by my aunt, and I have nowhere to go."

Qin Shuangshuang:
Whether she agrees to this or not!
"Shuangshuang, don't worry, I just put things at your house. I'm not going to live in your house. I planned to find a house, but it's almost dark now, and I have to go to school tomorrow, so I don't have time."

"And I have a lot of things. If I bring them to the dormitory, it will definitely affect the people in the dormitory. You also know that Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu have objections to me."

"I don't know anyone else here, only the classmates in the class, but I don't know them well, so I can only trouble you. In fact, I am also very embarrassed. I hesitated for a long time beside the luggage. This is the call for you. If you feel inconvenient, it doesn't matter. I'll figure it out myself. "

It's nonsense to say that you have to figure out your own way. Since you have already called Qin Shuangshuang and said such pitiful words, how can Qin Shuangshuang refuse to agree?
Qin Shuangshuang was really helpless: "That's all right, where are you now, can you get it by yourself? If not, I will let my driver pick you up?"

"No, no, I'll just bring it myself."

Song Qing'er seemed very happy when Qin Shuangshuang agreed, and hurriedly answered on the other end of the phone.

Sure enough, within a short while, Song Qing'er came, and Qin Shuangshuang went to open the door for her.

Su Zhaoxue was at home, watching Qin Shuangshuang bring a lot of luggage, and asked her in surprise: "Where did you get this?"

"My classmate's, drop..."

Qin Shuangshuang pointed to Song Qinger who was following behind her.

Song Qing'er just entered the room, and she showed a sweet smile to Su Zhaoxue, politely: "Hi Auntie, my name is Song Qing'er, and I'm Shuangshuang's roommate. These luggage are at your house, and they are causing you trouble."

The first time Su Zhaoxue saw Song Qing'er, she thought she saw Song Yiran when she was young. Although she didn't look too much alike, her demeanor was too similar, and both of them were surnamed Song.

It's not that Su Zhaoxue has never seen Song Qing'er's photo. She had investigated Song Qing'er because of her suspicions before, but she found that she and Song Yiran had nothing to do with each other at all, so she was relieved.

But seeing Song Qing'er in person so unexpectedly today, Su Zhaoxue suddenly felt that there must be something wrong with their previous investigation.

But what went wrong, but I can't figure it out at all.

(End of this chapter)

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