After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1013 Finding Yuan Hong

Chapter 1013 Finding Yuan Hong
"Why do I need to know where Song Qing'er's mother is?"

With Yuan Hong's appearance, I don't know if she didn't know at all, or she refused to talk about it.

"How much do you need before you are willing to say?" Hu Qianya, who had been silent at the side, suddenly spoke.

"What do you mean?"

Yuan Hong asked the question knowingly.

"What do you think I should mean? Isn't it obvious that you asked knowingly?"

"I really don't know where Song Qing'er's mother is. I've never seen Song Qing'er's mother before."

What Yuan Hong said was actually the truth, she had never met Song Qing'er's mother.

"Then how did you and Song Qing'er meet?" Hu Xianya continued.

Yuan Hong glanced at Hu Xianya, and suddenly showed a flattering smile: "Little sister, how much will you give me?"

It seems that money plays the most important role!
Hu Xianya couldn't help showing a sneer: "The last time I blackmailed my son 5 yuan, it wasn't enough, now you want to blackmail me again?"

"Oh, so it's the wife of the Han family, I said."

As soon as Yuan Hong heard Hu Xianya's self-reported identity, she immediately became angry: "What is [-] yuan? What are you afraid of because the Han family has a big career? Besides, don't talk so badly. How can you call it false? At that time, your young master offered to give it to me, okay?"

"Small citizens like us can't compete with young ladies, young masters and wives from rich families like you."

"Okay, okay, just tell me how much you want to tell the truth."

Hu Xianya didn't bother to argue with a shrew like her, so she waved her hand impatiently.

"At least more than last time, or I won't be worth it."

Yuan Hong immediately returned to her arrogant look, as if she had concluded that Hu Xianya would definitely give her the money.

"Ha ha."

Hu Xianya sneered: "That depends on whether what you said is worth so much money."

After hearing Hu Xianya's words, Yuan Hong immediately smiled confidently: "I am actually not Song Qing'er's real aunt, and I also know where Song Qing'er's biological mother is. The reason why Song Qing'er came back to study is not Because her adoptive parents don't want her anymore, but she has terminated her relationship with her adoptive parents. How about it, is this enough, is it worth it?"

"Where is Song Qing'er's mother?" Su Zhaoxue was anxious when she heard that.

Listening to Yuan Hong's words, she became more and more suspicious of the relationship between Song Qing'er and Song Yiran.

The reason why Song Qinger approached their family Shuangshuang was definitely not that simple.

"That's fine. My son gave you [-] last time, so I'll give you another [-]."

Hu Xianya was straightforward and spoke directly.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Hong shook her head dissatisfied: "Yes, no, it's too little."

After finishing speaking, she said to Hu Xianya mysteriously: "Do you know why Song Qing'er fainted and went to the hospital last time, and made me pretend to be vicious?"

"Tell me what you have, and tell me how much money you want. Everyone is a happy person. If you want money, we want to hear the facts. It's such a simple transaction, why make it so complicated?"

Hu Qianya didn't have the intention to play tricks with this Yuan Hong. Her purpose was very simple, and she didn't have so much free time.

"Little sister, I just like your straightforward character. If you give me this number, I will tell you everything I know right away."

(End of this chapter)

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