After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1014 Finding Yuan Hong

Chapter 1014 Finding Yuan Hong
After Yuan Hong finished speaking, she stretched out her two hands, which meant one hundred thousand.


"You are simply a rascal, won't you be asked to say a few words, and you still need a hundred thousand, besides, you didn't make much effort."

Su Zhaoxue became angry when she heard that, this person is simply stealing money, although [-] is indeed enough for her, but she is just a little bit unwilling.

"Little girl, how do you know that I didn't put in much effort? Besides, this is a matter of willing to fight and suffer. If you think it's okay, then we will make a deal. If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, then Everyone go home."

Yuan Hong didn't intend to give in at all, and her attitude was very tough.


It's been a long time since I saw Su Zhaoxue, it's the first time I saw Su Zhaoxue play so arrogantly and righteously, she was even more powerful than Song Yiran and Gu Ping.

"Little girl, I think you are also the wife of a rich family. Does 10 yuan mean you are too big? Don't make it look like you are stingy and lower your status."

Seeing that Su Zhaoxue seemed to be annoyed, Yuan Hong suddenly changed her attitude.

"Yuan Hong." Hu Xianya spoke again at this time.

"You have a son who goes to school in the south."

Yuan Hong was taken aback, and immediately took precautions: "Why are you suddenly talking about this? We pay one size for one size. This matter was originally yours who came to me to do business. If you want to buy something, it is yours." If you don’t want to buy it, then leave directly, is it possible that you still think about not spending a penny, just take things away from me, isn’t that stealing?”

"Hehe, theft? Then what is the matter that you colluded with Song Qing'er to extort money?" Hu Qianya suddenly laughed.

"I told you all, the money was voluntarily given to me by your young master."

Yuan Hong seemed to get anxious all of a sudden.

"That's why you colluded with Song Qing'er to act, otherwise my son can give you money?"

"Let me tell you Yuan Hong, I will give you two ways now, one is to give you 6 yuan, tell you everything you know, and cooperate with us to find Song Qing'er's mother, and the other is to find you My son came to talk to you, I believe you don’t want your son to know that he has a mother like you.”

In fact, Hu Xianya sent someone to investigate Yuan Hong temporarily, and found out that she was divorced and alone with a child.

After all these years, I have raised the children by myself, and it is indeed not easy for adults to study, but if it is too much, and they are really treated as sheep, easy to slaughter, then it will not be like this.

What Hu Xianya said made Yuan Hong completely flustered.

Over the years, her son has been her spiritual support. The reason why she wants to ask Hu Qianya and Su Zhaoxue for more money is also because of such a son.

My son is just starting college now, a very cynical age!

If her son found out that his mother did such a thing outside, he might dislike her so much, and even feel ashamed of her, and from then on, he completely hated her as a mother.

So what's the point of what she's done so much!

"That's fine, [-] is [-]. If you want to know anything, I will tell you all."

(End of this chapter)

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