After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1015 Isn't Liu Yi a student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering?

Chapter 1015 Isn't Liu Yi a student of the Department of Mechanical Engineering?
Friday is holiday time again!
At this time, Liu Yi made an appointment with Qin Shuangshuang again, and it was outside the school again!
"Shuangshuang, let me return the notebook that I picked up from you last time."

"Okay, where are you, I'll get it."

Qin Shuangshuang didn't pay much attention to it at first, and just responded casually.

"Just at the gate of the school, the door closest to your dormitory." Liu Yi said.


Qin Shuangshuang originally wanted to agree, but suddenly changed his mind, feeling that something was wrong.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered what Li Qi had said to her before.

There is no such person as Liu Yi in the Department of Mechanical Engineering!

"Why don't you just stay at the school, how about the entrance of the second canteen?" Qin Shuangshuang suddenly turned a corner.

She didn't know if it was Qin Shuangshuang's illusion, but she clearly felt that Liu Yi had paused.

"Can't you?

Qin Shuangshuang quickly asked again.

"No, it's just that I have already walked to the school gate."

Liu Yi obviously meant what he said, he was hesitant.

Qin Shuangshuang became more and more confused, and even more determined to meet at school.

"Go back a few steps. Anyway, the school gate is not far from the second canteen. I just packed my things. If I go there, the time is just right."


"Then it's decided."

While Liu Yi was still hesitating, Qin Shuangshuang suddenly hung up the phone.

If Liu Yi went to the second canteen to give her the things this time, then she would believe that Liu Yi didn't lie to her, and if that Li Qi met her in the future and said something nonsense, then she would directly go back.

If Liu Yi didn't go, then she would really doubt that what Li Qi told her before was true.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't know why he was so unnecessary.

Obviously, these two people, she doesn't really want to have a close relationship with them, at most, they are just ordinary friends, alumni of the same school.

Probably because he has met Li Qi too many times recently, or because he always mentions in front of her that there is no such a character as Liu Yi in the Mechanics Department, which made her, who didn't care much at first, become suspicious.

"Hey, who is Shuangshuang going to see now; I feel like a boy."

Qin Shuangshuang hung up the phone, packed his things and planned to go back.

At this time Lin Xinyao was on the sidelines, asking her very gossip.

Qin Shuangshuang replied: "A classmate borrowed a notebook from me last time."

"Oh, this beautiful woman is different, even borrowing a notebook is an excuse to strike up a conversation." Lin Xinyao joked with a smile.

Qin Shuangshuang explained with a smile: "What are you thinking? Last time he helped me outside the school gate, and then we got to know each other. I just took another course in our department, and I didn't quite understand it when I was in class. , so I asked me to borrow a notebook to take a look."

"Oh, could this be too much of a coincidence?" Lin Xinyao just said casually: "Nowadays people, don't talk about it just to strike up a conversation, they can use any means."

Lin Xinyao's words made Qin Shuangshuang suddenly stunned!

Zhang Lu was on the side, also aware that something was wrong with her, and immediately asked: "Shuang Shuang, what did he help you, why didn't you hear about it when he came back? Which department is he a student from?"

"I also don't think it's a big deal, so I didn't talk about it."

(End of this chapter)

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