After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1019 Liu Yi Has a Problem

Chapter 1019 Liu Yi Has a Problem

"There is another person standing next to Song Qing'er, maybe she is meeting a friend."

Zhang Lu is too lazy to care so much. Although she doesn't like Song Qing'er, as long as it doesn't hinder her and the people around her, she doesn't bother to care about her.

Besides, who doesn't have a few cronies, right?

"It's really true."

Lin Xinyao's eyes are a bit nearsighted, but she doesn't like to wear glasses, so when she can't see clearly from a distance, she always squints to see.

In order to see more clearly, she actually stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck, then squinted her eyes, like a little old woman, kept looking towards that side.

It looked as if he didn't see clearly and vowed not to give up.

"Let's go, what's there to see."

Zhang Lu didn't want to watch, so she pulled Lin Xinyao, wanting to go back to the dormitory quickly.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Lin Xinyao pulled Zhang Lu away and took two steps forward.

Zhang Lu had no choice but to stand aside and wait for her.

Thinking that she had seen enough, she left!
"Hey, Zhang Lu, come and see, does that person look like Liu Yi?"

However, at this moment, Lin Xinyao suddenly waved at her, meaning to invite her to go and have a look together.

Zhang Lu didn't quite believe it: "How is it possible, maybe that Liu Yi is still with Song Qing'er."

"Come on, come on, let's go and have a look." Just after finishing the words, Lin Xinyao pulled her and quickly ran towards the bushes.

Seeing Lin Xinyao's serious look, Zhang Lu paid more attention to it. Although she still felt that it was impossible, she followed Lin Xinyao and quickly ran towards Song Qing'er.

Just waiting for them to run, Song Qing'er suddenly came out from the bushes.

When looking at Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu who were out of breath, she laughed inexplicably: "What are you doing, are you running?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Xinyao stretched her neck and looked towards the bushes behind Song Qing'er.

Song Qing'er responded calmly: "Nothing, just stay here for a while, is there a problem?"

"Are you alone?" Zhang Lu was not as urgent as Lin Xinyao, she just looked at Song Qing'er and asked.

Song Qing'er smiled: "Otherwise, what's the matter with you, why did you suddenly come here to ask such a strange question?"

"Do you know Liu Yi?"

Lin Xinyao looked around, but didn't see anyone, but turned her gaze away, and asked Song Qing'er angrily.

"What Liu Yi, I don't know him, and I don't know what you are talking about. I'm going home, otherwise it will be dark."

Song Qing'er obviously didn't want to continue talking to them.

But Lin Xinyao didn't want to let her go at all: "You're lying, I just saw you standing here with him."

"You're wrong, I've been here all alone."

"Then what are you doing here alone? Basically no one will come here, aren't you afraid to stay here alone?"

Zhang Lu was not as reckless as Lin Xinyao, so the questions she asked were more level.

"In broad daylight, what is there to be afraid of? I just want to be alone for a while, and am I breaking the law?" Song Qing'er was still smiling, but the eyes that looked at them were not so friendly.


Lin Xinyao didn't believe her at all, just when she was about to say something, she was pulled by Zhang Lu.

Then I heard Zhang Lu's voice: "We only care about you. After all, if something happens to the people in the dormitory, we will be implicated, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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