After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1020 Yuan Beihua Doesn't Like Ruby Lin

Chapter 1020 Yuan Beihua Doesn't Like Ruby Lin

"I'm sure nothing will happen. You'd better manage yourselves."

Song Qinger said that she was already planning to pass Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu, but she seemed to think of something suddenly, she turned her head to look at Lin Xinyao, and suddenly smiled: "Xinyao, you like Yuan Beihua, but as far as I know Yuan Beihua doesn't seem to like girls like you, I advise you, don't waste your time trying to chat with him every day, it's a waste of time."

Song Qing'er's words came a little too fast, so Lin Xinyao didn't react very well, mainly because the span was too big.

Just waiting for her to react, Song Qing'er had already walked several steps.

"Song Qinger, you..."

Lin Xinyao was so angry that she wanted to go up to argue with Song Qing'er, but Zhang Lu held her back.

"Okay, Xinyao, she is angry with you on purpose, can't you see it?"


But she didn't know that Lin Xinyao burst into tears all of a sudden.

Zhang Lu was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses: "Why are you crying? Yuan Beihua didn't say anything to you, did he?"

"Didn't I chat with Yuan Beihua yesterday? He suddenly told me that he thought I was a good friend. I didn't realize what he meant at the time, and I was happy to think that maybe I could be friends with him." Let’s start slowly, after all, we were not familiar with each other before, so it’s good to get to know each other slowly from friends.”

"Song Qing'er's words today reminded me that Yuan Beihua meant that he would never like me, he just wanted to be friends with me."

"Ah woo woo."

After Lin Xinyao finished speaking, she lay on Zhang Lu's shoulder and burst into tears, "Wow, how did he find out about Yuan Beihua? I obviously didn't tell him anything. Why am I in such a miserable situation? But before I confessed, I was rejected."

Zhang Lu patted Lin Xinyao's back lightly, frowning, her heart was full of doubts, but she still comforted Lin Xinyao: "Maybe he just said it casually, Song Qing'er is obviously trying to anger you on purpose, don't be fooled by her." "But why did Yuan Beihua say such a word? He must have felt something, otherwise he wouldn't have said that."

Lin Xinyao was sobbing. Although she hoped that all this was just a coincidence, she was still a little worried.

"Don't talk to Song Qing'er, she has no good intentions. Besides, Yuan Beihua doesn't have a girlfriend yet. If he doesn't like you now, it doesn't mean he doesn't like you in the future. Are you going to give up like this and let him go Any other girls?"

"Of course I don't want to." Lin Xinyao immediately walked away from Zhang Lu's shoulders, then stood up straight, with red eyes, as if she was determined.

"Yeah, so you can't be influenced by Song Qing'er, you know. You do your own thing, I believe Yuan Beihua will definitely like you." Zhang Lu smiled and continued to comfort Lin Xinyao.

"But, but."

Lin Xinyao didn't know what she was worried about, but Song Qing'er's words did affect her, that's for sure.

"Okay, let's go back to the dormitory first. You said you won't go back this week, and those who stay with me at school must count."

Zhang Lu pulled Lin Xinyao to try to divert Lin Xinyao's attention.

"I won't go back. I've already told my mother."

(End of this chapter)

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