After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1028 Lin Xinyao is Sad

Chapter 1028 Lin Xinyao is Sad
"Are you with Song Qing'er?"

Looking at the message Yuan Beihua sent her, such a possibility suddenly came to her mind for some reason.

Why did Yuan Beihua suddenly send her such a message, and why would he say such a thing again.

And it happened after she and Song Qing'er had a dispute!
The answer is obvious, now there are only two possibilities!
First, it was Song Qing'er who sent Yuan Beihua their chat in the group!

Second, Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua are together!
Lin Xinyao would rather that Song Qinger sent the chat records to Yuan Beihua than Song Qinger was alone with Yuan Beihua.

At least now that she is scolded by Yuan Beihua, she can think a little better and feel more at ease!

Yuan Beihua was a bit slow in replying to the message, and only replied a word after a while.


Lin Xinyao looked at which one was a word, and couldn't believe it at all!

Her mind was "buzzing" for a while, as if something had exploded in her ear, before her mind could react, her hand had already sent out the message one step at a time.

This time, Yuan Beihua replied quickly: "Why?"

Lin Xinyao trembled with her hands, and made several typos: "Are you alone with Song Qing'er? Why, why do you want to be with her?"

Yuan Beihua: "Don't you think the question you asked is funny?"

Lin Xinyao didn't know what was wrong with her, she just couldn't believe it, but she didn't dare to continue thinking, her mind was in chaos, but her hands were out of control: "Why?"

Why did she type it again and send it over?

Why does he like Song Qing'er but not her?
Why is it Song Qing'er?

In what way is she inferior to Song Qing'er?
Yuan Beihua seemed to be a little impatient: "There are not so many reasons, do I know you very well? Why should I explain to you? Lin Xinyao, let me warn you, don't bite people everywhere like a mad dog, I don't like you, Whoever I get close to, whether it's a boy or a girl, has nothing to do with you."

"If you treat Song Qing'er like this again, let me tell you, we don't even have to be friends."

Although Yuan Beihua scolded Lin Xinyao angrily, he did not delete Lin Xinyao's contact information because of this.

It's just that Lin Xinyao looked at the lines of words on the phone screen, but she didn't know how she should feel.

What Song Qing'er said to her before, in fact, she should have guessed that it would end like this.

Yuan Beihua doesn't like her!
The unhappiness and unhappiness she was holding back in her heart, she thought that as long as she vented it, she would be fine!

So she tried her best to find fault with Song Qing'er in the group, she just wanted to find an opportunity to have a big fight with Song Qing'er, so as to relieve the depression in her heart!

But what I didn't expect was that Song Qing'er didn't want to talk to her at all, but Yuan Beihua came out and scolded her!
Lin Xinyao felt like a clown who tried her best to perform on stage, but was treated like a fool by everyone in the end.

In the end, the person I like said such hurtful words!

Lin Xinyao couldn't accept it, but she couldn't cry!

She was obviously very sad, so sad that she could feel her heart was bleeding!

But that silent blood can't resolve the sadness at all!

(End of this chapter)

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