After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1029 Lin Xinyao is Sad

Chapter 1029 Lin Xinyao is Sad
Sitting in her seat, Zhang Lu watched Song Qing'er in the group quit the group, but she didn't hear Lin Xinyao's happy voice, that's when she started to be confused.

Looking sideways, she found that Lin Xinyao was staring at the phone in a daze.

Zhang Lu frowned suspiciously, and asked, "What's the matter with you? You were quite excited just now. Yuan Beihua took the initiative to send you a message. Why did you just stare at the phone in a daze? Did Yuan Beihua tell you to be special?" What a surprise, are you overjoyed?"

Zhang Lu Cuncui just wanted to make Lin Xinyao happy, but she said what she said, but she still didn't see any reaction from Lin Xinyao.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Lu felt something was wrong and stood up from his seat, then walked towards Lin Xinyao.

Looking down, he saw the contents of Lin Xinyao's phone, which happened to be the chat dialog between Yuan Beihua and Lin Xinyao.

"Depend on."

Only now did Zhang Lu know why Lin Xinyao just stared at her phone without moving.


Feeling distressed in Zhang Lu's heart, he gently took her into his arms.

"Don't be sad, don't be sad, there are many men in this world, it's Yuan Beihua who doesn't like you, that's his loss, our Xinyao is such a good girl, I don't know how many times better than that Song Qinger, He's just blind."

Zhang Lu also didn't expect things to turn out like this. Although the time of contact was not very long, Zhang Lu still had some understanding of Lin Xinyao's character.

And Lin Xinyao is also very easy to understand, she has a bad temper, speaks very straight, and likes to put her emotions on the surface, if she likes it, she likes it, if she doesn't like it, she doesn't like it, just like Lin Xinyao's attitude towards Song Qing'er in the dormitory.

But Lin Xinyao has a very good heart, she is easily moved, and she is also very soft-hearted!
Although he said he didn't like Song Qing'er, other than showing her face, he never did any tricks behind her back!
Today's disturbance in the group is simply because Song Qing'er's words really offended Lin Xinyao.

Yuan Beihua was like a dividing line in Lin Xinyao's heart, but Song Qing'er wanted to cross this line.

What's more, Song Qing'er wanted to cut this thread.

Why did Yuan Beihua not like Lin Xinyao!

Naturally, Lin Xinyao couldn't swallow this breath, so she vented it in the group!
What he didn't expect was that Yuan Beihua would find out about the matter!

And the messages sent by Yuan Beihua were clearly speaking for Song Qing'er!

Now it is equivalent to the thread in Lin Xinyao's heart being torn off by Yuan Beihua himself!
After Zhang Lu said so much, Lin Xinyao still didn't respond.

He doesn't cry or speak, just like a wooden man!
Zhang Lu didn't know what to do, so she got angry and picked up her phone: "No, I have to call and scold that kid Yuan Beihua for daring to bully our family's Xinyao like this. I can't get rid of the breath in my heart."

It's just that as soon as he took out the phone, his hand was suddenly grabbed.

"Don't hit, don't hit, I'm fine, don't scold him, it's just my wishful thinking, and he didn't do anything wrong."

Lin Xinyao finally came to her senses, but the first sentence she spoke was to defend Yuan Beihua.

(End of this chapter)

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