After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1030 Lin Xinyao is Sad

Chapter 1030 Lin Xinyao is Sad
Zhang Lu's hand paused for a moment, but she didn't continue to call, but she became even angrier: "Xinyao, why are you still speaking for him? Didn't you see what he said about you?"

"It was just wishful thinking on my part."

Lin Xinyao was really hit, and it was quite a blow, although she seemed to be fine at the moment.

But Zhang Lu knew her well. If she could throw herself into Zhang Lu's arms, cry, and even scold Yuan Beihua and Song Qing'er, then Zhang Lu might feel relieved.

But at this time, Lin Xinyao was so calm!

The calmer she was, the more worried Zhang Lu became.

"Don't think like this, no matter what, for whatever reason, I don't think Yuan Beihua should talk to you like this, but this is good, so that you can see him more clearly, and you can get rid of him earlier. Take your mind off of him."

Zhang Lu felt distressed, and wanted to comfort Lin Xinyao, but she couldn't say anything better, and she was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, she would make Lin Xinyao even more sad if she said too much.

"Yeah, I know." But Lin Xinyao smiled at her.

"Xinyao, are you really alright?"

Seeing Lin Xinyao's appearance, Zhang Lu was even more worried, hesitated for a while, and finally asked.

Lin Xinyao still smiled: "What can I do, Zhang Lu, don't make a fuss."

"Aren't you sad?" Zhang Lu was a little worried, but also a little puzzled.

"I'm sad."

Lin Xinyao admitted this very honestly.

Zhang Lu felt more and more strange: "Then you... look like this..."

"What's wrong with me like this? Do you have to cry when you're sad?" Lin Xinyao asked Zhang Lu back.

"No, I don't mean anything else, I'm just a little worried about you, because you're a little too abnormal now."

Zhang Lu was stopped by Lin Xinyao's question, she paused for a while, afraid that Lin Xinyao would think too much, so she hurriedly explained.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me."

Lin Xinyao stood up suddenly: "I took a shower and went to sleep, by the way, tomorrow is Saturday, let's go shopping together."

Zhang Lu was still a little uneasy, but thinking that shopping is also a way to relieve sadness, she agreed.

Early the next morning, Zhang Lu didn't wake up at all, and was quarreled by Lin Xinyao.

"Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu, get up quickly, didn't you say you were going shopping yesterday?"

Zhang Lu glanced at the time on the phone in a daze, it was seven o'clock in the morning!
Oh my god, who would go shopping at seven o'clock in the morning?
"Xinyao didn't see you in such good spirits in the morning class. Can you go later, the mall is not open so early." Zhang Lu closed her eyes and didn't think too much.

"But I can't sleep, my mind is in a mess, I'm so flustered, you should get up quickly, let's go out for breakfast, after breakfast, go for a walk, the mall will open."

But Lin Xinyao was still beside her bed, shaking her, her voice was even more pitiful.

Can't sleep?

Zhang Lu's mind suddenly seemed to clear up.

She is really a fool and a fool, how come she fell asleep and even forgot what happened yesterday?
(End of this chapter)

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