After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1031 Lin Xinyao is Sad

Chapter 1031 Lin Xinyao is Sad
Lin Xinyao couldn't sleep because she was still sad about what happened yesterday.

Opening her eyes suddenly, Zhang Lu immediately got up from the bed, and said to Lin Xinyao with a smile, "Speaking of breakfast, I'm really hungry, I'll get up and change immediately."

"it is good."

Seeing Zhang Lu got up, Lin Xinyao seemed obviously relieved, smiled at Zhang Lu, and hurried down the stairs.

Zhang Lu quickly changed her clothes, washed up briefly, and then dragged Lin Xinyao out of the dormitory.

The two went to have breakfast outside the school. Although the two had already used a very slow speed, it was still very early when they finished their breakfast.

The two of them made up their minds and then went for a stroll in a park not far from the school.

There were quite a lot of people in the park, but they were all old men and old ladies. Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu, two young girls, were quite conspicuous inside.

Afterwards, the two of them came out. After taking a look at the time, it was almost nine o'clock. They just went to take a bus, and then went to the shopping mall in the city center.

On Saturday morning, the traffic is always particularly smooth, and it will arrive in a short while.

The two first went to the nearby underground shopping mall for a stroll, but there were no people there, and many shops were closed.

There was nothing to go shopping, and Zhang Lu took a look at Lin Xinyao, and found that she seemed to be in a waning mood, so she hurriedly pulled her out of the underground shopping mall and went to the nearby shopping mall.

The shopping mall is much more lively. Although there are still few people shopping, at least all the shops here are open.

"Let's go, let's go directly to the women's clothing area on the third floor."

Lin Xinyao pulled Zhang Lu and got on the escalator.

Seeing that Lin Xinyao was interested, Zhang Lu naturally didn't dare to say anything, and hurriedly followed.

Lin Xinyao didn't buy anything, she just dragged Zhang Lu Yilu around non-stop, and by the way, complained about various new products of the season in front of Zhang Lu.

What color of clothes is too ugly!
Why are such ugly clothes so expensive!
Also, has a certain brand changed designers, why are the clothes getting uglier now, and so on!

From the beginning to the end of the walk, Lin Xinyao never stopped complaining!

It seemed quite normal, but Zhang Lu frowned worriedly!
This doesn't look like Lin Xinyao's character. Although Lin Xinyao is careless, she doesn't behave like this.

When shopping, if you pull over any piece of clothing, you can complain from the beginning to the end!
Lin Xinyao's whole body was filled with that very strong negative aura!


Just as Lin Xinyao was pulling Zhang Lu to go shopping for the second time and continue complaining, Zhang Lu finally couldn't help calling out to her.

"Huh? Look at this dress. It's really ugly. I don't know what their shopping guide is for. Did they recruit them with their eyes closed? Such an ugly dress is still hanging in such a conspicuous window." , if I were the person in charge of this brand, I would be so angry on the spot that I would directly fire that person."

Lin Xinyao responded to Zhang Lu, but she still didn't forget to stop.

Zhang Lu was helpless, so she said to her cautiously: "If you feel uncomfortable, you can hold me and cry, maybe you will feel better after crying."

"What are you doing?" Lin Xinyao seemed to be amused.

(End of this chapter)

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