After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1033 Lin Xinyao is Sad

Chapter 1033 Lin Xinyao is Sad
"That's what you meant."

Who knew that Lin Xinyao would not let her go!
Although the shopping guide felt aggrieved, the service industry is not like this. Even if he was aggrieved, he could not argue with Lin Xinyao at this time, so he had to suppress the grievance in his heart, and then smiled: "This lady , It’s my problem, it’s because I didn’t express my meaning clearly, which caused you to misunderstand, I’m sorry, I apologize to you, what else do you need?”

"Yes, I need more, I need money, I need a boyfriend, so you can give me whatever I need."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyao suddenly looked at the shopping guide and said something.

The shopping guide was suddenly taken aback: "This."

"Sorry, sorry, my friend was just joking."

Zhang Lu felt embarrassed and helpless at the side, feeling that the shopping guide was innocent, so she hurriedly apologized for Lin Xinyao.

"it's okay no problem."

The shopping guide didn't care too much, seeing someone stepping down the steps, he naturally hurried down the steps.

As Zhang Lu spoke, she pulled Lin Xinyao quietly, and then whispered, "Okay, Xinyao, let's go out first."

At this moment, Zhang Lu finally understood why Lin Xinyao was so abnormal.

Lin Xinyao was angry in her heart, and she couldn't vent it, so when she took Zhang Lu to go shopping, she kept complaining, and even made trouble for no reason to make things difficult for the shopping guide.

Who knew that Lin Xinyao just shook off Zhang Lu's hand, and then said: "What are you going to do, I don't even care about my clothes, so I won't go out."

"Alright Xinyao, stop making trouble." Zhang Lu still wanted to persuade Lin Xinyao.

"Oh, don't worry about me, you just stand here, if you feel ashamed, you can go out and wait for me."

But Lin Xinyao seemed to have made up her mind to continue making trouble.

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the shopping guide: "Didn't you just ask me what I need, you go and bring me all your new styles to try."

Although the shopping guide felt embarrassed, he still agreed: "Then just wait a moment."

Speaking of which, the shopping guide turned around and went to fetch clothes for Lin Xinyao.

"Xinyao, I know you're upset, but this is a public place, and the shopping guide has no grievances with you, so don't embarrass her. If you want to vent, let's sing, okay? Shout out and vent all the unhappiness in your heart."

Seeing that the shopping guide left, Zhang Lu hurriedly said to Lin Xinyao.

"I'm not unhappy. I just like the clothes here. I used to like them very much. It's just that at that time I thought the clothes here were too expensive, so although I liked them, I never came in to try on clothes."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyao didn't admit it at all, her unreasonable troubles were due to her unhappiness.

"But you don't know how to buy it, just try one or two, and don't embarrass other shopping guides, okay?"

Zhang Lu didn't know what to say anymore, but felt that Lin Xinyao was a bit too much, and just now she had to guide the shoppers to try out all the new models.

"Their clothing store is here, isn't it just for people to try on clothes? Why can't they try on? Even if I don't know how to buy, there is no rule that stipulates that I can't try on clothes? What is the job of a shopping guide, that is, this ah."

(End of this chapter)

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