After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1034 Met Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua

Chapter 1034 Met Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua
It's just that Lin Xinyao has a lot of nonsense, and she doesn't have any thoughts that her behavior is too much.

Zhang Lu got a little angry: "You're just making trouble for no reason, okay, Xinyao, you're in a bad mood, that's your own business, why do you want to implicate others?"

"You said yourself that you wouldn't buy it. Why did you ask the shopping guide to get you more new products of the season? You asked the shopping guide to adjust the size of the coat for you before, and you are already going too far. Do you know that?"

"You are in a bad mood because Song Qing'er and Yuan Beihua offended you. If you have some backbone, then come and find Yuan Beihua with me now, and I will slap you back for the grievance you have suffered."

"You said what you look like now? What kind of hero is bullying an outsider?"

"Zhang Lu, what are you doing, we are good friends, why are you angry with me for an irrelevant person?"

Lin Xinyao suddenly pulled Zhang Lu's hand, her pitiful eyes suddenly turned red.

Looking at her like that, Zhang Lu felt distressed again. Just when she was about to say something, the shopping guide suddenly came over with clothes, and really brought all the new products of the season that Lin Xinyao could wear in size.

Zhang Lu only felt a headache, so she glanced at Lin Xinyao: "Stop making trouble, let's go."

Lin Xinyao was very well-behaved this time, she got up and smiled at the shopping guide: "I'm sorry, I won't try it anymore, I caused you trouble."

The shopping guide was taken aback by Lin Xinyao's behavior, thinking that Lin Xinyao was trying to pick on her again.

But before the shopping guide could react, Zhang Lu had already pulled Lin Xinyao to leave.

Zhang Lu felt quite embarrassed, and said sorry to the shopping guide several times before leaving.

At this moment, someone outside seemed to enter the store again, and the shopping guide had a lot of new products in his arms, so he had to hurry out to receive customers.

"That's right."

Zhang Lu was very relieved that Lin Xinyao could listen to her and was no longer making trouble for no reason!
Just holding her arm: "Let's go to sing, and then go to drink, just the two of us, anyway, tomorrow is Sunday, we make a mess of him, vent all the unhappiness in our hearts, okay? "

"Alright, Zhang Lu, you are the best for me."

Lin Xinyao almost cried.

The two came out from the back together, intending to go out from the shop, but when they came out, they ran into Song Qing'er who was looking at clothes outside!

When Zhang Lu saw Song Qing'er for the first time, Zhang Lu's heart that had already been relaxed suddenly lifted up again.
Just after persuading Lin Xinyao, Zhang Lu didn't even have time to be happy for a minute. What she never expected was that she would meet Song Qing'er at the door.

Song Qing'er seemed to be alone, looking at her clothes while making a phone call.

The last sentence seems to be: "I'll wait for you here, come up quickly."

Then he hung up the phone, and when he looked up, he saw Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu.

When she saw the two of them, Song Qing'er was not surprised at all, but instead smiled at them: "What a coincidence, you are here too?"

"Who happened to be with you? Do we know you? Are we familiar with you? Don't seem to greet everyone as if you are very familiar."

(End of this chapter)

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