After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 1035 Meeting Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua

Chapter 1035 Meeting Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyao spoke in a sarcastic tone very quickly.

"Okay, let's go."

Zhang Lu was afraid that Lin Xinyao would be angry with Song Qing'er again later, so she pulled her to leave quickly.

Because Zhang Lu knew that Lin Xinyao would never be Song Qinger's opponent!
Lin Xinyao was obedient this time, and she didn't stubbornly want to compete with Song Qing'er, but followed Zhang Lu and was ready to go out.

It's just that a person came in suddenly at the door!

The person who came was none other than Lin Xinyao, who made Lin Xinyao feel bad. The instigator of all the incidents was Yuan Beihua.

As soon as Lin Xinyao saw Yuan Beihua, she couldn't walk anymore and immediately froze in place.

Zhang Lu yelled in her heart that it was not good, so she had no choice but to curse secretly, if she had known that there would be so many things going on today, she should not have agreed to accompany Lin Xinyao to go shopping yesterday, let alone come to this shopping mall.

There are so many places to visit around, why come here!

Yuan Beihua also seemed to be in a daze, it was obviously an accident, he would suddenly run into Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu.

After hesitating for a while, he finally decided to say hello, even though he said so many nasty things to Lin Xinyao yesterday.

"Hey, what a coincidence, you are here too..."

"Xinyao, I know that you have misunderstood me a lot, but if you ask yourself, I think I have explained it to you very clearly, and I, Song Qing'er, have always done things aboveboard, and I never hide it. Do you like it? Yuan Beihua is your business, but there is nothing between Yuan Beihua and I. Today, Yuan Beihua happens to be here. I think we can make things clear so that you don't get stuck with me every time you see me. Yes, I don't care, but we are in the same dormitory after all, I don't want to affect the atmosphere in our dormitory because of your misunderstanding of me. "

However, Yuan Beihua hadn't finished his last words when he heard Song Qing'er suddenly speak, in that tone it was obvious that she had been wronged.

When Yuan Beihua heard it, he subconsciously thought that Lin Xinyao had said something nasty again, so he frowned and said to Lin Xinyao: "I told you yesterday, I told you not to bite people everywhere, listen Don't you understand? What is the relationship between me and Song Qinger? Is it related to you? Am I familiar with you? Or do you think it's because you like me that I can't have other women around me? Lin Xinyao, you have too much temper Let’s be clear, you like me, but I may not like you, you’d better figure this out.”

Lin Xinyao was so stunned by Yuan Beihua's merciless words that she couldn't even utter a word.

It's like the words he chatted with her yesterday.

She just looked at him like this, at the look of disgust towards her in his eyes, and the words that made his mouth open and close, which were as sad as swords.

Lin Xinyao didn't even know how to write the word "sad", how to express it!

"Yuan Beihua, are you still a man? Have you ever talked to a girl like this?"

Zhang Lu couldn't stand it any longer, she was furious, she immediately protected Lin Xinyao, and then yelled at Yuan Beihua.

"Besides, even if there is a conflict between Xinyao and Song Qing'er, what does that have to do with you?"

(End of this chapter)

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