Chapter 1043

Yuan Beihua pulled Song Qing'er out of the shopping mall, quickly took out a book from her backpack and handed it to Song Qing'er: "Luo, I brought you the book you want, if there is nothing else, I will leave first .”

He hesitated for a while while speaking: "Don't go to the shopping mall anymore, lest you run into Lin Xinyao and get into a fight later."

After speaking, Yuan Beihua turned around and was about to leave.

I really don't want to be stopped by Song Qing'er as soon as I turned around: "Are you angry? Are you angry with me?"

Yuan Beihua looked back at her, but suddenly laughed: "What are you doing, why am I angry, are you kidding me?"

"But I see that you are angry. I didn't expect to meet Lin Xinyao today. I'm sorry for making you unhappy."

"It's just that you know about Lin Xinyao. She has a bad temper and speaks without thinking. You have seen the news I showed you yesterday. I didn't want to talk to her, and I gave in repeatedly. It's just that sometimes, She is really too much, the more I back down, the more she is too much, I have to argue with her."

Song Qing'er apologized to Yuan Beihua rather coquettishly.

That appearance is as lovely and pitiful as it is!
It's just that Lin Xinyao was really belittled secretly.

"I'm not angry, don't you have something to do?"

Yuan Beihua didn't seem to want to talk about it.

"No, I have nothing to do, it was just an excuse just now."

Song Qing'er smiled, "It just so happens that it's almost time for lunch, and it's hard work for you to travel so far to deliver books to me, why don't I treat you to a meal."

"Do you live near here?"

Who knew that Song Qing'er's words fell silent, but Yuan Beihua asked suddenly.

Song Qing'er didn't react for a while, but was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head: "No, I don't live here."

"Then why did you show up here so early in the morning?"

Yuan Beihua continued to ask.


Song Qing'er was just about to say something, but she suddenly thought of something, and then smiled: "What do you mean by that? Do you mean that I came here on purpose, and then ran into Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu?"

"I didn't say that."

"But that's what you mean." Song Qing'er was still smiling, as if she was joking with Yuan Beihua.

Yuan Beihua looked at Song Qing'er, paused for a moment, and then said, "Then you are?"

"Then you think I am?"

Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er asked Yuan Beihua a question back!
"I don't want to say that."

Yuan Beihua turned around and wanted to leave.

"No, I'm fine, why did I come here to run into them? Besides, you've seen Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu's big opinions on me. I wasn't in the dormitory yesterday, so it's impossible for me to know their whereabouts. I came here today mainly because my mother lives nearby, and I happened to be waiting for you to bring me books, so I went to the mall to look around when I had nothing to do. You know that girls like shopping, but I didn't expect to be so unlucky that I would meet Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu."

At this time, Song Qing'er was quick to explain.

That explains a lot of words, and it sounds like the same thing!
(End of this chapter)

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