Chapter 1044

"Well, I have nothing to do, I'll go first."

Yuan Beihua didn't seem to want to continue discussing this issue with Song Qing'er, so he turned around and planned to leave.

Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er pulled him: "I'll treat you to dinner, if you don't go, it means you're still angry with me."

Song Qing'er has already said so, why can't Yuan Beihua not go?

Although he said he didn't really want to go, he nodded in response.

"Just eat around here."

Song Qing'er nodded: "Well, there are also many places to eat here, let's go."

After talking, the two of them planned to go to eat!

When Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu came out, what they never expected was that they would meet Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua at the door.

And it was a coincidence that Song Qinger's hand was still holding Yuan Beihua's clothes.

The appearance of the two says how close they are, that's how close they are!

Seeing this scene, Li Xinyao snorted coldly: "The last thing I want to see is something I can see, I really shouldn't be out shopping today."

"Okay let's go."

Zhang Lu pulled Lin Xinyao, wanting to leave quickly.

"Hi, Zhang Lu, Xinyao, we are going to have lunch, do you want to come together?"

Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er called them as if nothing happened.

"What are you doing, why are you calling them?"

When Yuan Beihua heard this, he became anxious and asked Song Qing'er in a low voice with some doubts.

There was an unpleasant incident in the mall before, and you forgot it so quickly?
Calling Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu to eat, isn't it a pleasure to rush to find them?
Yuan Beihua really didn't understand what Song Qinger wanted to do.

"Call them to eat together, don't you want to?"

Unexpectedly, Song Qing'er looked at Yuan Beihua with an inexplicable expression on her face, and she didn't know if the voice was intentional, or she didn't pay attention at all, Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu could hear the raised tone clearly.

"Anyone who wants to eat with her will pretend to be disgusting."

"Didn't you just say that you have important things to do? You still have time to eat now. Is Yuan Beihua out of his mind or blind? Song Qing'er is such a liar, what else can he do to protect her?"

Lin Xinyao complained very dissatisfied, and never thought about agreeing to Song Qing'er to eat.

It's just that Zhang Lu suddenly pulled Lin Xinyao to a stop at this moment, then turned around, looked at Song Qing'er and laughed suddenly: "Do you want to treat us to dinner? Okay, shall we go now? It’s also here, so let’s call her together?”

Zhang Lu said this on purpose. Didn't Song Qinger just say that she had something to do, and she didn't want to sit down and talk openly, but now she slapped herself in the face just to deepen the misunderstanding between Lin Xinyao and Yuan Beihua.

It's just that Zhang Lu deliberately didn't mention this matter, but followed Song Qing'er's words, and suddenly accepted her invitation, which she didn't care about at all!

"What are you doing? I don't want to eat with them."

Not only Song Qing'er was stunned suddenly, even Lin Xinyao didn't understand what Zhang Lu meant.

"Listen to me, just wait and watch."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lu looked at Lin Xinyao and suddenly smiled, and then whispered to her in a very mysterious voice.


Lin Xinyao seemed to be thinking about what to say!
(End of this chapter)

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