Chapter 1046

"Then you can choose a better place. The last time Shuangshuang's boyfriend invited us to dinner, it was a good place. Don't lose face this time."

Zhang Lu looked at Song Qinger with a full smile, and when she was talking, she deliberately glanced back and forth between Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua, as if telling Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua that the last time Han Zhiyi was Qin Shuangshuang's boyfriend invited them to dinner Yes, this time Yuan Beihua also invited them to dinner as Song Qinger's boyfriend.

Song Qing'er is not a fool or anything like that, so naturally she understood Zhang Lu's eyes.

He hurriedly let go of the hand holding Yuan Beihua's sleeve, and then consciously took a step back to the side, and then opened the distance between her and Yuan Beihua. After confirming that the two seemed to be at a safe distance, this Only then did he defend Zhang Lu: "I know, there are many good restaurants nearby. In fact, I have long wanted to invite people from our dormitory to have dinner together, but it didn't always happen before. Is it a contradiction, I'm afraid that you may not agree if I say it, so I just let it go and never brought it up."

"It just so happens that today is an opportunity, everyone is here, and we can sit together and have a good chat, don't you think?"

"It just so happens that Shuangshuang's boyfriend is also there, and Yuan Beihua and we are friends again, so we are very happy to get together."

What Song Qing'er said was rather cryptic, and she cleverly defined her relationship with Yuan Beihua as friends.

Zhang Lu naturally knew why Song Qing'er would suddenly leave the relationship between her and Yuan Beihua so clean!

It's all because of Qin Shuangshuang's boyfriend, Han Zhiyi!

Lin Xinyao didn't know, but Zhang Lu knew it clearly in her heart. Although Song Qing'er had been strongly rebutting, Zhang Lu still knew that Lin Xinyao's ultimate goal was actually Han Zhiyi.

Song Qing'er just wanted to use Yuan Beihua's bridge to get close to Han Zhiyi.

It's just that Han Zhiyi is not that easy to get close to, that's why Song Qing'er spends so much time trying to get closer to Yuan Beihua.

As for Lin Xinyao, it was only Song Qinger who wanted to annoy her when she was free.

It's just that Lin Xinyao has a bad temper and is extremely impulsive, that's why she gave Song Qing'er so many opportunities.

Just like yesterday in the group, Lin Xinyao said so many ugly things, and even scolded Song Qinger, no one could bear it.

But Song Qing'er had to act like she didn't care about anything, so she didn't care about Lin Xinyao at all in the group.

But on the surface, he doesn't care about it, but it doesn't mean that he will put up with this matter behind his back.

That's why Yuan Beihua later sent Lin Xinyao a message to scold her!

Yuan Beihua said that he knew about it because he saw Song Qinger's phone call.

Zhang Lu didn't believe this kind of explanation at all!
Who is Song Qinger, and her relationship with Yuan Beihua is not that close. With Song Qinger's cautious character, can she casually let Yuan Beihua see the information on her phone?

So, now there are only two possibilities!

The first one, Song Qinger deliberately let Yuan Beihua see it!
(End of this chapter)

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