Chapter 1047

The second one is that Song Qinger intentionally let Yuan Beihua see it!
As for this purpose, it is very simple!

I gave Yuan Beihua a screenshot of the chat message, and then deliberately cried in front of Yuan Beihua!
Crying about how wronged and excluded I was in the dormitory.

It's so pitiful!

It's not difficult to explain why Yuan Beihua scolded Lin Xinyao so angrily at that time!
Who doesn't love the fragrance and cherish the jade, besides, Lin Xinyao's aggressive personality is indeed not pleasing.

Just like the last time I went to the playground, she had already left Yuan Beihua with a domineering and domineering young lady character. Naturally, Yuan Beihua listened to Song Qinger's crying and really thought that Lin Xinyao was always bullying Song Qinger in the dormitory.

In fact, that was not the case at all. Although Lin Xinyao hated Song Qing'er, other than rejecting her, she never bullied her at all.

So Lin Xinyao's character is not pleasing, she is really at a disadvantage!

Song Qing'er had just finished speaking, and before Zhang Lu had time to say anything, she saw Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi walking out of the shopping mall.

Qin Shuangshuang was walking in front, and Han Zhiyi was walking behind. Although the two were not walking side by side, nor were they holding hands intimately, but the distance was just right enough for others to see that the two were originally together.

After Qin Shuangshuang came out, she saw Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu, and Song Qinger and Yuan Beihua on the other side. Naturally, she quickened her pace happily and ran towards Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu.

And at this time, Han Zhiyi was following her, and suddenly quickened his pace, but he just kept a proper distance.

It's just that there are several steps at the entrance of the shopping mall. Qin Shuangshuang ran so fast that she didn't pay much attention. When she stepped on it, her feet were empty for a while, and then she almost jumped out.

Fortunately, Han Zhiyi at the back had quick eyes and quick hands, he grabbed her all of a sudden, and then reminded softly from behind: "Be careful, walk slowly."

Qin Shuangshuang looked back at Han Zhiyi, and for some reason, her face blushed suddenly, she bit her lip, and then she blushed and nodded: "Well, I see."

As he spoke, he planned to shake off Han Zhiyi's hand.

But he didn't want Han Zhiyi to let her go, but he said very naturally: "Let me lead you away, lest you get really frizzy and fall down later."

Qin Shuangshuang:
What's wrong with this person, why did he look like a different person when he came out.

Everyone in the dormitory is standing here, and Han Zhiyi can be regarded as her boyfriend in name. Qin Shuangshuang can't do too much to separate the relationship between her and Han Zhiyi, so he had to obey Han Zhiyi and didn't resist. struggling or something.

"Shuangshuang, your boyfriend really loves you, even if you walk all the way, you still feel sorry for you, afraid that you will fall down, there is really no one like you who feeds people dog food, and you don't even look at me and Xinyao. It's a single dog, poor thing."

Zhang Lu said this on purpose, in fact, she was also envious, but she said that for Song Qinger.

Because just now when Qin Shuangshuang and Han Zhiyi became intimate, Zhang Lu noticed that Song Qing'er's face darkened directly.

The look in Han Zhiyi's eyes looking at Qin Shuangshuang is even more incredible!
(End of this chapter)

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