Chapter 1049

It's so angry and funny!
Helpless again!

I simply don't know how to describe Lin Xinyao!
Call her stupid, but she is not stupid, call her stupid, but she is not stupid either!
It can only be said that this is not suitable for playing mind games!

"Okay, stop talking."

Zhang Lu teased Lin Xinyao, not wanting her to continue talking.

Lin Xinyao glanced at Zhang Lu with some doubts, but Zhang Lu didn't pay attention to her at all, just looked at Song Qing'er: "Didn't you say you invited us to dinner? What's the matter standing here?"

"Let's go, let's find a place together!"

Song Qing'er didn't care, but she quickly responded.

The shopping mall is located in the city center, and there is a lot of traffic nearby. Naturally, there are many restaurants. The group of people quickly found a restaurant with a decent environment not far from the shopping mall.

Because there is still some time to arrive at the hotel, there are not many people in the restaurant.

After quickly ordering the dishes, the people at the table suddenly became quiet.

At this time, Song Qing'er took a look at Han Zhiyi and Qin Shuangshuang, and asked in a fake manner, "Shuangshuang, do you always stay with Zhiyi during your holidays?"

Song Qing'er always called Han Zhiyi by his first name, and never used the title Shuang Shuang Boyfriend.

Qin Shuangshuang didn't think there was anything wrong before, but I don't know what's wrong when I listen to it today, I just feel uncomfortable!
But being uncomfortable was uncomfortable, so Qin Shuangshuang naturally wouldn't show it.

Just as she was about to answer Song Qinger's question, Han Zhiyi, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

"Well, together all the time."

Although he was lying, his voice was very low, as if he was telling the truth.

"Oh, that's great."

Song Qing'er smiled and nodded, but a look of jealousy flashed quietly and quickly in her eyes.

"Shuangshuang, did you misunderstand me and your boyfriend last time?"

As soon as they came in, Lin Xinyao and Zhang Lu whispered to each other, but they finally stopped talking, and Lin Xinyao suddenly asked about Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang was a little embarrassed when asked this question, so she just smiled: "You said it was a misunderstanding, so don't mention it."

"Hey, it's just a misunderstanding anyway, and it's nothing. It's just that in the eyes of some people, it's an opportunity that can be used. I think it's necessary to make it clear."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xinyao was extremely serious: "I admit that I did fall in love with Yuan Beihua before."

When Lin Xinyao was talking, she still looked at Yuan Beihua generously. That look seemed to make Yuan Beihua feel uncomfortable all over!

Suddenly, his face turned red with embarrassment, and he and Lin Xinyao looked at each other for a second, but his eyes flashed away quickly, and the eyeballs rolled around.

Seeing Yuan Beihua like this, Lin Xinyao thought it was Yuan Beihua who disliked her and didn't even want to look at her. Although she was a little disappointed in her heart, she quickly continued: "That's why I asked your boyfriend, Han Zhiyi, to get in touch. The method, at that time Han Zhiyi should have seen through my thoughts, so he gave me the contact information."

"Is that so, Shuangshuang boyfriend?"

While Lin Xinyao was talking, she suddenly asked Han Zhiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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