Chapter 1050

Han Zhiyi nodded, and responded lightly again: "En."

It can be regarded as acknowledging what Lin Xinyao said just now!

"So I asked for your contact information, but Song Qing'er didn't have it."

When Lin Xinyao said this, she suddenly laughed, but looked at Song Qing'er and laughed: "Song Qing'er, can you tell me why you asked for the contact information of Shuangshuang's boyfriend at that time? You looked at me and asked Did you ask for it? Do you think that Shuangshuang's boyfriend will also give you his contact information?"

Song Qing'er's complexion was a little bad. The incident Lin Xinyao mentioned was a fact, and the person involved was still present, so she didn't even have the chance to deny it or make excuses.

"I'm just curious, why do you need the contact information of Shuangshuang's boyfriend, and I really want to test Shuangshuang's boyfriend for Shuangshuang. Why can't this work? If you didn't ask Han Zhiyi for the contact information, I wouldn't Might go for it."

It's just who Song Qing'er is, she is not the kind of character who will be slaughtered at all.

Turning the eyeballs, there is a new reason!

Lin Xinyao didn't get angry this time, but still smiled, and she smiled very proudly: "But you didn't want to arrive, but I did. What does this mean? It means that your purpose is not simple, but mine But simple."

"It's ridiculous. Do you think you can explain something with just a few words? I didn't ask for it, but it doesn't explain anything."

Song Qing'er didn't want to admit anything at all.

"It doesn't explain anything, so why did you forget yourself when you talked to Shuangshuang? You just told Shuangshuang. I asked for her boyfriend's contact information, and her boyfriend gave it to me, but you didn't tell her. , you also asked her boyfriend for contact information, but her boyfriend didn't give it to you. You only spoke half of what you said, what do you think it means when people listen to it. "

Lin Xinyao suddenly asked Song Qing'er back.

"I don't mean anything, isn't it normal for me to think like this? Han Zhiyi gave you the contact information, and Shuangshuang and I said that we are also responsible for her. Is there something wrong with my thinking?"

Lin Xinyao was also fearless, and when she was talking, she suddenly asked Qin Shuangshuang: "Shuangshuang, do you think I'm right? Although this is just a misunderstanding, my starting point is good, and I didn't What else do you mean? To blame? I can only blame me for being too simple, I didn't think so much, I didn't think about your feelings, so I told you this matter so hastily, which made you think wildly, and even with Han Zhiyi There was a misunderstanding."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

As Lin Xinyao spoke, she seemed to sincerely apologize to Qin Shuangshuang.

Qin Shuangshuang was taken aback for a moment, but she didn't expect Song Qing'er to say such words suddenly.

Sitting at the table for a while, he didn't know what to say, if he wanted to say something that didn't matter, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Lin Xinyao at this time?
Lin Xinyao made it clear that she wanted to confront Song Qing'er about this matter.

But if there is a relationship, then at this time, it means that she is also on the opposite side of Song Qing'er, they both live in the same dormitory, and Qin Shuangshuang doesn't want to make things so rigid.

This matter is indeed a misunderstanding!

(End of this chapter)

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