Chapter 1051

In the final analysis, it was because I didn't trust Han Zhiyi, and I didn't have any confidence in the relationship between myself and Han Zhiyi and myself.

If I had confidence in myself and in Han Zhiyi, maybe there would be no such thing, such a misunderstanding.

Qin Shuangshuang was at a loss for a while!

How to say, or what to say, can this matter, this contradiction be resolved ingeniously.

Hey, it's really a headache!

Why are there so many contradictions!
However, at this moment, Han Zhiyi, who seemed to be indifferent all the time, suddenly raised his head while holding the phone: "Is your contact name called Cocoon and Butterfly? Your profile picture is a selfie of yourself?"

Han Zhiyi didn't call anyone by name, but his eyes were on Song Qing'er, which meant that he was talking to her at the moment.

Song Qing'er froze for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Well, yes, is there a problem?"

"A while ago, did you add me for something? Add it once a day, and you have good perseverance."

Han Zhiyi suddenly took out the phone, the screen of the phone was on, and it happened to be the page added by friends in the chat software.

In Han Zhiyi's new good friend list, there was a long list of people who wanted to add him, but none of them agreed to it.

"What's the matter with you adding me? There are too many people adding me every day, so sometimes I just regularly clean up the reminder messages in order not to be so troublesome. Those added messages will not be read at all, so I didn't see them. Your added information. So you worked so hard to add me before, there must be something wrong? But sometimes if you need to ask me for something, you can also tell Shuangshuang directly, and she will forward it to me. "

In fact, Han Zhiyi had seen it a long time ago, and the reason why he said this was intentional.

By the way, I also emphasized the relationship between myself and Qin Shuangshuang!

Although it was quiet, it was a very special reminder to let everyone understand that the relationship between him and Qin Shuangshuang is very special.

Song Qing'er was very upset when she heard it, but she couldn't show it, let alone say it, so she hurriedly explained: "Actually, it's nothing, but you are Shuangshuang's boyfriend, that is, mine. Friends are gone, so I will add your friends by the way."

"Hehe, adding friends by the way, can you add them every day so persistently? Song Qing'er, when you tell a lie, can you make a draft first? This kind of pediatric lie, even children can't fool it, okay?"

Lin Xinyao spoke disdainfully from the side, and the tone was full of sarcasm.

"I thought he didn't see it. That's why I thought about adding it when I was free. Why did it seem to be a very simple thing when it came to you? Lin Xinyao, why do you have to be so thoughtful? Complicated? When I told Shuangshuang that you added Han Zhiyi, my starting point was very simple, but when it came to you, it was complicated. I really don't understand why you always want to put people in Think bad?"

Song Qing'er looked like a villain who would sue first, Lin Xinyao could only say a word, but Song Qing'er suddenly seemed to be in the dominant position and scolded Lin Xinyao.

(End of this chapter)

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