After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 135 Are you willing?

Chapter 135 Are you willing?
"It's just that the people below brought it, and I just wanted to see it, so I read it in advance."

Su Zhaoxue felt that she was about to vomit blood and die: "Since you have read it, why did you deliberately transfer it just now?"

Isn't this deliberately embarrassing her!
This man is simply
"I adjusted it casually." Qin Zexi was so calm!

It's just that you're out of luck!

Just got transferred by him!
But even if he did it on purpose, he definitely wouldn't say it!
"Then you want to relive the episode with me now?" Su Zhaoxue felt that she couldn't use conventional thinking to deal with Qin Zexi!

This girl's brain circuit is different from others!
Randomly tuned?

Cut, she will believe it?
When she was a three-year-old child!
Qin Zexi's beautiful eyes were suddenly stained with a smile, which was as bright as the clouds in the sky: "I just want to know how to explain the term true character acting."

When Qin Zexi spoke his true colors and played the role, he deliberately dragged the ending sound upwards, giving people the impression that he was deliberately emphasizing these words!
It's really embarrassing to be capitalized!

Su Zhaoxue blushed, but she rolled her eyes in her heart. She really didn't understand why Qin Zexi kept emphasizing these words!

It is said that the script needs it!

"It's just acting in your true colors, um..." Su Zhaoxue still wanted to explain seriously.

It's just that he didn't say anything, but he saw a deeper smile in someone's eyes!

The smiling eyes are slightly raised!

It looks great!

It's just that Su Zhaoxue couldn't appreciate it at this time.

Seeing someone so close at hand teasing herself like this, Su Zhaoxue really choked up: "That's fine, how do you want to act, according to the script? Is that so?"

After speaking, he stretched out his arms, and suddenly wrapped his arms around Qin Zexi.

Then she leaned forward and kissed him!
Su Zhaoxue was originally impulsive and planned to let him go after making a show of it.

Didn't he say that he wants to see his true colors in the role? Isn't the original meaning of the true colors in the role, isn't it to have a real experience?

But I didn't want to look like I did it, but the episodes didn't follow the routine!

Although she rationally wants to control herself, what is more difficult to control than reason is her unrestrained heart.
Difficult to control is difficult to control!

Who let that person be him!
The air in the chest was gradually exhausted, and Qin Zexi was willing to let her go!

Qin Zexi looked down at her, Su Zhaoxue's eyes were misty, as bright as stars in the night sky.

Qin Zexi's eyes darkened, and his throat became dry instantly, as if walking in the desert.


His eyes are as deep as ink, and his voice is as mellow as a cello, which makes people's eardrums vibrate.

A strange feeling flashed across Su Zhaoxue's heart: "Well, what's wrong.?"

"are you willing?"

He looked at her with hope and fire in his eyes!
Although it has come to such a point!

He didn't have to stop, and he didn't have to ask her this question!
But he still wanted to hear her answer with his own ears!
are you willing?
Su Zhaoxue naturally understood what he meant!
She just looked at him quietly like this. At this moment, the sky outside was almost dusk, and the dim light came in from the big French window in the living room and fell on his face.

His eyebrows are handsome and gentle, but there is a distinct emotion in his deep eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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