After becoming Mrs. Qin

Chapter 136 Are you willing?

Chapter 136 Are you willing?
Obviously, his reason was on the verge of flying away, but he still stopped, just to ask her a question, just to hear her answer!
He is eager!
But he still let her make her own choice!

"I don't want you to be sad, and I don't want to force you."

His clear voice was slightly hoarse because of his patience.

"If you don't want to, I'll get up right away."

"I can wait until the day you can accept it."

Even if he waits until the end of time, as long as she is by his side, it is more precious than anything else!
I can wait!

Qin Zexi's voice fell on her eardrums word by word and flowed into her heart!

She just looked at him quietly like this, and suddenly felt a sense of satisfaction from the bottom of her heart!

This man, whom she had loved for more than ten years, did not disappoint her after all.

Her hand is still hooked around his neck, now she only needs to actively raise her head, and that's it!

Her lips lightly touched his lips, and there seemed to be a little shyness in her clear eyes, as if she made a solemn promise: "I am willing."

Just after finishing speaking, her face turned red immediately, and she shrank into his arms: "But, can you not be here."

She didn't see Qin Zexi's expression.

But she knew that when her words fell, he carried her up to the second floor like flying.

The wind whistled in her ears, and she was nervous and looking forward to it.

She could feel his heartbeat beating wildly as if it was about to pop out!
Su Zhaoxue knew that this was what he was looking forward to!

It's just that for this kind of thing, Su Zhaoxue only thought of the beginning, but didn't think of the end!
The man who is usually cold and outrageous actually has a fiery side!
It's like a lion that has been kept in a zoo for a long time, suddenly awakened the animal nature sleeping in its body!
As a result, she didn't finish her dinner, and then she didn't sleep all night!
So the next morning, she didn't wake up at all!

It wasn't until Yu Guo's call came in that she answered it in a daze.

"Sister Xue, have you gone out?"

"Huh? Where do you go?"

Su Zhaoxue was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes, her whole body seemed to be falling apart from overwork.

"Don't tell me you haven't gotten up yet?" Yu Guo couldn't stop screaming.

Su Zhaoxue came back to her senses, then opened her eyes and glanced at the ceiling: "What time is it?"

Only then did Yu Guo confirm that Su Zhaoxue really hadn't gotten up yet, so she said helplessly, "Sister Xue, what were you doing last night? It's already 03:30, if you're not ready to go out, we'll be late later How can I do it?"

"The advertising company said that Xu Qinqi only has one hour to spare for us. If, Sister Xue, Su Zhen catches you as a pigtail and solves your advertisement because of this problem, you will cry this time, but I will Not with you."

Yu Guo, this little girl, is still angry!

The gun is great!
Su Zhaoxue had no choice but to respond with a good voice: "Okay, I know, I'll get up right away, and I promise I won't be late."

"Then hurry up." The humming sound still reminded Su Zhaoxue, but she hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Su Zhaoxue didn't have much time to think, she jumped out of bed after losing the phone.

It's just that she got up in a hurry, and didn't pay attention to the excessive force, which pulled the painful bones all over her body as if they were falling apart.

"Ouch..." Su Zhaoxue scolded someone a thousand and eighty times in her heart!
(End of this chapter)

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